D-1 Appendices Appendix D General Ledger This appendix provides samples of all standard TERMS General Ledger reports. Each sample displays program number, name, and access panel followed by the purpose and audience. Most TERMS programs provide a variety of sequence, selection, and summarization options, therefore the same program may be used to meet different needs. You can see detailed information concerning the available selection criteria for each report by accessing the Prompt Facility, F4 and/or the Help Facility F1. The following list shows the program number and report title with access panel in ( ): • FB151 - Archive Journal (F614) • • FB152 - Post Journal to Ledger (F615) • • FB153 - Create Reversing Journal Entry (F615) • • FB154 - Revenue Ledger Summary (F510) • • FB155 - Expenditure Ledger Summary (F510) • • FB156 - Budget Status Summary (F510) • • FB157 - Trial Balance Sheet (F605) • • FB158 - Balance Sheet (F605) • FB159 - Statement of Revenue & Expense (F605) • FB160 -Journal Report by Account (F606 • FB161 -Journal Report by Vendor (F613) • FB162 - Revenue Ledger Detail (F511) Program: FB151 - Archive Journal (panel F614) Financial Information FB163 - Expenditure Ledger Detail (F511) FB164 - Cash Receipt Detail (F610) FB165 - Budget Amendment Detail (F608) FB166 - Generate FL DOE Acct Input (F619) FB167 - Chart of Accounts (F617) FB168 - Roll Ledger Balance Forward (F618) FB169 - Archive Ledger (F618) FB170 - Print FA-399 Report (F620) FB171 - Update Account Status (F618) FB172 - Revenue Status Summary (F510) FB173 - Purge Journal Entries (F614) V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-2 Appendices Purpose: This program is used by the Finance Department to archive Journal Entries to tape. The frequency of this action is determined by each district based on the size of their computer and the referral rate to old Journal Entries. Audience: Finance Department FB151 F614 Sample School-001-1998EDIT * 02/17/1998 12:46 PAGE- DATE ENTRY PG TY DESCRIPTION/SOURCE CREDIT OFFSET 01141997 555555 001 JE DESC .00 100.00 01141997 555555 100.00 * 01141997 100.00 ** 02051997 133336 001 BA test .00 2760 02051997 133336 .00 * 162532 001 CD POST CASH DISBURSEMENTS .00 1111 02051997 162532 .00 * 345670 001 VD VOID CHECK 20.00 1111 More... 02051997 345670 20.00 * 450500 001 BA Budget Adoption .00 2760 1450000.00 2760 02051997 450500 1450000.00 * V3R1 • 2/15/2016 ARCHIVE JOURNAL EDR12 Archive Journal (FB151) Submitted from F614 S L TNA Fnd.Genl.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm DEBIT U B . . . . . . 100.00 C . . . . . . .00 100.00 100.00 P B 100.2510.5100.0100.2222. . 100.00 100.00 P X 100.1530.5100.0100.2222. . 20.00 20.00 P X 100.1530.5100.0100.2222. . .00 .00 P B 100.2510.5100.0100.2222. . .00 B 100.2510.5100.0100.2222. . .00 .00 User Guide Appendices 02051997 1450020.00 ** 03051997 555555 001 CD BATCH .00 1111 03051997 555555 .00 * 555556 001 CD BATCH .00 1111 03051997 555556 .00 * 680003 001 CD BATCH .00 1111 002 CD BATCH .00 1111 Financial Information D-3 120.00 CASH DISBURSEMENTS P X 100.1530.5100.0100.2222. . 55.00 55.00 CASH DISBURSEMENTS P X 100.1530.5100.0100.2222. . 75.00 75.00 CASH DISBURSEMENTS P X 100.1530.5100.0510.1111. . 50.00 CASH DISBURSEMENTS P X 100.1530.5100.0510.1111. . 5.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-4 Appendices Program: FB152 - Post Journal to Ledger (panel F615) Purpose: This program is used by the Finance Department to post Journal Entries that were previously generated but not posted. It allows the user to post a whole group of Journal Entries instead of calling them up one at a time using panel F612. Audience: Finance Department FB152 F615 Sample District-005-1998 * EDIT * 07/30/1997 14:46 PAGE- POST JOURNAL TO LEDGER Post Journal Entries to Ledger L A Fnd.-GL-.