1 Supplementary figure legends Fig. S1. Macronuclear gene

Supplementary figure legends
Fig. S1. Macronuclear gene knockout constructs. a. Design of knockout constructs including position
of the Southern probe. b. Primer sequences for knockouts and generation of the Southern probes.
Fig. S2. Mre11 protein sequence alignment and functional features. A multiple sequence alignment
(MSA) was constructed for Mre11 representatives from archea, ciliata, plantae, fungi and metazoa
using MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2002). (A) Detectable PFAM domain hits (PF00149 and PF04152) and
experimentally derived protein features such as DNA-binding domains studied in yeast Mre11 (Usui
et al. 1998), GR-motifs in human Mre11 (Déry et al. 2008), DNA-recognition loops (RL 1-6) and
nuclease motifs (I-V) defined for Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11 (Williams et al. 2008) were mapped to
the MSA, and the thereby derived domain architecture is presented. Highest conservation between
the selected Mre11 proteins is found around the nuclease motifs (I-V) as illustrated by a conservation
quality plot (B) and the presented MSA details (C). The positions of human ATLD mutations N117S
and W210C are indicated by arrows below the MSA. Circles denote the residues known to be
involved in Mn2+ coordination and ester hydrolysis in Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11.
Organism abbreviations and sequence identifiers: Tet- Tetrahymena thermophila XP_001031877,
Pat- Paramecium tetraurelia XP_001457861, Art- Arabidopsis thaliana NP_200237, Pot- Populus
trichocarpa jgi269050, Aea- Aedes aegypti XP_001654690, Drm- Drosophila melanogaster
NP_523547, Mum- Mus musculus NP_061206, Hos- Homo sapiens NP_005582, Sac- Saccharomyces
cerevisiae NP_013951, Asn- Aspergillus niger XP_001392848, Pyf- Pyrococcus furiosus Q8U1N9
Fig. S4. -H2A.X foci in the MICs of vegetatively growing wild-type (a) and mre11 (b) cells upon 1h
treatment with 10 µg/ml bleomycin. (For the DSB-inducing activity of the concentration used, see
Figure 4.) An untreated wild type control is shown in (c). Both in the treated wild type and mre11
mutant, MICs displayed -H2A.X labelling in 100% of cells (n=200). Staining of MACs was less
pronounced and not quantified. H2A.X phosphorylation due to DSB induction in the mutant indicates
that Mre11p is not required for DSB sensing in vegetative cells.
Fig. S5. PFGE timecourse of conjugating wild-type cells from t=0 h (mixing of cells = induction of
meiosis) to t=10 h after meiotic induction. EtBr staining. PFGE separates the macronuclear
chromosomes (a.k.a. autonomously replicating pieces) (Orias 1998). Due to the large amount of DNA
loaded in this experiment, the gel displayed fewer than the ~225 macronuclear chromosomes
(autonomously replicating pieces) which are normally resolved by PFGE (Orias 1998;Eisen et al.
2006). Micronuclear chromosomes do not enter the gel because of their size (~50 Mb). Unlike in
budding yeast where a DSB-dependent smear appears in meiotic samples (Loidl et al. 1998),
fragmentation of micronuclear meiotic chromosomes (expected from about 3 h after induction of
meiosis) is not visible in EtBr-stained pulsed-field gels of Tetrahymena. Because the MAC (which does
not undergo meiosis) is ~45-ploid, it contains a >20 times excess of DNA which conceals the DNA
from the diploid MIC. Therefore, meiotic DSBs can be visualized only by Southern hybridization with a
MIC-specific DNA probe (see Figure 4). However, beginning at 6 h after induction of meiosis, a smear
indicating fragmentation of macronuclear chromosomes starts to form, and 8 h after induction of
meiosis, intact macronuclear chromosomes are notably reduced. This loss is due to DNA degradation
accompanying the elimination of the old MAC, which is part of Tetrahymena's developmental
programme (see (Martindale et al. 1982;Karrer 2000). Only later, a new MAC which is reconstituted
from a zygotic MIC, will amplify its DNA. Budding yeast strain SK1 was used as the size marker (Loidl
et al. 1998).
Fig. S6. High-temporal-resolution of DSB dynamics in the wild type. DSBs are most abundant from
t=3h45´ to t=4h15´ after induction of meiosis. Independent time courses produced similar results.
Intensities of a ca. 940 kb band with ethidium bromide staining well below saturation (upper panel)
were measured to determine the relative amount of loaded DNA (ADL) for the different time points.
For this, the Gel Analysis Tool of ImageJ (Wayne Rasband, N.I.H.; http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/) was
used. The intensities of hybridized bands (BI) shown in the lower panel were corrected for the
amount of DNA. The corrected relative intensities of hybridization signals are plotted at the bottom
with the weakest band arbitrarily set to one unit.
Fig. S7. Examples of exceptional MICs with more than two FISH signals in the com1 mutant. While
attenuated sister chromatid cohesion or over-replication could possibly explain this observation,
these anomalies are difficult to reconcile with the supposed defect of the com1 mutant in DSB
repair (see text).
Supplementary references
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Karrer KM (2000) Tetrahymena genetics: two nuclei are better than one. In: Asai DJ, Forney JD (eds)
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