QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 101 - Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 - Spanish I Dept. & Course No. SPAN 101 Prerequisite: Course Name Spanish I No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval 72-73 CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: Completion or placement beyond ENG* 073 or instructor’s consent 12/6/99 Catalog Description Introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Pronunciation and fundamental grammatical principles introduced through drills in listening and speaking, followed by practice in reading and writing. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. Students acquire language functions, vocabulary, structures and culture through contextualized presentation, interactive activities and extensive laboratory practice. For beginning students or those with one year of high school Spanish. 2-1-99 Course Content Objectives – SPA* 101 The student will: understand, speak, read and write Spanish on a beginning level. be exposed to significant amounts of spoken Spanish including a native level, inflection, and speed and will demonstrate aurally the beginning levels of a Spanish sound system. develop listening and comprehension skills of spoken Spanish at a beginning level. demonstrate familiarity and beginning levels of fluency in pronouncing Spanish. Specifically, students will move from "Preproduction" (where students communicate with gestures and actions) to "Early Production" (where students speak using one or two words or short phrases). Some students may move to "Speech Emergence" (where students speak in longer phrases and complete sentences). use Spanish flexibly to communicate meaning within the classroom orally and use resources to decode Spanish in written forms. demonstrate self-directed language learning. demonstrate a beginning appreciation of Spanish speaking countries and cultures, with an emphasis on the Americas. CHANGES IN COURSE CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: By the end of SPAN I01, students will be able to do the following at the beginning level: 1. understand predictable questions and commands in familiar topic areas; 2. understand speech on familiar topics at normal speed; 3. interact orally on familiar topics; 4. use language for personal communication needs, ask and answer questions and request clarification as needed; 5. understand written documents on familiar topics dealing with basic needs or interests; 6. meet basic writing and recording needs such as short messages, lists, forms, postcards, short descriptive paragraphs; 7. identify important people, holidays, nationalities and geographical areas of the target language’s cultures; 8. research information on Spanish-speaking cultures/countries on the Internet. 2-1-99 QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 102 – Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102 - Spanish II Dept. & Course No. Course Name SPAN 102 Spanish II Prerequisite: SPA* 101 or consent of instructor. No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: SPA* 101 or one year of high school Spanish or consent of instructor. 2-1-99 Note: Students with two or more years of high school Spanish should consider enrolling in SPA* 201 or 202. Please see instructor for guidance. Catalog Description Continuation of SPA* 101. Emphasis on increasing comprehension and fluency by continued development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Course Content Objectives – SPA* 102 The student will: understand, speak, read and write Spanish on an advanced beginner level. be exposed to significant amounts of spoken Spanish at a native level of speed and inflection, and will demonstrate aurally an advanced beginner level of a Spanish sound system. develop listening and comprehension skills of spoken Spanish at an advanced beginner's level. demonstrate familiarity and advanced beginner levels of fluency in pronouncing Spanish. Specifically, students will move from "preproduction" (where students communicate with gestures and actions) to "early production" ( where student speak using one or two words or short phrases). be able to engage in conversation and produce connected narrative. use Spanish flexibly to communicate meaning within the classroom orally, and use resources to decode Spanish in written forms at an advanced beginner level. demonstrate self-directed language learning. demonstrate an advanced beginner understanding of Spanish speaking cultures, with an emphasis on the Americas. develop increased facility in reading and writing Spanish at an advanced beginner level. CHANGES IN CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: By the end of SPAN 102, students will be able to do the following at the advanced-beginner level: 2-1-99 1. understand predictable questions and commands in familiar topic areas. 2. understand speech on familiar topics at normal speed. 3. interact orally on familiar topics. 4. use language for personal communication needs, ask and answer questions and request clarification as needed. 5. understand written documents on familiar topics dealing with basic needs or interests. 6. meet basic writing and recording needs such as short messages, lists, forms, postcards, short descriptive paragraphs. 7. identify important people, holidays, nationalities and geographical areas of the target language’s cultures. 