Flash Cards: write the word on one side and the definition on the other

Flash Cards: write the word on one side and the
definition on the other.
Nucleus: coordinates cell activities and reproduction
Nucleus: uses DNA to regulate cell activities and
Rigid cell walls: provides support for plant cells
Lysosomes: remove wastes from cell
Cells: come from pre-existing cells; all organisms are
made up of; smallest unit of life
Mitochondria: produces energy for the cell
Cytoplasm: made mostly of water, this is where cell
organelles are located
Unicellular: an organism made up of only one cell
Cilia: hairlike projections that help unicellular organisms
Autotrophic: makes its own food
Bacteria: prokaryotic
Eukaryotic: contains membrane bound structures
Prokaryotic: simple cell, does not contain membrane
bound structures or a nucleus
Flagellum: a whiplike structure that helps a unicellular
organism move in water
Heterotrophic: has to eat food for energy
Homeostasis: maintaining a stable internal environment
Producer: plants containing chloroplasts that make food
Semi-permeable membrane: can control what enters and
exits cell
Structure: a part
Function: the job it does