Speakers are announced for the European Tech

Speakers are announced for the European Tech
Tour’s inaugural Cloud & ICT Summit
Unique summit creates platform for start-ups to go global
and access to venture financing
GENEVA, 11 October, 2010 — Today the European Tech Tour Association (ETT) announced
its list of speakers for the first edition of the Cloud and ICT 2.0 Summit 2010, to be held on
November 17-18, in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland. The Summit is a catalyst for the
emerging cloud computing industry in Europe, aiming to assist high-growth start-ups to expand
throughout the world by introducing them to leading venture capitalists and senior tech industry
Key gathering of Europe’s finest innovators, entrepreneurs and IT leaders
From an initial cluster of over 200 companies in the growing cloud computing industry in
Europe, Russia and Israel, the Selection Committee has narrowed its focus down to a group of
70. The CEOs of the 25 most promising and innovative companies will present their vision of the
industry, as well as their business strategies for growth, to an international audience of
influential global investors, technology industry leaders, IT service providers, and academics.
In addition to the companies’ presentations, delegates to the Cloud and ICT 2.0 Summit 2010
will hear from a group of prestigious speakers and panelists, including:
Christian Klezl, Vice President and Cloud Computing Executive, IBM Northeast Europe
Drew Clark, Director of Strategy, IBM Venture Capital Group, IBM Corporation
Nicholas Cumins, Senior Vice President, Solution Management, On-Demand Solutions
for Lines of Business, SAP
Andrew Radley, Head of Cloud Architecture, Colt Technology Services
William Fellows, Co-Founder & Principal Analyst, The 451 Group
Philippe Rochet, Executive Vice-President & CEO, ITS Sogeti, Cap Gemini Group
Jürgen Pfeifer, Cloud Solution Architect, Azure Incubation Team, Microsoft EMEA
Wolfgang von Rueden, Head of CERN openlab
Ben White, Partner at Notion Capital, founder & former CEO, MessageLabs
Cloud Computing, an opportunity for European innovation
It is now well accepted that 35% of companies will embrace cloud computing by the end of
2013. The increased uptake of this new IT infrastructure raises questions for companies of all
sizes as to how they will capitalise on these transformations.
Pierre Liautaud, President of ETT Cloud & ICT 2.0 Summit 2010, said, “The technology
landscape is evolving rapidly, thus creating new ways for enterprises to dream up viable
business models. The Summit will help start-ups to get access to business partnerships and
venture financing in order to go global. Moreover, we are confident and optimistic that the highly
promising and dynamic cloud computing environment opens the gate to new job creation for an
ailing European economy.”
Christian Klezl, Vice President and Cloud Executive at IBM (Gold Sponsor), said: “Cloud
Computing represents a paradigm shift in the provision of IT infrastructure. It is evolution more
than revolution that drives a topical discussion, creates hype and excitement and triggers
numerous questions. At IBM we are committed to partnering with our clients to plan, design and
build Cloud-based architecture, and providing services on the Cloud. We are excited to be part
of the ETT Cloud & ICT Summit as we enter into dialogue on entrepreneurship and innovation in
this highly dynamic environment.”
About ETT
European Tech Tour Association (ETT) was founded in Geneva in 1998 in response to the growing
interest in emerging technology companies in various European regions. ETT is an independent, not-forprofit organisation composed of key contributors to the high-technology industry. ETT recognises that
continued prosperity in Europe lies in its ability transform today's innovative projects into tomorrow's
global technology leaders (www.techtour.com).
ETT’s goal is to promote European entrepreneurship and provide a platform for entrepreneurs and
investors to meet, ideally leading to funding or facilitation of technology companies looking to expand
internationally. ETT looks to identify unique and innovative projects that have the potential to impact the
European technology landscape. It focuses on introducing selected companies to a unique circle of topranking global investors, corporations and advisors. ETT aims to bring more transparency to Europe's
regional and market segments whilst building stronger relationships between regional and international
For further information and phone interviews with Pierre Liautaud, please contact:
Laurian Harry
European Tech Tour Association
+41 (22) 544 60 62
Nicolas Muzi
Weber Shandwick
+32 2 894 90 44