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm DATE ENTRY PG TY DESCRIPTION CREDIT OFFSET 07031997 300001 001 RC test R 410.1111.0400.0570.4444. . -------D **** -----------DATE AMOUNT NUMBER BANK VENDOR REC: 07031997 0000001 -------- ------------- --------DEP: 07031997 100.00 000000001 1000 INV: 0000000000 UNKNOWN ----------07031997 POSTED .00 ERROR .00 07301997 450004 001 JE display FB152 batch submission A 100.1111. .0160.1111. . -------* 450005 001 JE FB152 batch submission A 100.1111. .0160.1111. . -------* 450006 001 JE FB152 Batch Submission A 100.1111. .0160.1111. . V3R1 • 2/15/2016 EDR12 DEBIT ------------- - .00 .00 10000.00 5000.00 200.00 User Guide Appendices Financial Information D-5 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-6 Appendices Program: FB153 - Create Reversing Journal Entry (panel F615) Purpose: The Finance Department uses this batch process to reverse a batch of Journal Entries. The reversed Journal Entries will be unposted, so they must be posted by FB152 on panel F615. Audience: Finance Department FB153 F615 Sample School-003-1998 09/22/1997 16:1 DATE V3R1 • 2/15/2016 ENTRY PG CREATE REVERSE JOURNAL ENTRY DESCRIPTION CREATE POST DATE DATE REQUEST 003 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL -----REVERSE------ E DATE ENTRY PG R 51 JNB RECORDS SELECTED 58 JNA RECORDS SELECTED 51 JNB RECORDS WRITTEN 58 JNA RECORDS WRITEEN User Guide Appendices D-7 Program: FB154 - Revenue Ledger Summary (panel F510) Purpose: The Finance Department uses this program at month end or whenever a review of the revenue is needed to print a summarized overview of the district’s revenue position. Report totals are period to date. Audience: Finance Department FB154 F510 Sample District-001-1998 12:17 PAGE- REVENUE LEDGER SUMMARY EDR12 07/31/1997 Revenue Ledger Summary FB154 Submitted from F510 Fnd - 100 9798 T Fnd.Objt.Cntr RECEIVABLE B 100.3310.1111 .00 A 100.3310.1111 .00 B 100.3310.2222 .00 A 100.3310.2222 .00 B 100.3310.3131 .00 A 100.3310.3131 .00 B 100.3310.3333 .00 A 100.3310.3333 .00 B 100.3310.4141 .00 A 100.3310.4141 .00 B 100.3310.4444 .00 A 100.3310.4444 .00 Financial Information General Fund PRD-01UNKNOWN BUDGET ACCRUED RECEIVED COLLECTED ACTUAL .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-8 Appendices B 100.3310.5555 .00 A 100.3310.5555 .00 B 100.3310.7777 .00 A 100.3310.7777 .00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 User Guide Appendices D-9 Program: FB155 - Expenditure Ledger Summary (panel F510) Purpose: The Finance Department uses this program at month end or whenever a review of expenses is needed to print a summarized overview of the district’s expenses. Report totals are period to date. Audience: Finance Department FB155 F510 Sample District-002-1998 07/31/1997 12:31 PAGE- EXPEDITURE LEDGER SUMMARY Expenditure Ledger Summary Submitted from F510 Fnd - 100 9798 TY Fnd.Objt.Cntr AVAILABLE % REM B 100.0100.1111 .00 A 100.0100.1111 B 100.0100.2222 .00 A 100.0100.2222 B 100.0100.3131 .00 A 100.0100.3131 B 100.0100.3333 .00 A 100.0100.3333 B 100.0100.4141 .00 Financial Information EDR12 FB155 General Fund PRD-01UNKNOWN BUDGET COMMITTED ENCUMBERED EXPENDED .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-10 Appendices Program: FB156 - Budget Status Summary (panel F510) Purpose: This program prints a summary listing of expenditure accounts. Descriptions are printed for all dimensions that make up the Account Strip, thus making the report more readable for someone not familiar with all the dimension definitions. Audience: School, Department, Fund, and Project managers. FB156 F510 Sample School-003-1998 09/22/1997 16:19 PAGE- BUDGET STATUS SUMMARY EDR12 Budget Status Summary FB156 Submitted from F510 Fnd - 100 General Fund 1998 TY Objt.Cntr AVAILABLE % REM 0100 Salaries A 1111 Lakeside Elementary 0.00 .00 A 2222 Dr. Smith Elementary 0.00 .00 A 3131 East Lake Middle School 0.00 .00 A 3333 Borzner Middle School 0.00 .00 A 4141 Andrews High School 0.00 .00 A 4444 Kelley High School 0.00 .00 A 5555 Phillips Vocational