Many times in life, a chasm may separate us from where we need to be. Man has learnt to construct bridges
to overcome this problem. The bridge therefore provides link between him and where he needs to go. The
chasm may still be there, however it poses no problem because a bridge has been built to overcome the
limitation posed by the chasm.
In the spiritual life, God has provided many blessings for His people. However many times, there may be
chasms that separate us from God’s promises and blessings. These chasms need not be a problem anymore
for we can construct the bridge of faith that we can use to cross over to the land of blessings. Faith is
essential if we are ever to receive from God (Hebrews 11:6; James 1:5-8).
Mark 9:23; Malachi 3:6; Luke 1:37; Hebrews 13:8; 12:2; Isaiah 7:9; James 1:5-8; 2 Kings 7:1-20; 1 John 5:4
Almost always bridges are never painted for what marks out a bridge is not the colour of the paint but its
strength and stability. Bridges are never constructed primarily with elegance in mind. The main thing that
marks out bridges is their functionality.
There are four essential characteristics that a functional bridge must possess:
(1) Strength
Strength is a relative term. A simple thread can be a strong enough bridge for an ant, a piece of wood can be
adequate for a rat to use as a bridge, a log of wood may be enough for man to use as a bridge but none of
these will suffice for a trailer.
What determines the strength of a bridge is the use to which it will be put. A bridge that is strong enough for
pedestrians will not support the weight of a tanker.
(2) Stability
No matter the strength of a bridge, if it is not stable, nobody will make use of it for fear of falling off it. The
bridge of faith is stable. There is no uncertainty or instability about it. “ALL THINGS (without exception)
are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23). God does not change and therefore with Him NOTHING is
impossible (Malachi 3:6; Luke 1:37). Christ does not change, therefore faith of which He is the author and
finisher is stable (Hebrews 13:8; 12:2).
(3) Spacious
A bridge must not only be strong and stable, it must be spacious enough for its intended use. A bridge can be
strong and stable enough to support the weight of a tanker, however if its width is only sufficient for the
passage of a mini or cinquecento, how then can it serve tankers? A steel rod may be strong and stable
enough to support the weight of a man but it may be too thin to allow comfortable walking.
Our bridge of faith is adequate for all of life’s battles. We need no other alternative. We need no other
attachment. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4).
(4) Freedom from clutter
If a bridge is used as a dumping ground for all sorts of rubbish, it eventually becomes useless as a bridge.
Freedom from clutter is essential if it is to serve as a functional and functioning bridge. Never allow doubt to
clutter your bridge of faith. Doubt is a useless junk that will render useless your bridge of faith (Isaiah 7:9;
James 1:5-8). Doubt can withhold you from enjoying the blessings and provision of the Lord (2 Kings 7:120).
Romans 10:17; 12:3; 1 Corinthians 3:5; Ephesians 6:16; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Mark 11:23,24; Matthew
17:18-21; Hebrews 6:1; 12:2.
Bridges don’t just evolve, somebody has to construct it. How do we then go about constructing the bridge of
faith? What are the things we need to consider in constructing strong, stable, spacious, clutter-free bridge of
(1) The purpose of the bridge (Ephesians 6:16; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
We must first give consideration to the purpose of the bridge. Is it meant for the use of pedestrians or
supertankers? Is your bridge of faith to be used for solving common problems only or for crossing the
impossible? Is it to be used merely for healing headache or pulling down strongholds? The kind of strength
that you need in your bridge of faith, is it the strength of a scooter or that of a bulldozer?
The purpose and use to which your bridge of faith will be put will determine the strength of it. This is what
determines how much reading, studying, meditating in the word of God that you do because “faith comes by
hearing the word of God” (Romans 10:17). How regular are you in church services where you can hear
sermons that develop your faith?
(2) The terrain for the construction (Mark 11:23,24; Matthew 17:18-21)
There are bridges on land and those built inside water or rivers. Even of those built on land, the land terrain
differs greatly – it can be rocky, marshy, clayey, sandy, etc. The way a bridge is built will depend on the
nature of the site.
Do you come from a family environment that is occultic, devilish, demon-invested? You will need a
“stronger”, “more stable” faith that the person that comes from a social, irreligious, easy-going family
background. Are you planted in a difficult terrain, you need a bulldozer faith to tunnel through the
mountains that surround you.
(3) Foundation and structure (Hebrews 6:1; 12:2; Romans 12:3; 10:17)
After we know the purpose of the bridge and the nature of the terrain, we need to construct the bridge. First
we lay the foundation for the bridge. Salvation is the foundation for the bridge of faith. Saving faith is the
foundation for a life of faith (Hebrews 6:1). Christ is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Just as the foundation does not constitute the bridge, we cannot be satisfied with just laying the foundation.
We must now construct the structure on that foundation until the bridge is visible. Upon the foundation of
saving faith, we now build the structure of the visible bridge of faith by hearing the word of God and
exercising what we have for faith grows with use as well.
Hebrews 11:6,11,33-35; 6:12; 10:23; James 1:5-8; 1 John 5:4; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Isaiah 7:9; Mark 11:23,24
Nobody constructs a bridge just for admiration. A bridge is built for use. Use the bridge of faith to cross over
from where you are to where you ought to be.
Use the bridge of faith to cross from:
Sin to righteousness
Sickness to health
Bondage to liberty
Weakness to strength
Poverty to plenty
Defeat to victory
Failure to success