8. research information on Spanish-speaking cultures/countries on the Internet. QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 140 - Spanish Writing and Grammar for Spanish Speakers SPAN 135 - Spanish Writing and Grammar for Fluent Spanish Speakers Dept. & Course No. SPAN 135 Course Name Spanish Writing and Grammar for Fluent Spanish Speakers No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval 1/27/03 Prerequisite: Placement test, permission of instructor, ENG* 093, 063 or above. CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: Catalog Description This course is designed for native speakers, heritage language speakers*, and other fluent speakers of Spanish whose skills in the reading and writing of Spanish are limited by minimal knowledge of grammar, spelling and vocabulary. In this course, students with an oral/aural command of Spanish study the grammar, spelling and vocabulary of standard Spanish through reading and writing activities. Attention is given to the influence of English on Spanish spoken in the U.S. and to the substitution of hybrid vocabulary and grammar for standard Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Classes are conducted mainly in Spanish. *Heritage language speakers in the U.S. generally refers to those who have had life-long exposure to a language other than English through their family life. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Course Content Objectives – SPA* 140 The student will: substitute standard Spanish alternatives to Spanglish lexical items; increase Spanish vocabulary; substitute standard Spanish alternatives to Spanglish grammatical structures; use knowledge of English grammar to acquire fundamentals of Spanish grammar; use knowledge of spoken Spanish to acquire and/or improve Spanish literacy skills; understand fundamental principles of Spanish grammar, including verb structures and syntax; apply fundamentals of Spanish grammar to writing in Spanish; develop writing skills in Spanish; recognize grammar structures in a variety of texts; develop reading skills in Spanish; identify and implement rules of Spanish orthographic systems; understand the relationship between orthographic systems and grammar; understand the relationship between orthographic systems and pronunciation. CHANGES IN CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 155 - Spanish Conversation and Composition SPAN 201 - Spanish III Dept. & Course No. SPA* 155 Course Name Spanish Conversation and Composition No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval 5/14/08 Prerequisite: SPA* 102 or permission of instructor. CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: Catalog Description Based on structures and conversational situations presented in SOA* 101 and SPA* 102, this course is designed to develop a higher level of proficiency in aural/written communication. Reinforcement and enrichment of vocabulary used in cultural context will be particularly emphasized. Online work is a crucial requirement during this course. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Course Content Objectives – SPA* 155 The student will: Use Spanish to communicate with others; Demonstrate an understanding of what others are trying to communicate in Spanish; Effectively communicate information, concepts and ideas in Spanish; Demonstrate an understanding of the Spanish language and Latino culture to communicate and function appropriately in the Latino culture; Demonstrate and understanding of the Spanish language and Latino culture to reinforce and expand knowledge of other disciplines; Broaden understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across North American and Latino cultures, Use knowledge of Spanish and Latino culture to broaden their understanding of opportunities. Note: Adapted from the Connecticut World Languages Curriculum Frameworks © 2005. CHANGES IN CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 201 - Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201 - Spanish III Dept. & Course No. SPAN 201 Course Name Spanish III No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval Prerequisite: SPA* 102 or consent of instructor. CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: Catalog Description Structural review of SPA* 101 AND SPA* 102. Emphasis on further development of oral and writing skills. Topical readings and selected works of contemporary Spanish and Spanish-American authors are discussed in Spanish. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Course Content Objectives – SPA* 201 The student will: CHANGES IN CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: QUINEBAUG VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE RECORD SPA* 202 - Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 202 - Spanish IV Dept. & Course No. SPAN 202 Course Name Spanish IV No. of Credits 3 Date of Approval Prerequisite: SPA* 201 or consent of instructor. CHANGES IN PREREQUISITES Date of Change: Catalog Description Continuation of SPA* 201. Reinforcement of grammar and reading material. Emphasis on increasing comprehension and fluency by continued development of listening, speaking, and writing skills. CHANGES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTION Date of Change: Course Content Objectives – SPA* 202 The student will: CHANGES IN CONTENT OBJECTIVES Date of Change: