Unit: Earth Systems Grade: 8 Stage 1: Desired Results Enduring Understandings (every EU needs to be represented in the essential question) Students will understand that… Student will be able to describe how catastrophic events impact the Earth Students will understand that plate tectonics cause land features resulting from changes over time Familiar with Knowledge (fact to know) What are tectonic plates and how they move 3 basic tectonic plate movements Types of landforms resulting from plate tectonics How do the layers of the Earth influence plate tectonics. How plate tectonics influences climate and environments How climate and environmental changes influence habitats and extinction of species Essential questions TEKS How do Plate Tectonics cause changes in the land and weather patterns? TEKS 7.14 The student knows that natural events and human activity can alter Earth systems. The student is expected to: A. describe and predict the impact of different catastrophic events on the Earth TEKS 8.14 The student knows that natural events and human activities can alter Earth systems. The student is expected to: B. analyze how natural or human events may have contributed to the extinction of some species TEKS 8.14 The student knows that natural events and human activities can alter Earth systems. The student is expected to: A. predict land features resulting from gradual changes such as mountain building, beach erosion, land subsidence, and continental drift TEKS 8.12 The student knows that cycles exist in Earth system. The student is expected to: C. predict the results of modifying the Earth’s nitrogen, water, and carbon cycles TEKS 8.14 The student knows that natural events and human activities can alter Earth systems. The student is expected to: C. describe how human activities have modified soil, water, and air quality What are catastrophic events and what drives these events? How do human activities cause changes in the land and climate patterns? Skill (apply , do) Vocabulary tectonic plate continental drift sea-floor spreading magnetic reversal plate tectonics convergent boundary subduction zone divergent boundary transform boundary folding faulting tension compression stress strain uplift subsidence water cycle carbon cycle nitrogen cycle ocean current surface current coriolis effect deep current upwelling continental deflection salinity climate weather Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Performance Task: (be sure to create an assessment rubric for the performance task as well) Your task is to assess the ideal locations for Disaster Response Stations throughout the world. You are a member of a risk assessment team, analyzing the various regions around the world for the best possible locations where high risk disasters occur. You will need to convince the United Nations Council on your findings and they will provide you with funding to implement your Disaster Response Station (DRS). You will need to complete the following: Create a power point / poster board presentation to elaborate the details of your research for a DRS location Submit a written report on your group presentation Vote for 4 DRS locations as a member of the UN Council by individual written justification of the 4 best presentations Other evidence: (Quizzes, tests, academic prompts, self-assessments, etc. note – these are usually included where appropriate in Stage 3 as well) Labs & activities with conclusion questions Quiz Benchmark exams Student demonstration Group assessment Stage 3: Learning Activities (Steps taken to get students to answer Stage 1 questions and complete performance task) Dr. Surpless power point & pictures to demonstrate plate tectonics. Cornell notes Pangaea puzzle Geologic Time scale. P 443 Movement of Plate Boundaries using index cards & soil. Modeling the 3 types of faults. Cheesy land forms / plate boundaries Oh the pressure – representing the folding & faulting (6th grade book p 474) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/tectonics/ (animated types of plate boundaries) Climate changes and the gases / particulate matter that change them (research on atmospheric gases and particulates and how changing the content of these gases affect climate) What a Volcano Vomits! (students learn what is dispersed in air when a volcano erupts…how these gases change atmosphere) Mythical Mountains: how landforms influence climate (work in progress) Brain POP – Natural Disasters Climate & Topography Where Do I Go? GRASP GOAL: Your task is to assess the ideal locations for Disaster Response Stations throughout the world. ROLE: You are a member of a risk assessment team, analyzing the various regions around the world for the best possible locations where high risk disasters occur. AUDIENCE: You will need to convince the United Nations Council on your findings and they will provide you with funding to implement your Disaster Response Station (DRS) SITUATION: No area is risk free. Your challenge is to assess areas of greatest and least risk for the following catastrophic events: Earthquakes Volcanoes Tsunami Tornado Avalanche Hurricanes / Typhoons Flooding / Mudslides AND…As a member of the UN Council you must listen to each assessment to participate in a collective vote and submit an individual written justification of your vote, selecting the top 4 areas of greatest need for the DRS locations. PRODUCT: You will create a poster / power point representing your findings to the UN Council. You must include a map of the location of your DRS. You must create a written proposal of your findings including research and analysis. STANDARDS: See Rubric Earth Systems – DRS Locations CATEGORY Poster / Power Point 25 points 3 - Exceeds 2 - Meeting 1 - Approaching Our poster / power point is thorough and complete; exceptionally clear; easy to follow; Information is explained in-depth including research, analysis, and graphics (pictures / maps). Our