COURSE: MATH 166 (University Calculus II)

COURSE: MATH 166 (University Calculus II)
MWF: 12:00-12:50am in Minard 116
Fall 2013 – 4 credits
Text Book: Calculus: Early Transcendentals (Second
Edition) by Jon Rogawski
Mike Cohen
Applications and techniques of integration; polar equations;
parametric equations; sequences and series, power series.
Campus Phone: 701.231.9378
Prereq: MATH 165.
Office: Minard 406D
Office Hours:
Tues 8am-10am, Weds 1pm-2pm
Request an appointment if you are unable to come during
these hours.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: University Calculus II is intended for students who require the regular science/engineering
calculus sequence in their undergraduate program. With other courses in the sequence, it serves as a prerequisite for many
advanced courses in science and mathematics. Math 166 is designed to develop quantitative skills that will be required for
a variety of technical fields, including physical science, engineering, and mathematics.
Quizzes (based on suggested homework): 25%
Three Tests : 60% (20% each)
Final Exam : 15%
Attendance is mandatory. No make-up quizzes or tests will be given. Students are responsible for all information
given in class, regardless of his/her attendance.
A selection of suggested homework problems will be given daily. Quizzes will be administered each Tuesday and
Thursday at the beginning of the student’s assigned TA session. I may also give unannounced quizzes in class. Quiz
problems will be closely related to the suggested homework problems. If you miss a quiz, its score will be zero. Four
lowest quiz grades will be dropped. There will be three tests. Some of all of these tests will include a take-home portion
and an in-class portion. Tests will be administered Thursday evenings 6:30pm-8pm in Minard 116, on September 26,
October 24, and November 21 respectively. Any scheduling conflicts should be resolved with the instructor well in
advance of the test date. In addition, there will be a comprehensive final exam. You may replace your lowest test score
with the final exam score if the latter is higher. If you miss a test, you may use the final exam score for this test. On some
tests/exam you may be permitted to use a scientiļ¬c or four function calculator but not calculators which can perform
calculus operations. This means no graphing calculators or cell phones during tests under any circumstances.
The academic community is operated on the basis of honesty, integrity, and fair play. NDSU Policy 335: Code of
Academic Responsibility and Conduct applies to cases in which cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct have
occurred in an instructional context. Students found guilty of academic misconduct are subject to penalties, up to and
possibly including suspension and/or expulsion. Student academic misconduct records are maintained by the Office of
Registration and Records. Informational resources about academic honesty for students and instructional staff members
can be found at
Any students with disabilities or other special needs, who need special accommodations in this course are invited to
share these concerns or requests with the instructor and contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible.
Students are responsible for meeting all university deadlines (registration, fee payment, prerequisite verification, drop
deadlines, etc). See the NDSU University Catalog for policies and dates.
Test Schedule and Grading Policies
The following schedule is tentative and is subject to capricious changes in case of extracurricular events deemed
sufficiently important to the upper administration.
Three Tests:
Test 1: September 26
Test 2: October 24
Test 3: November 21
Comprehensive Final Exam and time: Tuesday, December 17, 3:15pm-5:15pm
A – [89.5, ∞); B – [79.5, 89.5); C – [69.5, 79.5); D – [59.5, 69.5); F – (-∞, 59.5)
Exam Policies
• Unless announced otherwise, graphing calculators and/or cell phones will not be permitted for use on tests/exams.
• I expect to give tests on the dates listed above. However, these are tentative dates. I will announce the exact date of each
test in class.
• After a test is returned in class, you have 48 hours to appeal your grade. I will not listen to any appeals after this 48-hour
• NO MAKE-UP TESTS WILL BE GIVEN. A test may be taken prior to the scheduled date. I request a week’s
notice for this accommodation via email. In the event of a schedule conflict with a university function, dental/physician’s
appointment, wedding, formal, etc., you must take the test early. If you do not take a scheduled test, a zero will be
recorded for that test.
There are three in-class tests. If your final exam score is higher than one of your test scores, then that test score will be
replaced with final exam score. If you miss a test, a zero will be recorded for that test score and your final exam score
will replace that one zero. If you receive a zero for cheating on a test, the final exam score will NOT replace that zero.
The final exam score can count as 15% of the course grade or 40% of the course grade. Again, NO MAKE-UP TESTS
• The Final Examination will be comprehensive in the sense that problems may come from any sections that have been
covered during the semester.
• I reserve the right to test and quiz you on problems which are generalizations of material covered in the class and/or in
the text. In short, the problems may not look exactly like the ones in the book.
• Everything that I say in class is fair game for exam material. You will be responsible for everything unless I advise you
to the contrary.
Homework and Quiz Policies
• Homework problems will be suggested on a daily basis, but not collected for grades.
• Quizzes will be given at each TA session, and possibly sometimes during our regular lecture. Quiz problems will be
closely related to suggested homework problems.
• When computing the final grade, I will drop the four lowest quiz grades before computing the average. I have this policy
in case you get sick, have a family emergency, etc., during the semester. You will still be responsible for the material in
such assignments during the examinations.
• Because of this policy, I will NOT give make-up quizzes for any reason whatsoever.