View Minutes - Township of Mahwah

April 11, 2006 MINUTES
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
SUNSHINE STATEMENT: The Chair read the Sunshine Statement.
Marthajean Drago Chair
Gus Vasiliadis
Lynn Ballerini
Thomas Thornton
Colleen Kennedy
Carol Greene
Barbara Shanley
John Bristow, excused
Kenneth Cerullo, excused
Attorney: Nilufer Descherer
Salute to the Flag:
Mr. Vasiliadis moved to approve the February 9, 2006 minutes as read and Mrs.
Shanely seconded the motion. All approved.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Ms. Ballerini corrected page one third paragraph , fourth sentence from “due to
legal issues” to “decision of Township Attorney”. Ms. Ballerini moved to
approve the March 14, 2006 minutes as corrected and Ms. Kennedy seconded the
motion. All approved.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Mrs. Shanley moved to open the Public Session and Ms. Kennedy seconded the
motion. All approved. All approved. The Public Session opened at 7:45 p.m.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
No members of the public were present.
Mr. Vasiliadis moved to close the Public Session and Mrs. Ballerini seconded the
motion. All approved. The Public Session closed at 7:46 p.m.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
New Business:
DEP reports:
DEP Applications:
The HPC reviewed the above applications and determined that there is no historic
significance. Therefore, no action is necessary.
Mrs. Shanley moved to accept the DEP items one through nine as listed on the
April 11, 2006 agenda as submitted with no comment and Mr. Ballerini seconded
the motion. All approved.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Chair’s Report:
The Chair that after sixteen years as Chair, she will be stepping down as HPC
Chair effective at the end of her term. However, she will stay on as a HPC
member. The Chair suggested that the Commission consider the nomination of Mrs.
Ballerini as Chair at the July 2006 re-organization meeting. Members thanked
Mrs. Drago for all her hard work and dedication during her many years serving as
HPC Chair.
Mrs. Drago reported that she had spoken to the mayor regarding a McMansion
Ordinance limiting percentage of property expansion. Mayor recommended that the
Commission forward their request to the Planning Board through the HPC attorney.
Mr. Vasiliadis asked if it was possible to designate Cragmere as an Historic
District. Mrs. Drago reported that the HPC would need the support of the
Cragmere residents, and the HPC would need to define the impact a historic
designation would have on the residents. Mrs. Drago reported that she would
like to work on this project, when she steps down as Chair.
Mrs. Ballerini questioned the addition on the property on Summit Ave. and Mahwah
Road. Mrs. Drago reported that the Commission approved the demolition on the
garage. Mrs. Drago will check with Construction Official, Gary Montroy.
Eagle Scout Project: The Chair reported that the well at Continental Soldiers
Park has already been installed by the Beautification Committee. The Commission
discussed the possibility of installing a replica well at Winters Park.
Historic Plaques:
Mrs. Drago will be working on the plaques.
HPC Grant. Mrs. Drago reported that the HPC Grant for Technical Assistance was
more extensive than originally thought. Grant as limited to $70,000 which will
be shared by 15 applicants. Mrs. Drago also reported that since McCabe &
Associates have not as yet submitted our final report from the previous Grant,
the HPC would be disqualified from this years Grant. Mrs. Drago will contact
McCabe & Associates regarding the final report submission to the State.
HPC Vacancy: Mr. Vasiliadis introduced Mr. Ken Woetzel, 1158 Ramapo Valley
Road, 201-934-9926 as a candidate for the HPC Vacancy.
Mrs. DeScherer was not present.
Frank & Ledwima Cerisano, Docket 497, Blk 23 Lot 55.4 & 55.4 Minor Subdivision
Ms. Kennedy moved to approve Docket 497 with no comment, since it was determined
that the property has no historic significance, and Mrs. Shanley sseconded. All
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Cumberland Farms, Docket 492, B l 59 Lot 17 revised site plan.
Mr. Vasiliadis moved to approve Docket 492, with no comment, since it was
determined that the property has no historic significance, and Ms. Kennedy
seconded the motion. All approved.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Van Natta Corp. Mechanical Docket 498 Bl 173, Lot 149, amended site plan.
Mrs. Shanley moved to approve Docket 498 with no comment, since it was
determined that the property has no historic significance, and Mrs. Ballerini
seconded the motion. All approved.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
Demolition Applications:
None at this time.
Budget: No report at this time.
General Discussion:
Mrs. Drago reported that the Historic Tourist Conference is scheduled for May
12, 2006.
Mrs. Shanley moved to close the meeting and Mr. Vasiliadis seconded the motion.
All approved. The meeting closed at 8:35 p.m.
Vote: Ballerini, yes;
Shanley, yes; Drago, yes.
Kennedy, yes;
Vasiliadis, yes;
These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the
Township Hall.