Outline for Final EPS 101 Paper Suggested Title: Geological Evolution of the East Bay Hills Region: Tectonic plate interactions at a continental margin, magma genesis and effects of global climate change Submitting the paper: Length: 7 pages (plus or minus 1 page excluding references) of single spaced 12 font text (excluding figures, references cited and figure caption, saved in Microsoft Word format as a *.doc file. Include only the references cited in your paper (not all those in your Reader). Besides submitted your final paper with figures embedded in the text as a printed document to the Instructor in 391 McCone Hall, also email the word document as an attachment to the Instructor. Template for EPS 101/271 Paper ABSTRACT Include all of your own main geological conclusions. Maximum of 300 words. This should address the big picture. Imagine that the Abstract is all that many readers of your report will read. What message do you want to convey to them. INTRODUCTION Orientation of the class, objectives, field areas, schedule, area mapped, location map, exposure, what you learned etc. In the following sections of your text, make references to papers used as (Last Name(s) of authors, year) of only those papers you use to support your conclusions or to draw your own different conclusions. Total area mapped in square kilometers METHODS Mapping methods, data used, equipment, software. TECTONIC EVOLUTION Major stages in tectonic evolution of California- very briefly, eg 100 words STRATIGRAPHY AND INTERPRETED PALEOENVIRONMENTS Start with Claremont, end with Bald Peak, give in detail STRUCTURE Unconformities Folds Faults Age of deformation Causes of deformation Seismicity- Are the folds and faults active today ? How do you know ? GEOMORPHOLOGY What controls the landscape MAGMATIC and VOLCANIC ACTIVITY Source areas and evidence Number of intrusions, size, shape Number and nature of flows VOLCANO PARK Text (This is the major part of the paper). Describe the geology, geological evolution, and how the areas formed based on your own mapping, and why we see what we do there today. REFERENCES CITED (not all the references in your Reader) In the text, include the citation as the authors (last names, year of publication). In the References Cited section, write out the full citation and list them in alphabetical order. Last Names of authors, dates, title of paper, journal, volume, pages. Include all sources of information you have used. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS