Medieval Times Project

Mrs. Svetik
World History 8
Medieval Project
In order to explore the Middle Ages in greater
detail we will be creating different projects
that will transport us back in time and immerse
us into the culture and society of the period. As
a class, you will compete against the other 8th
grade social studies class to create the best and
most accurate depictions of life during such a
transformative era in our history.
Directions: You will choose a project from the selections below. It will be necessary to do
research to find out information about your topic. A bibliography (work cited MLA
format) will be required to accompany your project. The project can be done in small
groups, at my discretion, or individually. Each student will be responsible for their own
research paper.This will conclude our study of the Middle Ages.
Due Date: June 6th
1. Medieval families created coats of arms to distinguish themselves on the battlefield. You must
research real coats of arms and what their meanings are. Next you must create a coat of arms
of your own to express who you are.
Coat of Arms
Description of what a coat of arms is
Description of your own coat of arms
Bibliography in MLA format
2. Medieval castles served many functions. Find out what these functions are by conducting research
and writing a description of the functions of a medieval castle. Next you must create a model of a
medieval castle that shows both the inside and outside.
Medieval Castle model
Description of medieval castles and their functions
Description of your castle
Bibliography in MLA format
Mrs. Svetik
World History 8
3. Although William Shakespeare lived at the very end of the Middle Ages, his plays which have the
reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literature are exemplary
of the time period. Find out more about these plays by conducting research and writing a description of
his body of work. Next you must perform a brief scene from one of his plays with at least one other of
your classmates. You may film the scene or perform it in class.
 Play Performance
 Description of William Shakespeare and his plays
 Description of your scene/play
 Bibliography in MLA format
4. During the Middle Ages there were a great number of significant historical figures that made an
impact during their own times and continue to impact our lives today. Find out more about some of the
people we have been studying by conducting research. Write a biography of 1 historical figure. Next you
must create a tombstone for this figure that can be placed in a Medieval Graveyard.
 Two page biography
 3D Tombstone that can stand on its own
 Description of your figure on the tombstone
 Bibliography in MLA format
5. During the Middle Ages foods and diets depended much on the class of the individual. A Medieval
Feast would often be the center of a festival. Find out more about Medieval diets, menus and the role
that food played in the lives of the Medieval people by conducting research. Next you must recreate
some of these foods for your classmates.
 Food
 Description of food, its role and the typical diets of the time period
 Description of your dish
 Bibliography in MLA format
Mrs. Svetik
World History 8
6. The Middle Ages was a time of showmanship and ceremony. You may create a station that
exemplifies this time period. The station should be interesting, informative and creative. You may
choose such topics as costumes, knighthood ceremony, weaponry, etc. You have the freedom to choose
your own project. Before starting, You must have the project idea approved by the Teacher! Next you
are to research your project and create a station where you will present and exhibit your project for the
other students to visit on the day of the festival.
 Station/Exhibit
 Visual Representation of your topic
 Description of your topic
 Bibliography in MLA format
7. You may choose to write a research paper. Propose a topic for teacher approval. Research and write
at least a four page paper in which you answer a broad based question by analyzing facts and evidence
from the time period. For example, answer the following; How was the Medieval Christian Church
structured and how did the Church influence medieval life? Take into consideration events of the time
period including the plague, Crusades, and the Protestant Reformation.
 4 Page Paper
 Bibliography in MLA format
NOTE: Each of these projects will require research, therefore a bibliography is necessary to
FORMAT. (Writing down a list of references is not a bibliography in MLA format.)
demonstrate that you have conducted research on your topic. For that reason,
*Projects turned in late will incur penalties. 10% for each late day, after 3 days it will be a