Edexcel Foundation Paper 2

Edexcel Foundation Paper 2 - "Best Guess"
Find the Lowest common multiple (LCM) and Highest common factor (HCF) of two numbers
Write as number as a product of primes
Order fractions, decimals and percentages
Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages
Express a given number as a percentage of another number
Solve a ratio problem in context
Round to a given number of decimal places and given powers of 10 and 1 significant figures
Estimate answers to calculations
Enter a range of calculations on a calculator
Select an expression/equation/formula from a list
Use simple instances of index laws
Solve linear equations which include brackets, those that have negative signs occurring anywhere in
the equation, and those with a negative solution
Change the subject of a formula
Solve simple linear inequalities in one variable, and represent the solution set on a number line
Use systematic trial and improvement
Find the coordinates of points identified by geometrical information in 2-D
Find the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment
Pythagoras including calculate the length of a line segment
Plot and draw graphs of straight lines of the form y = mx + c
Find the gradient of a straight line from a graph
Interpret straight-line graphs for real-life situations such as conversion graphs distance-time graphs,
and fixed charge (standing charge) and cost per unit
Shape and Measures
Use the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360o
Understand tessellations of regular and irregular polygons
Explain why some shapes tessellate and why other shapes do not
Know the terms face, edge and vertex
Understand and draw front and side elevations and plans of shapes made from simple solids
Given the front and side elevations and the plan of a solid, draw a sketch of the 3-D solid
Find the perimeters and areas of circles, semicircles and quarter circles
Find the surface area of a cylinder
Find the volume of a prism, including a triangular prism and cylinder
Use and interpret maps and scale drawings
Convert between metric and imperial units
Use three figure-bearings to specify direction
Given the bearing of point A from point B, work out the bearing of B from A
Understand and use compound measures including speed
Measure and draw angles, to the nearest degree
Handling Data
Estimate the mean from a frequency table
Estimate the mean of grouped data using the mid-interval value
Draw Frequency Polygons
Draw Stem and Leaf Diagrams
Draw Scatter Graphs
Distinguish between positive, negative and zero correlation using lines of best fit
Use a line of best fit to predict values of one variable given values of the other variable
Interpret scatter graphs in terms of the relationship between two variables
Understand that correlation does not imply causality
Find the probability of an event happening using relative frequency
Estimate the number of times an event will occur, given the probability and number of trials
List all outcomes for two successive events systematically
Use and draw sample space diagrams
Identify different mutually exclusive outcomes and know that the sum of the probabilities of all these
outcomes is 1
Use 1 − p as the probability of an event not occurring where p is the probability of it occurring
Find a missing probability from a list or table
Compare relative frequencies from samples of different sizes