Center 0.00 .00 A 7777 Silver Sands Exceptional 0.00 .00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 PRD-01 JULY BUDGET COMMITTED ENCUMBERED EXPENDED 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 User Guide Appendices D-11 Program: FB157 -Trial Balance Sheet (panel F605) Purpose: This program prints a list of the district’s assets, liabilities, and fund equity. The report shows beginning balance, current period debits, current period credits, and ending balance. The Finance Department uses this report at month end to verify G/L Account balances. Audience: Finance Department FB157 F605 Sample District-001-1998 07/30/1997 16:41 PAGE1 Fnd - 100 General Fund 9798 TRIAL BALANCE SHEET PRD-01UNKNOWN BEGINNING CURRENT BALANCE BUDG DEBITS 3,497.50 BALANCE DEBITS CREDITS 1520 Encumbrances .00 3,497.50 .00 1530 Expenditures .00 250.00 .00 * TOTAL BUDG DEBITS .00 3,747.50 .00 ** TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS .00 3,747.50 .00 2720 Reserve/Encumbrances .00 .00 3,497.50 TOTAL LIABILITIES .00 .00 3,497.50 Appropriations .00 600,000.00 2,550,124.00 TOTAL BUDG CREDITS .00 600,000.00 2,550,124.00 Unreserved Fund Balance .00 2,449,874.00 500,000.00 TOTAL FUND EQUITY .00 2,449,874.00 500,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OTHER CR .00 3,049,874.00 3,053,621.50 250.00 3,747.50 3,747.50 LIABILITIES 3,497.50 * 3,497.50 BUDG CREDITS 2510 1,950,124.00 * 1,950,124.00 FUND EQUITY 2760 1,949,874.00* 1,949,874.00** 3,747.50 Financial Information V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-12 Appendices Program: FB158 - Balance Sheet (panel F605) Purpose: This program prints the month end balance sheet. The Finance Department prints this report when they are ready to close the month or whenever a review of the district’s financial position is needed. Audience: Finance Department FB158 Req C F P H REQUEST LOADED 002 01 B Y B T I/E Sequence 2 I 12 REQUEST LOADED FB158 F605 Sample District-002-1998 07/30/1997 16:53 PAG Prd Sr 01 D Lin Fnd.-GL-.Project xxx.xxxx.xxxxxxx 001 100. . Summ: Fnd.-GL-.Project . . BALANCE SHEET Balance Sheet Fnd 9798 - 100 FB158 General Fund PRD-01UNKNOWN LIABILITIES FUND EQUITY V3R1 • 2/15/2016 EDR12 2720 * 2760 * * ** Reserve/Encumbrances TOTAL LIABILITIES Unreserved Fund Balance TOTAL FUND EQUITY EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND EQUITY 3,497.50 3,497.50 1,949,874.001,949,874.001,946,376.50 .00 User Guide Appendices D-13 Program: FB159 - Statement of Revenue and Expenses (panel F605) Purpose: This report shows totals for all revenue and expenditure G/L accounts and calculates excess revenue over expenditures. The Finance Department prints this report when it is ready to close the month or whenever a review of the district’s financial position is needed. Audience: Finance Department FB159 Req C F P H REQUEST LOADED 003 01 C Y B T I/E Sequence Prd Sr Summ: Fnd.-GL-.Project 2 I 12 01 D . . Lin Fnd.-GL-.Project xxx.xxxx.xxxxxxx REQUEST LOADED 001 . . FB159 F605 Sample District-003-1998 BALANCE SHEET EDR12 07/31/1997 08:17 PAG Statement of Revenue & Exp Fnd - 100 General Fund PRD-01UNKNOWN 9798 REVENUES 2510 Appropriations 1,950,124.00 * TOTAL REVENUES 1,950,124.00 EXPENDITURES 1520 Encumbrances 3,497.50 1530 Expenditures 250.00 * TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,747.50 ** EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE 1,946,376.50 Financial Information V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-14 Appendices Program: FB160 - Journal Report by Account (panel F606) Purpose: This program prints a list of all the Journal Entries that make up the G/L Account balances. The report is helpful in tracking down account balance problems because it shows all the activity against an account. Audience: Finance Department FB160 F606 Sample District-001-9798 08/18/1997 11:05 PAGE1 DATE ENTRY PG TY DESCRIPTION/SOURCE DEBIT CREDIT 10 07071997 400007 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT 60.00 JOURNAL REPORT BY ACCOUNT EDR12 Journal Report by Account FB160 ST N LA Fnd.-GL-.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm P N 100.1520.5100.0510.4141. . N 100.2720. 60.00 07071997 400007 60.00 60.00 * 07071997 60.00 60.00 ** 07081997 400012 001 BA Budget Adoption P B 700.1100.7900.0160.4444. B 700.2720. B 700.1100.7900.0160.4444. . . 50000.00 B 700.2720. 50000.00 07081997 400012 50000.00 50000.00 * 400013 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT 50.00 P N 700.1520.7900.0160.4444. . N 700.2720. 50.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 User Guide Appendices D-15 Program: FB161 - Journal Report by Vendor/PO (panel F613) Purpose: This program prints a list of all the Journal Transactions that are associated with a given Vendor, PO, Check Number, or user. The report will be helpful to the Finance Department when it is trying to research the impact of a PO or Check Number on the Ledgers. Audience: Finance Department FB161 F613 Sample District-001-9798 08/14/1997 11:24 PAGEDATE ENTRY PG TY DESCRIPTION/SOURCE DEBIT CREDIT 10 07031997 400001 001 RC Test2 100.00 JOURNAL REPORT BY VENDOR/PO EDR12 Journal Report by Vendor/PO FB161 ST N LA Fnd.-GL-.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm P R 410.1111. .3338.4444. . N 700.1520.7900.0160.2222. . R 410.1111. 100.00 07031997 400001 100.00 100.00 * 07031997 100.00 100.00 ** 07071997 400001 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT 50.00 P N 700.2720. 50.00 07071997 400001 50.00 50.00 * 400002 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT 1125.00 P N 100.1520.5100.0510.4141.0000001. N 100.2720.0000001 1125.00 07071997 400002 1125.00 1125.00 * 400003 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT 20.00 Financial Information P N 100.1520.5100.0640.4141. . V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-16 Appendices Program: FB162 - Revenue Ledger Detail (panel F511) Purpose: This program prints a list of all the Journal Entries that make up the Revenue Account balances. The report is helpful in tracking down account balance problems because it shows all the activity against an Account. Audience: Finance Department FB162 F511 Sample School-001-1998 Fnd - REVENUE LEDGER DETAIL Revenue Ledger Detail FB162 Submitted from F511 08/26/1997 12:29 PAG NOT USED L Fnd.Objt.Cntr DESCRIPTION/SOURCE T DATE . . Adopt new plan (N2) . . . . Fnd - 100 General Fund Fnd.Objt.Cntr DESCRIPTION/SOURCE T DATE 100.0160.1111 display FB152 batch submission additional description 100.0160.1111 FB152 batch submission 100.0160.1111 FB152 Batch Submission 100.0160. 100. . V3R1 • 2/15/2016 EDR12 NUMBER BANK A A NUMBER BANK A AMOUNT DATE ENTRY PG TY A 10000.00 07301997 450004 001 JE A A AMOUNT DATE ENTRY PG TY 15000.00 - 07111997 500001 001 JE 15000.00- * 15000.00- ** 5000.00 07301997 450005 001 JE 200.00 07301997 450006 001 JE 15200.00 * 15200.00 User Guide Appendices D-17 Program: FB163 -Expenditure Ledger Detail (panel F511) Purpose: This program prints a list of all the Journal Entries that make up the Expenditure Account balances. The report is helpful in tracking down account balance problems because it shows all the activity against an Account. Audience: Finance Department FB163 F511 Sample School-002-1998 08/26/1997 12:29 PA EXPENDITURE LEDGER DETAIL Expenditure Ledger Detail Submitted from F511 Fnd - 100 Fnd.Objt.Cntr DATE ENTRY 100.0100.1111 07091997 888888 100.0100.1111 07311997 500005 100.0100. 100.0510.4141 07071997 400002 100.0510.4141 07071997 400004 100.0510.4141 07071997 400005 100.0510.4141 07071997 400006 100.0510.4141 07071997 400007 EDR12 FB163 General Fund DESCRIPTION/SOURCE PG VENDOR PO L A AMOUNT TY budget B 500000.00- creating activity account budg B 550000.00- 001 BA 001 JE BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000000734 00001002 N 1050000.00- * 1125.00 BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000001028 00001004 N 1100.00 BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000001027 00001005 N 1072.50 BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000007203 00001006 N 120.00 BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000002156 00001007 N 60.00 BATCH PO - POST/PRINT V0000002156 00001003 N 001 JE 001 JE 001 JE 001 JE 001 JE 100.0510. 100.0640.4141 07071997 400003 001 JE 100.0640. 100. . Fnd - 200 Debt Service Funds 3477.50 * 20.00 20.00 * 1046502.50- ** L Financial Information V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-18 Appendices Fnd.Objt.Cntr DATE ENTRY 200.0200.7777 07091997 450001 200.0200.7777 07091997 450001 200.0200.7777 07101997 145519 200.0200.7777 07141997 450025 200.0200.7777 07141997 450025 200.0200.7777 08061997 033300 DESCRIPTION/SOURCE PG VENDOR PO A AMOUNT Budget Adoption B .00 Budget Adoption B 10000.00 V0000000734 00000077 N 50.00 Budget Adoption B .00 Budget Adoption B 12500.00 X 100.00 TY 001 BA 001 BA ON-LINE PO - POST 001 JE 001 BA 001 BA BATCH CASH DISBURSEMENTS V0000000055 001 CD Program: FB164 - Cash Receipt Detail (panel F610) Purpose: This program prints a detail list of all cash receipts posted to the Journal. It will be used to reconcile cash receipts at month end. With this report the user can verify the receipts that make up each deposit, and verify the accounts that make up each receipt. Audience: Budget Developers and Budget Department REQUEST 00131997 .00 000000051 6000 09031997 555551 001 RC P .00 FB164 F610 Sample School-001-1998 CASH RECEIPT DETAIL 09/03/1997 08:31 PA Cash Receipt Detail FB164 RECEIPT-----NUMBER DC DATE AMOUNT 0000051 09031997 DB 100.00 0000053 09031997 DB 200.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 ----- -----BANK----- -- EDR12 -------JOURNAL--------- AMOUNT NUMBER BANK DATE NUMBER PG TY ST LA Fnd.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm 100.00 000000051 6000 09031997 555551 001 RC P R 410. .0160. . . 200.00 000000053 6000 09031997 555553 001 RC P R 410. .0160. . . User Guide Appendices REQUEST 001 300.00 Financial Information D-19 300.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-20 Appendices Program: FB165 -Budget Amendment Summary (panel F608) Purpose: This program prints a list of Budget Amendments made throughout the district. It will be used by the Budget Department periodically to review all Budget Amendments, especially those made at the school level. Audience: Budget Department FB165 F608 Sample School-001-1998 09/22/1997 16:19 PAGE- BUDGET AMENDMENT SUMMARY Budget Amendment Summary Cntr DATE NOT USED ENTRY PG ST Fnd.Genl.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm EDR12 FB165 AMOUNT F-T PGM USERID DATE TERMINAL 09191997 623333 001 U 400.1100. .3191. . . 50.00 F F609 EDR12 QPADEV0002 Cntr .00 TO Cntr - 1111 Lakeside Elementary DATE ENTRY PG ST Fnd.Genl.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm TERMINAL 07311997 500005 001 U 100.2760.5100.0100.1111. . QPADEV0005 Cntr .00 TO Cntr - 2222 Dr. Smith Elementary DATE ENTRY PG ST Fnd.Genl.Func.Objt.Cntr.Project.Pgm TERMINAL 08211997 454545 001 P 700.2510.7900.0160.2222. . 08211997 QPADEV0004 09221997 666470 001 U 700.2510.7900.0160.2222. . QPADEV0004 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 TOTAL AMOUNT 550000.00 1111 F-T PGM F TOTAL AMOUNT 50.00 F612 FROM USERID EDR12 550000.00 F-T PGM DATE FROM USERID 20.00 F F607 EDR12 20.00 T FB153 EDR12 DATE User Guide Appendices D-21 Program: FB166 - Generate FL DOE Account Input (panel F619) Purpose: System. This program generates the Florida DOE transaction file used by Phase III of the Cost Reporting Audience: Finance Department personnel FB166 F619 INPUT / / : PAGE-1 ----------------- INPUT DETAIL ------ GENERATE DOE COST ACCOUNTING AMOUNT ----------- DOE DATA(VARIABLE) ---------------FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 FLAKEY V311998X100 999 