MAHWAH HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION (MHPC) December 1, 2008 Roll Call Present Barbara Shanley Randall Brewster John Bristow Deborah Grob Gus Vasiliadis, (late 8:00pm) Yvonne Beatrice Absent Marthajean Drago, excused Lynn Ballerini, excused Kenneth Cerullo, excused Carol Greene Salute to the flag The secretary read the Sunshine Law. Public Session: Mr. Bristow moved to open the Public Session, and Mr. Brewster seconded the motion. All approved. No members of the public were present. Mrs. Grob moved to close the Public Session, and Mr. Bristow seconded the motion. All approved. Legal: Mrs. DeScherer was not present, no report. Minutes: October 6, 2008 Minutes: Under Crocker Mansion, first sentence, Mr. Brewster corrected spelling of Crooker Mansion to Crocker Mansion and under Old Business, first sentence changed ….will contact owners of 22 Masonicus Road, to will contact Eikon Planning on the plans of 22 Masonicus Road. Mrs. Shanley corrected Issac Bogert to Isaac Bogert, and under Crocker Mansion, second paragraph, first sentence change ….waivers from the owner, to …..waiver requests by the owner, and under Demolition Applications, first sentence, change ….the owner was ordered to demolition to …..the owner is ordered to demolish. Mr. Bristow moved to approve the October 6, 2008 minutes as corrected. All approved motion. Vote: 5 yes 0 no: Grob, yes; Beatrice, yes; Bristow, yes; Brewster, yes; Shanley, yes. Chairs Report: Mrs. Shanley reported that the Historic Recognition Awards were presented at the November 13, 2008 Council meeting. The DeSilva’s and representatives’ from the Samaj Temple were not able to attend. Master Plan: Continental Soldiers Park Cistern: HPC was contacted by a hiker, David Howard, that he and some friends found an opening to a cistern on the grounds of Continental Soldiers Park. It is located 1 about 150 yards behind the Darlington Schoolhouse. It is covered by a metal grate. However, the cover is not sealed and should be. Mrs. Shanley added it to the Master Plan historic sites list. 25 Airmont Road: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy, 25 Airmont Road, Mahwah contacted Mrs. Shanley inquiring about the historic status of their home, which they were told was built in 1769. Because the house is not visible from the road, Mrs. Shanley reported that the property was probably overlooked when the Bergen County Historic Sites Survey was done. The property needs to be researched at the Hackensack archives. The Murphy’s are very interested in listing their house on the Historic Element of Ordinance 1313. Historic Marker: Mrs. Shanley contacted Mr. Whitaker, Esq., attorney, for the owners of the Winter Farmhouse, 1 Farmstead Way. He gave her the owner’s name, Harry Fredericks of Provant LLC. Mrs. Shanley will contact the owner for permission to look inside the house. At this time, Mr. Vasiliadis joined the meeting (8:00pm). Crocker Mansion: Mr. LaBarbiera is on vacation. The replacement windows are being installed and look very good. At the same time, they are restoring the interior wood and slate roof. The HPC is invited to view the restoration. However, arrangements must be made in advance. Moffatt Road: Mrs. Shanley had no update and will check with Mr. Hallissey prior to the January 5, 2009 HPC meeting. Budget: no report. Old Business: 25 Masonicus Road: Mr. Brewster reported that he called Eikon Planning and left message for a return call from Tammy Arkin. The owner is considering selling the property. Cleveland Bridge: Mrs. Shanley distributed a letter from the Deerhaven Association to the Bergen County Engineer, indicated that they are in agreement with the improvements that need to be done to the Cleveland Bridge. Local Public traffic will use the Greene’s driveway as a temporary egress and access road, and trucks only will use the southern entrance. Historic Recognition Awards: Mrs. Shanley reported that the DeSilva’s will attend the HPC January 5, 2009 meeting to accept their award. The certificates will be redone with the correct information on both awardees certificate. New Business: West Mahwah: The Chair recommended that the HPC reapply for a no matching grant from the County for a Survey of West Mahwah. Mrs. Shanley will attempt to complete the grant and ask Mrs. Greene for her assistance. Mr. Vasiliadis questioned the status of 1145 Ramapo Valley Road in regards to the Highlands Act. Mrs. Shanley suggested that Mr. Vasiliadis contact the Environmental Commission. 2 NJDEP Notice: The Commission had no comment. General Discussion: Mrs. Shanley is planning to attend the NJ Historic Trust Preservation Work Shop, on June 4, 2009 and asked if anyone else would like to attend to please contact her. Mrs. Shanley suggested that the HPC no longer host a reception after the Historic Recognition Award presentation. Mr. Vadiliadis suggested that the HPC make their decision based on the annual recipients’ attendance. Mr. Bristow moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Brewster seconded the motion. All approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the Township Hall. /dms 3