poster / power point is substantial; generally clear and easy to follow. Information is sufficient including research, analysis, and graphics (pictures & maps). Our poster / power point lacks clarity and is difficult to follow; Information is incomplete lacking research, analysis, and graphics (pictures & maps). Majority of group members demonstrate a proficient collective and independent understanding of their presentation (with minimal assistance required) One to two members demonstrate a general understanding of their presentation Our written product is concise, clear, contains no grammatical and/ or spelling errors and contains detailed usage of scientific vocabulary Our written product is clear, contains very few grammatical and/or spelling errors and competent usage of scientific vocabulary Our written product lacks clarity, contains many grammatical and/or spelling errors and less than competent usage of scientific vocabulary Student has written a detailed, in depth justification on their vote for selected DRS locations Student has written a complete justification on their vote for selected DRS locations Student has written an incomplete justification on their vote for selected DRS locations Oral Presentation All group members demonstrate a 25 points rigorous collective and independent understanding of their presentation and its content Writing Skills 25 points Voting (Individual Written Explanation) 25 points Date Created: Oct 13, 2007 A Model of Three Faults Grades 7-12 Adapted from the USGS Learning Web Lesson Plans Background One of the most frightening and destructive phenomena of nature is a severe earthquake and its terrible aftereffects. An earthquake is a sudden movement of the Earth, caused by the abrupt release of strain that has accumulated over a long time. For hundreds of millions of years, the forces of plate tectonics have shaped the Earth as the huge plates that form the Earth's surface slowly move over, under and past each other. Sometimes the movement is gradual. At other times, the plates are locked together, unable to release the accumulating energy. When the accumulated energy grows strong enough, the plates break free. If the earthquake occurs in a populated area, it may cause many deaths and injuries and extensive property damage. Today we are challenging the assumption that earthquakes must present an uncontrollable and unforecastable hazard to life and property. Scientists have begun to estimate the locations and likelihoods of future damaging earthquakes. Sites of greatest hazard are being identified and designing structures that will withstand the effects of earthquakes. Materials Objective Students will observe fault movements on a model of the earth's surface. Time Needed 1 or 2 Class periods Materials Needed (per group) Physiographic map of the world Crayons or colored pencils Scissors Tape or glue Metric ruler Construction paper Fault Model Sheet (included) Instructions 1. Have students work in pairs or small groups. 2. Display the fault models in the classroom after the activity. 3. An excellent world physiographic map, showing the ocean floor, can be obtained from the National Geographic Society. Application Phase 1. Explain that faults are often (but not always) found near plate boundaries and that each type of fault is frequently associated with specific types of plate movements. However, you can probably find all types of fault movement associated with each type of plate boundary. o Normal faults are often associated with divergent (tensional) boundaries. o Thrust faults are often associated with convergent (compressional) boundaries. o Strike-slip faults are often associated with transform (sliding) boundaries. 2. Ask the following questions: o What kind of faults would you expect to find in the Himalaya Mountains? Why? o What kind of faults would you expect to find along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? Why? o What kind of fault is the San Andreas Fault? Is California likely to "fall off into the Pacific Ocean"? Why? 3. Explain that not all faults are associated with plate boundaries. Explain that there is a broad range of faults based on type, linear extension, displacement, age, current or historical activity and location on contintental or oceanic crust. Have students research examples of non-plate boundary faults. 4. Explain to students that the stresses and strains in the earth's upper layers are induced by many causes: thermal expansion and contraction, gravitational forces, solid-earth tidal forces, specific volume changes because of mineral phase transitions, etc. Faulting is one of the various manners of mechanical adjustment or release of such stress and strain. 5. Have students research and report on the types of faults found in your state. Extension 1. Have students Identify the fault movements in the recent Loma Prieta, California earthquake. 2. Have students research the fault histories and recent theories concerning the Northridge, California Earthquake, the New Madrid, Missouri, and the Anchorage, Alaska fault zones. Coloring Key Rock Layer X - green Rock Layer Y - yellow Rock Layer Z - red River - blue Road - black Railroad tracks - brown Grass - green Part 1 Exploration Phase 1. You may wish to introduce this activity by asking students: o Can you name a famous fault? o What happens when giant fractures develop on the Earth and the pieces move relative to one another? 2. Illustrate compressive earth movements using a large sponge by squeezing from both sides, causing uplift. Using a piece of latex rubber with a wide mark drawn on it, illustrate earth tension, by pulling the ends of the latex to show stretching and thinning. 3. Have students construct a fault model using the Fault Model Sheet. Instructions to students: 4. Color the fault model that is included according to the color key provided. o Paste or glue the fault model onto a piece of construction paper. o Cut out the fault model and fold each side down to form a box with the drawn features on top. o Tape or glue the corners together. This box is a three dimensional model of the top layers of the Earth's crust. o The dashed lines on your model represent a fault. Carefully cut along the dashed lines. You will end up with two pieces. You may wish to have your students tape or glue a piece of construction paper on the side of the two fault blocks along the fault face. This will help with the demonstration. Note that an enlarged version of the fault block model can be made for classroom demonstrations. 5. Have students develop a model of a normal fault. o Instructions to students: Locate points A and B on your model. Move point B so that it is next to Point A. Observe your model from the side (its cross-section). Have students draw the normal fault as represented by the model they have just constructed. Concept Development 1. Ask the following questions: o Which way did point B move relative to point A? o What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z? o Are the rock layers still continuous? o What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad tracks? o Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing? 2. Explain that this type of fault is known as a normal fault. 3. Have students label their drawing "normal fault". 4. Many normal faults are found in Nevada. This is because Nevada is located in a region called the Basin and Range Province where the lithosphere is stretching. Part 2 Exploration Phase Have students develop a model of a thrust fault. Instructions to students: Locate points C and D on your model. Move Point C next to point D. Observe the cross-section of your model. Have students draw the thrust fault as represented by the model they have just constructed. Concept Development 1. Ask the following questions: o Which way did point D move relative to point C? o What happened to rock layers X, Y and Z? o Are the rock layers still continuous? o What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad tracks? o Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing? 2. Explain that this type of fault is known as a thrust fault. 3. Have students label their drawing "thrust fault". 4. An example of a thrust fault is the fault in which the Northridge earthquake occurred. The thrusting movement raised the mountains in the area by as much as 70 cm. Part 3 Exploration Phase Have students develop a model of a strike-slip fault. Instructions to students: Locate points F and G on your model. Move the pieces of the model so that point F is next to point G. Have students draw an overhead view of the surface as it looks after movement along the fault. Concept Development 1. Ask the following questions: o If you were standing at point F and looking across the fault, which way did the block on the opposite side move? o What happened to rock layers X, Y, and Z? o Are the rock layers still continuous? o What likely happened to the river? the road? the railroad tracks? o If the scale used in this model is 1 mm = 2 m, how many meters did the earth move when the strike-slip fault caused point F to move alongside point G? (Note that this scale would make an unlikely size for the railroad track!) If there were a sudden horizontal shift of this magnitude it would be about five times the shift that occurred in the 1906 San Andreas fault as a result of the San Francisco earthquake. o Is this type of fault caused by tension, compression or shearing? 2. Explain that this type of fault is known as a strike-slip fault. 3. Have students label their drawing "strike-slip fault". 4. Explain to the students that a strike-slip fault can be described as having right or left-lateral movement. If you look directly across the fault, the direction that the opposite side moved defines whether the movement is left-lateral or right-lateral. The San Andreas fault in California is a right-lateral strike-slip fault. Model Climate & the Topography Students travel from table to table with a basic map, and analyze various maps: precipitation, relative humidity, topography, climate zones (vegetation), average annual temperature. Each table will have key questions to answer. At the end, a class discussion will take place discussing how regional climate is influenced by topography. Where Do I Go? Students have animal cards that will be placed in different biome regions based on their needs. Students will place fictitious animals into biome regions that best fit their needs. Each biome will experience a catastrophic event that will change their climate and students will discuss possible outcomes of the different species. (work in progress) ONLINE RESOURCES BrainPop FREE Natural Disasters (earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, thunderstorms!) With teacher resource sheets http://www.brainpop.com/science/naturalhazards/naturaldisasters/ This is the worksheet forr the Earthquake BrainPop http://sciencespot.net/Media/platetect.pdf 17!, yes 17 web links in one place ranging from climate to the center of the Earth http://students.seg.org/kids/index.html Climate Connections: videos from National Geographic and NPR http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9657621 Calculate you Carbon Footprint http://www.nativeenergy.com/Splash/liveearth/liveearth.html?LiveEarth Faces of Earth for Educators Resource http://www.facesofearth.tv/ Facts and Myths and Current Events http://captainplanetfoundation.org/default.aspx?pid=6&tab=environment Of course The Science Spot is an overall great Middle School Resource http://sciencespot.net/ Earth Science Links and Activities http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classearth.html Mary Poarch has the best variety of overall resources http://www.science-class.net/Geology/Geology.htm Maps, maps, maps North America and the World http://www.geographic.org/maps/