Questions from the Pupil Survey - Upper Primary Level

Questions from the Pupil Survey - Upper Primary Level
The Pupil Survey is a web-based questionnaire where pupils can voice their opinions on
matters that are important for learning and well-being at school.
Completing the survey is voluntary, and you can leave questions unanswered if you find
discomfort in providing an answer or if there are questions you do not wish to answer.
The results of the survey will be used to improve the learning environment in schools so
it is our hope that you answer all the questions.
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Alternative responses:
Boy – Girl
2. Do you enjoy being at school?
3. Do you enjoy being with the pupils in your group/class?
4. Do you enjoy the breaks/free periods?
Alternative responses:
Enjoy very much - Enjoy – Enjoy a little – Do not enjoy very much – Do not enjoy at all
5. Do you enjoy being with your teachers?
6. Do you have teachers who make you want to work with the subjects?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
7. Are your teachers nice to you?
Alternative responses:
Very often or always – Often – Sometimes – Seldom – Never
8. Are you interested in learning at school?
9. Do you do your homework?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
10. How well do you like schoolwork?
Alternative responses:
Very well – Well – Quite well – Not a lot – Not at all
11. How do you find the assignments you are given at school?
Alternative responses:
Very easy – Quite easy – Neither easy nor difficult – Quite difficult – Very difficult
Supplementary questions motivation
Below you will find a list of many of the subjects you have at school. Put a cross beside
the THREE subjects you like best.
Religion and Ethics Subject Curriculum
Physical Education
Arts and Crafts
Food and Health
Natural Science
Social Studies
T3 Academic performance / Desire to learn / effort
 I like doing school work
 At school I am concerned about learning something new
 When I do schoolwork, I work as hard as I can
 I like working with the school subjects
Alternative responses:
Completely agree – Slightly agree - Neither nor - Slightly disagree - Completely disagree
I look forward to going to school
When I am at school I would really like to learn as much as possible
When I do schoolwork, I carry on working even though the subject matter is
 I like most of the school subjects
Alternative responses:
Completely agree – Slightly agree - Neither nor - Slightly disagree - Completely disagree
Do you make it a priority to spend time on school work (both work in class and
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
12. Do you know what you are meant to learn in the various subjects?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
13. Think about when you get assignments at school that you have to do on your own.
How often do you manage to do them alone?
14. How often do you use written plans (weekly plans, period plans or similar) in your
work on subjects?
15. How often do you find that school work doesn’t give you enough of a challenge?
Alternative responses:
Always – Often – Some-times – Seldom - Never
16. How often do you manage to do your homework without asking for help?
17. Think about when the teacher is going through and explaining new things at school.
How often do you understand what the teacher is going through and explaining?
18. How often do you give up when you are doing school work because you think it is too
19. How often do you use written plans (weekly plans, period plans or similar) when you
are at school?
Alternative responses:
Never – Seldom – Some-times – Often – Always
Supplementary questions learning
How often do you use the following work methods?
a. The teacher addresses the whole group/class/the teacher talks
b. Conversation/discussion between teacher and pupils
c. The pupils work alone
d. Pupils work in pairs
e. Group work (not project work)
f. Project work
g. Practical work with the subjects (experiments, workshop, sewing, cookery, etc)
Alternative responses:
Several times a week – Once a week – 1-3 times a month – 2-4 times a term – More
How satisfied are you with how you work in the following subjects?
a. English
b. Physical Education
c. Arts and Crafts
d. First-choice form of Norwegian, written
e. Mathematics
f. Social Studies
g. Natural Science
Alternative responses:
Very satisfied – Satisfied – Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied – Dissatisfied – Very
Confidence in own learning ability
 I am confident that I can improve in academic subjects if I put my mind to them.
 I have lost confidence in my ability to improve in academic subjects even if I put
my mind to them.
Alternative answers:
Completely disagree – Slightly disagree – Neither nor – Slightly agree – Completely
How often do you use a computer at school for your schoolwork?
Alternative responses:
Several times a week – Once a week – 1-3 times a month – 2-4 times a term – More
seldom – Do not have computer at school
How often do you use a computer at home for doing schoolwork?
Alternative responses:
Several times a week – Once a week – 1-3 times a month – 2-4 times a term – More
seldom – Do not have computer at home
Assessment and guidance
20. Do your teachers ask what you think about your own schoolwork?
21. Do the teachers tell you what you should do to achieve better results in the subjects?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
22. How often do teachers tell you what you should do to achieve better results in the
Alternative responses:
Several times a week – Once a week – 1-3 times a month – 2-4 times a term – More
23. Does ongoing feedback make you achieve better results in the subjects?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
24. How many conversations have you, either alone or with your parents, had with your
teacher this school year about how you are doing at school?
Alternative responses:
Four or more – Three – Two – One – None
25. Do you find this sort of conversation with the teacher useful?
Alternative responses:
Extremely useful – Very useful – Useful – Not very useful – Not useful at all – Have not
had any such conversations
26. Do you get support and help in subjects when you need it …
a. from the teacher?
b. from pupils in the group/class?
c. at home?
d. from organised homework help?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
Working environment
27. Are you nice to your teachers?
28. Are teachers punctual for class/working periods?
29. Do the teachers have to spend a lot of time getting the class orderly and quiet?
30. Do you concentrate and listen when the teachers talk?
31. Do you disturb other pupils when they work?
32. Do the pupils in your group/class come late for class?
33. Are you disrupted by other pupils being noisy and disorderly in work periods?
Alternative responses:
Very often or always – Often – Sometimes – Seldom – Never
34. Do you get good help and support from your teacher if there is something you don’t
Alternative responses:
Always – Often – Some-times – Seldom - Never
35. I am often disturbed by other pupils when I am working at school.
36. There is peace to work during lessons.
37. The pupils are quiet and listen when the teacher is speaking.
Alternative responses:
Completely disagree - Slightly disagree - Neither nor - Slightly agree – Completely agree
38. Do you get good help and support from your teacher if there is something you can’t
manage on your own?
Alternative responses:
Never – Seldom - Some-times – Often – Always
When talking about bullying we mean repeated negative or “malicious” behaviour from
one or more persons towards a pupil who has problems defending him/herself. Repeated
teasing in an unpleasant and hurtful manner is also bullying.
39. Have you been bullied at school during the last few months?
Alternative responses:
Not at all – Once in a while – 2 or 3 times a month – About once a week – Several times
a week
40. Are you bullied by…
a. pupils in your group/class?
b. other pupils at school?
c. one or more teachers?
d. other adults at school?
Alternative responses:
Not at all – Once in a while – 2 or 3 times a month – About once a week – Several times
a week
41. Have you yourself taken part in bullying one or more pupils at your school during the
last few months?
Alternative responses:
Not at all – Once in a while – 2 or 3 times a month – About once a week – Several times
a week
42. Do the pupils usually tell the teachers if anyone is being bullied?
Alternative responses:
Very often or always – Often – Sometimes – Seldom – Never
43. Are you satisfied with the following conditions at school?
a. The air in the classrooms
b. The temperature in the classrooms
c. The classrooms in general
d. Textbooks and equipment
e. The school library
f. The lavatories
g. Changing rooms and showers
h. The school building
i. Cleaning/orderliness
j. Outdoor areas the pupils can use in breaks
Alternative responses:
Very satisfied – Satisfied – Quite satisfied – A little satisfied – Not very satisfied
Supplementary questions on working environment
Discipline and general conduct (shown as an index in the Pupil Survey’s report portal)
 The teachers at this school have the same rules about pupils’ behaviour.
 The teachers at this school react in the same way if pupils break the rules.
Alternative responses:
Completely disagree - Slightly disagree - Neither nor - Slightly agree - Completely agree
Learning culture
 In class, I dare to say what I think
 I dare to ask teachers for help if there is anything I don’t understand
 In classes, I pretend to understand more than I actually do
Alternative answers:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects
 In my form, we think it matters to do well at school.
Alternative answers:
Completely disagree – Slightly disagree – Undecided – Slightly agree – Completely agree
Pupil participation
44. Have the teachers explained how the pupils can take part in deciding how you are to
work with the subjects?
Alternative responses:
In all or most subjects – In many subjects – In some subjects – In very few subjects – In
no subjects at all
45. In your opinion how well does the Pupils’ Council at your school work?
Alternative responses:
Very well – Well – Quite well – Badly – Very badly – Do not know
46. Does the school listen to suggestions from the pupils?
Alternative responses:
Very often or always – Often – Sometimes – Seldom – Never
Thank you for your help!