Illinois School Board of Education General Ledger Numbers Proviso Township High Schools Illinois School Code General Ledger Numbers Workshop What are the components of an Expense General Ledger Number? The account number is segmented into five separate fields requiring five entries every time the account number is entered. Each field must have a number even if it is zero. 15 digits that, once understood, really do make the budget process easy! 10-1130-0000-01-000 FUND NUMBER 10-0000-0000-00-000 FUND NAMES 10 - Education Fund 20 - Operations & Maintenance Fund 30 - Bond & Interest Fund 40 - Transportation Fund 50 - Municipal Retirement/Social Security Fund 60 - Site & Construction Fund 70 - Working Cash Fund 80 - Rent Fund 90 - Life Safety Fund EXPLANATION OF FUNDS 10 - EDUCATON FUND - The greatest variety and the largest volume of transactions are recorded in this fund. Expenditures that must be charged to this fund include the direct costs of instructional, health and attendance services, lunch programs and all costs of administration and related insurance costs. 20 - OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FUND - Costs of maintaining, improving and repairing buildings and property are charged to this fund. EXPLANATION OF FUNDS 30 - BOND & INTEREST FUND - In general, bonds are issued to finance the construction of buildings but may be issued for other purposes. Taxes are levied to provide cash to retire these bonds and to pay the interest on them. 40 - TRANSPORTATION FUND – Costs of transporting students, for any purpose, including the purchase of vehicles and insurance on buses are paid from this fund. EXPLANATION OF FUNDS 50 - MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT/SOCIAL SECURITY FUND – This fund provides for the District’s share of retirement benefits for covered employees and for the District’s share of Social Security and Medicare Only payments for employees. 60 - SITE & CONSTRUCTION FUND – Expenditures that may be charged to this fund include the purchase of land sites, actual construction costs, and other site costs such as landscaping, parking lots, sidewalks, and utility connections. EXPLANATION OF FUNDS 70 - WORKING CASH FUND – This fund is created when a separate tax is levied, or if bonds are sold, for it’s purpose. It’s purpose is to make cash available to be loaned to the Education Fund, the Operations & Maintenance Fund or the Transportation Fund in order that Tax Anticipation Warrants in these funds will be reduced or eliminated. 90 - LIFE SAFETY FUND – This fund is used for construction expenses related to student safety. FUNCTION NUMBER 10-0000-0000-00-000 FUNCTION designates the action or purpose for which this account number exists. Examples Of Functions Are: 1130 1200 1400 2310 2410 2520 - High School Special Education Vocational Programs Board of Education Principal Fiscal Services OBJECT NUMBER 10-0000-0000-00-000 OBJECT indicates the service that is obtained by this expenditure. 1xxx 2xxx 3xxx 4xxx 5xxx 6xxx Salaries Benefits Purchased Services Supplies and Materials Capital Outlay Other LOCATION NUMBER 10-0000-0000-00-000 LOCATIONS 01 – District 02 – Proviso East 03 – Proviso West 04 – PMSA PROGRAM NUMBER 10-0000-0000-00-000 PROGRAM EXAMPLES 011 030 036 106 227 380 391 Principal Art Athletic English Math Science Social Studies What are the components of an Revenue General Ledger Number? Transactions to be recorded in the revenue ledger are those that represent the receipt of cash without creating a liability or without canceling an asset. School System Revenues . . . are derived from the following sources: 1000 Local sources 2000 Flow through from one LEA (Local Education Agency) to another LEA 3000 Revenue from state sources 4000 Revenue from federal sources 7000 Permanent transfers and other (i.e. sale of bonds) YOUR Budget’s Identification Numbers The Location and Program Numbers are your budget’s personal ID numbers. Once understood, they really do make the budget process easy!