Scoring Criteria for Paper

Scoring Criteria for Paper
Adapted from CSU
Student Name: ___________________________________
Topic: __________________________________________
Thesis 10 pts
Structure 15 pts
Use of Sources
20 pts
Logic and
15 pts
10 pts
8 pts
Promising, but may be
slightly unclear, or lacking in
insight or originality. Paper
title does not connect well
with thesis.
9-10 pts
Easily identifiable,
plausible, novel,
sophisticated, insightful,
crystal clear. Connect well
with paper title.
12-13 pts
Generally clear and
appropriate, though may
wander occasionally. May
have a few unclear
transitions, or a few
paragraphs without strong
topic sentences.
14-15 pts
Evident, understandable,
appropriate for thesis.
Excellent transitions from
point to point. Work
displays critical thinking
and avoids simplistic
description or summary of
0-11 pts
Insufficient number or
inappropriate sources.
Many citations are
secondary source. Failure
to support statements, or
literature is provided that
does not support any
statement. Quotes not
integrated into sentences;
“plopped in” improperly.
Does not properly use intext citations. Over use of
second hand references.
Many citations missing in
reference section.
0-8 pts
Ideas do not flow at all.
Paper is very choppy. Does
not lead to logically to
6-7 pts
May be unclear (vague),
appear unoriginal, or
offer relatively little
insight, provides little
around which to
structure the paper.
Paper title and thesis do
not connect well.
9-11 pts
Generally unclear, often
wanders or jumps
around. Few or weak
transitions, many
paragraphs without
topic sentences. Quotes
appear without analysis
relating them to the
topic, or analysis offers
nothing beyond the
12-15 pts
Sources used to support
some points. Points
often lack supporting
literature, or literature
used where
inappropriate (may be
no clear point). Some
citations are secondary
source. Over-reliance on
quotes which may be
poorly integrated into
sentences. In-text
citations used with
minor errors or may be
missing in references.
9-11 pts
Logic may often fail or
argument is unclear. No
connection between
ideas and thesis.
16-17 pts
Sources used to support most
points. Some sources do not
support point, or may appear
where inappropriate. Mostly
primary sources are used.
Direct quotes rarely used and
only to make stylistic point.
Paraphrasing properly used
throughout. Demonstrates indepth understanding of the
topic. Good use of in-text
citations. Nearly all citations
listed in reference section.
18-20 pts
Primary sources used to
support every point.
Quotes used sparingly if at
all. Cited material wellparaphrased throughout.
Demonstrates in-depth
understanding of topic.
Excellent use of in-text
citations. All citations
included in the reference
section and all referenced
materials properly cited.
12-13 pts
The paper is clearly analytical
or argumentative. Paper
usually flows logically and
conclusions are clearly drawn
from ideas presented.
0-5 pts
Serious problems in
sentences structure and
grammar. Frequent major
errors in citation style,
punctuation, and spelling.
May have many run-on
sentences. Errors are so
great that paper is difficult
to comprehend.
6-7 pts
Some problems in
sentence structure and
grammar. Some errors
in punctuation, citation
style, and spelling. May
have some run-on
sentences. Some
mistakes get in the way
of comprehension.
8 pts
Sentence structure and
grammar strong despite
occasional errors. Punctuation
and citation style usually
correct. Some minor spelling
errors or occasional run-on
sentence. Minor errors do not
prevent comprehension.
14-15 pts
The paper is clearly
analytical or
argumentative. All ideas in
the paper flow logically. If
argumentative, the
argument is identifiable,
and conclusions are sound.
9-10 pts
Sentence structure and
grammar excellent. Correct
use of punctuation and
citation style, minimal or
no spelling errors. No runon sentences. No errors
that interfere with
Difficult to identify at all.
May be bland restatement
of obvious point
0-8 pts
Unclear, often because
thesis is weak or nonexistent. Transitions
confusing and unclear. No
clear sections. Very little
or very weak attempt to
relate literature to
argument. More
description than critical
15 pts
0-8 pts
References are of
insufficient number,
incorrectly formatted, or
from unapproved sources
(e.g., lay magazines, online
news sites).
APA Style (not
including in-text
citations) 15 pts
0-8 pts
Is not APA formatted or
contains numerous serious
formatting errors.
Deductions 0-100
-100 pts
9-11 pts
Met minimum number
of sources, but may not
be in proper APA
format. Some minor
citation errors. Lack of
professional sources or
only very old sources
9-11 pts
APA style but numerous
serious errors such as
justification, font size,
headers, etc.
-50 pts
At least 2/3rds of paper
not original work.
12-13 pts
Properly APA formatted with
only minor errors. Most
sources from professional
journals. Up to date and
reputable sources mostly
used. At least minimum
number of acceptable sources
12-13 pts
APA style with only minor
errors. Includes proper cover
page, section headings, font
size, headers, etc.
14-15 pts
Mostly sound reputable
sources (professional
journals) and properly
APA formatted. Clearly
identified recent research
on the topic. More than
sufficient number of
sources to make the point.
14-15 pts.
Publishable in style.
Includes proper title page,
section headings, font size,
headers, etc.
-10 pts
Substantial portion of paper
quoted or more than 1 week
-5 pts
Unexcused late penalty of
less than 1 week.