Art of Greece and Rome Test

Art of Greece and Rome Test
Name: __________________
Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word that best completes each statement.
1. Many people consider the Greek temple _____________ the most perfect
building ever created.
2. The ancient Romans used _____________, a hard building material made from a
mixture of powdered minerals and small stones to construct buildings with large
3. The Greek city-state of ___________ was the largest and most powerful.
4. The three art forms that the Romans contributed to the world are:_____________,
_____________, and __________________.
5. A sculptor who carves a decorative horizontal relief across the upper part of a
wall creates a (n) __________________.
6. A (n) _____________ is a special kind of Greek vase with twin handles.
7. Inside the Parthenon was a 40 food statue dedicated to __________________.
8. Roman architects were the first to use a (n) _______________, a curved
arrangement of stones over an open space.
9. In some parts of Europe you can still see Ancient Roman _____________,
networks of channels meant to carry water from one part of town to another.
10. The _________________ arches built by ancient Romans were decorative rather
than useful; they were monuments to celebrate great military victories.
11. ______________ was a Roman temple built to honor all the Roman gods.
12. ______________ was a Greek temple built to honor the goddess Athena.
13. ______________ was a sacred hill with several Greek temples.
14. ______________ was the great artist who made the Greek statue Athena.
Word Bank:
round arch
Short answer:
15. No examples of Greek paintings have survived to the present day. Nevertheless,
we are able to determine what they may have looked like. Explain how.
16. What was the difference in the materials used to build the Parthenon and the
Pantheon? Be specific and tell which material was used with the appropriate
17. Who was Phidias? Name two contributions he made to the Parthenon.
18. What was the purpose of the Roman Colosseum?
19. What led to the downfall of Greece?
20. How did Greek culture and art survive the downfall?
21. What three qualities did Greek architects value most?
22. What is an aqueduct?
23. What innovation made the aqueduct system possible?
24. How did the designs on early Greek vases differ from those found on later
25. When was the Golden age of Greek Art?
26. What is the basic Greek philosophy?
27. What is the most famous Greek building?
28. What is the most famous Greek artwork?
29. What are the three types of Greek columns?
30. What is the signature city of Greece?
31. What were the major contributions of the ancient Greeks?
32. What were the three major art styles of the ancient Greeks?
33. What is the basic Roman philosophy?
34. What was Rome’s most famous building?
35. What was the signature city of Ancient Rome?
36. Who were the ancient Romans’ role models?
37. What were the major contributions of the ancient Romans?
38. What were the major art forms of the ancient Romans?
Label the following artworks using the correct terminology:
Classical Greek, ionic, Doric, Corinthian, Hellenistic, Archaic, aqueduct, amphora