FLAKEY V311998X100 Financial Information FD TABLE CNTR CTL 6000 6000 6000 6120 6120 6130 6130 6130 6130 6130 0160 0160 0160 0160 0160 0160 0160 0160 0510 0510 1111 3333 4141 1111 4141 1111 3333 4141 4444 4444 6130 0590 1111 ----- V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-22 Appendices Program: FB167 - Chart of Accounts (panel F617) Purpose: This program prints the Chart of Accounts. The report can be printed in any sequence of dimensions. You have the option of printing accounts used by the General, Revenue, or Expenditure Ledgers. The accounts can also be printed by status, either active or inactive. Reports may be produced for any fiscal year having records. Generic selection is available in each account dimension. Audience: Finance Department Personnel. FB167 F617 Sample School-001-1998 CHART OF ACCOUNTS 02/17/1998 11:49 PAGELDGR BUDGET AVL AWHS ORG UNIT X 200.5100.0510.1111 Y X 200.5100.0510.2222 200.5100.0510.1111 Y X 200.5100.0510.3333 200.5100.0510.1111 Y X 200.7500.0200.3131 Y 0182000000 X 200.7500.0200.7777 Y 0183200000 LEDGER X TOTAL 5 RECORDS READ REQUEST 001 TOTAL 5 RECORDS READ V3R1 • 2/15/2016 User Guide Appendices D-23 Program: FB168 - Roll Ledger Balance Forward (F618) Purpose: This program rolls Ledger balances forward to the next year after the current year has been balanced and closed. Although intended to process General Ledger accounts, the program is capable of rolling subsidiary Ledgers as well. It is not recommended that this be done unless the new year is the first one in which TERMS is being used. Back up files then run in edit mode first. Audience: Finance Department personnel. No data. Financial Information V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-24 Appendices Program: FB169 - Archive Ledger (F618) Purpose: Audience: Finance Department personnel FB169 F618 Sample District-002-1998 * EDIT * EDR12 04/07/1998 09:29 PAGE-1 ARCHIVE LEDGER Archive Ledger REQUEST 002 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL V3R1 • 2/15/2016 0 0 148 163 0 0 0 0 FLB FLA FLB FLA FLB FLA FLB FLA TAPE TAPE DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS READ READ SELECTED SELECTED WRITTEN WRITTEN DELETED DELETED User Guide Appendices D-25 Program: FB170 - Print FA-399 Report (F620) Purpose: This program produces the monthly FA-399 reports for selected projects as required by the funding agencies. The format, sequence, and content of this report are prescribed (including a signature line.) The program works across fiscal year boundaries and is typically run on a monthly basis for each project which must be reported. Audience: Finance Department Personnel. FB170 F510 Sample School-001-1998 01/27/1998 12:33 PAGE- FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EDR12 PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY AND EXPENDITURE REPORT PRD-07 JANUARY 1998 PROGRAM Project-0000001 Title I Math CURRENT Func Objt EXPENDITURES 5100 0510 .00 DESCRIPTION OFFICIAL PROJ # BUDGETED TOTAL EXPENDITURES UNEXPENDED AS OF 01/31/1998 BALANCE Supplies 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 TOTALS 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 0% REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 0 TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS 0% 0% .00 .00 .00 .00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE PROJECT RECAPITULATION SHOWN ABOVE AND THAT THE ITEMS SHOWN THEREON ARE PROPERLY CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THIS DISTRICTS CURRENT CHART OF ACCOUNTS. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ALL THE EXPENDITURES INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT WERE OBLIGATED FOR SUBSEQUENT TO PROJECT APPROVAL DATE AND PRIOR TO THE TERMINATION DATE. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ALL EXPENDITURES HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS AND WERE INCLUDED ON THE APPROVAL INDICATED ABOVE, THAT NO PRIOR REPORT HAS BEEN MADE FOR ANY ITEM REPORTED AS CURRENT EXPENDITURES AND THAT ALL INVENTORY ITEMS INCLUDED HEREON HAVE Financial Information V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-26 Appendices BEEN PROPERLY ENTERED ON THE INVENTORY RECORDS AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT NONE OF THE EXPENDITURES REPORTED HEREIN WILL BE USED FOR MATCHING FUNDS ON THIS OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL PROJECT. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ALL RECORDS NECESSAR TO SUBSTANTIATE THIS REPORT ARE ON FILE AND AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AS NECESSARY BY STATE AND FEDERAL MONITORING STAFF. CERTIFIED CORRECT_______________________________________________DATE___/___/______ FINANCE OFFICER EFFECTIVE APPROVAL DATE TERMINATION DATE LAST DATE TO ENCUMBER AGAINST THIS PROJECT LAST DATE TO EXPEND FROM THIS PROJECT DATE___/___/______ AUDITED________ Program: FB171 - Update Account Status (F618) Purpose: This program updates the account status,(i.e., Y = Available, N = Not Available) for all accounts in the selected Ledger and closes accounts that are out of date. It also updates fields for the Ledger that are derived from the individual dimensions. These fields are updated for the Ledger Budget record: FDATE, TDATE, NDATE, XDATE, A, W, H, S, ORG. These same fields are updated for the Ledger Activity record, plus the 1099 field which isn't stored in the Ledger Budget. Audience: Finance Department personnel FB171 F618 Sample District-001-1998 EDR12 04/07/1998 09:31 PAGE- 1 UPDATE ACCOUNT STATUS Update Account Status From F618 REQUEST 001 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL V3R1 • 2/15/2016 0 FLB RECORDS READ 0 FLB RECORDS UPDATED 0 FLA RECORDS READ User Guide Appendices TOTAL Financial Information D-27 0 FLA RECORDS UPDATED V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-28 Appendices Program: FB172 -Revenue Status Summary (F510) Purpose: This program produces a summary listing of revenue accounts. Descriptions will be printed for all dimensions that make up the account strip, thus making the report more readable for someone not familiar with all the dimension definitions. The summarization and sequencing features can be used to create reports for school/department use, project manager use, or fund manager use. Due to the length of this report, FB154 is better for expert users. Audience: Finance Department, School/Departments, Project Managers, and Fund Managers. FB172 F510 Sample School-004-1998 02/17/1998 13:06 PAGEFnd - 100 General Fund FEBRUARY 1998 TY Objt.Cntr COLLECTED TOTAL 0120 Classroom Teachers A .... 0.00 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 0160 Other Support Personnel A .... 0.00 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 3122 Federal Impact, Construction A .... 0.00 0.00 * 0.00 0.00 3310 FL Education Fin Pgm A 1111 Lakeside Elementary 0.00 0.00 A 2222 Dr. Smith Elementary 0.00 0.00 A 3131 East Lake Middle School 0.00 0.00 A 3333 Borzner Middle School 0.00 0.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 REVENUE STATUS SUMMARY PRD-08 EST REVENUE ACCRUED RECEIVED 7523.00 0.00 0.00 7523.00 0.00 0.00 6480.00 0.00 0.00 6480.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.32 0.00 0.00 56.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 User Guide Appendices A 0.00 A 0.00 Financial Information 4141 4444 Andrews High School 0.00 Kelley High School 0.00 D-29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 V3R1 • 2/15/2016 D-30 Appendices Program: FB173 - Purge Journal Entries (F614) Purpose: This program purges base and account records of Journal Entries using the FROM/TO range. Use it with caution and only when other alternatives have been exhausted. In certain instances, purging Journal Entries can cause negative repercussions. Audience: Finance Department personnel No data. V3R1 • 2/15/2016 User Guide