Bishop Tufnell CE (Aided) Junior School PROSPECTUS CONTENTS Welcome from the Headteacher School Background, Values and Mission Statement School Aims and School Prayer Admissions Policy 2014/2015 Curriculum Matters School Information Governors Staff Further Information for Parents Problem Solver Uniform Regulations KS2 Performance Data 2014 School Dates Welcome to Bishop Tufnell CE (Aided) Junior School, Felpham Thank you for requesting further information about Bishop Tufnell Church of England Junior School. This prospectus is intended to help you to learn more about the life and work of our school and to understand our aims and values. At our school, we provide a stimulating learning environment for all children within a caring, Christian ethos. We aim to give our children a wide range of learning opportunities to help them to grow into independent, well-behaved and responsible young people who achieve the highest standards possible across the whole curriculum. We believe that we can only achieve the best for your child through close co-operation between home and school. We encourage all parents to share in their child’s education and we are always pleased to talk with you about any aspects of your child’s development. We hope that you will want to share with us in making this a very happy and successful period in your child’s life. The information in this prospectus is up to date at the time of publication, but it can only ever give you a snapshot picture. Please come in, spend some time with us and see for yourself. We are extremely proud of our school, of our outstanding Church School Inspection Report 2011, our good Ofsted Inspection Report 2012 and, of course, of our wonderful children. Shane Morton Headteacher SCHOOL BACKGROUND Bishop Tufnell CE (Aided) School is a coeducational Junior School catering for children from 7–11 years old. It is a Church of England Aided School which works closely with the two parishes of Felpham and Middleton, the Local Authority, the Diocese and local community organisations. It shares a site with Bishop Tufnell CE Infant School and the Felpham Children and Family Centre. There has been a school in the village of Felpham since the late 19th century. The original school has now been developed as new homes. It was Bishop Tufnell, vicar of St Mary’s Church, Felpham, who was largely responsible for the building of the original school in the village. In recognition of that fact, the present Infant and Junior Schools have been named after him. He had previously been the Bishop of Brisbane, Australia. Bishop Tufnell Junior School was opened in 1957 and provides a focal point for the community. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Learning together, to serve God, His world and all His people. Always our best because everyone matters OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES Courage Creativity Peace Trust Forgiveness Justice Thankfulness Compassion Friendship Hope Truthfulness Humility Generosity Respect Wisdom Perseverance Service Responsibility Fellowship OUR LEARNING VALUES Communication Creativity Independence Spirituality Thinking Skills Working With Others AIMS “Education is not about making everyone the same, it is about making everyone different and therefore more human.” (Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury) In our school, we aim to: * Create a safe, happy, healthy and stimulating learning environment within a loving, Christian ethos. * Develop broad, balanced, relevant and stimulating learning that promotes the intellectual, creative, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of every child. * Inspire every child to achieve the highest possible standards of learning and behaviour. * Develop individual, enthusiastic, life-long learners, who have positive self-esteem and who become active and caring citizens of the future. * Help all learners to think independently and to be responsible for their own actions. * Be reflective learners who make informed judgements about our performance and progress. * Promote effective learning partnerships with parents, the church and the wider community. OUR SCHOOL PRAYER This is our School. Lord, let it be full of joy and happiness. Let it be full of love and peace. May we treat others as we would like to be treated. Help us to grow safely, to learn new things each day, And to celebrate the wonder of life. Let us be proud of what we achieve together And let us remember that as many hands build a house, So, many hearts make a school. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ADMISSIONS POLICY: 2014/2015 Bishop Tufnell CE Junior School is a voluntary aided Church of England Primary School and as such the Governors are responsible for determining the admission of pupils. It serves both the local Christian community and the wider community of Felpham and Middleton. We therefore welcome applications from all children within our community, seeking to embrace its diversity within a Christian environment. As indicated below, priority is given to children in care (“looked-after” children) and then to children attending Bishop Tufnell CE Infant School at the time when parents are asked to express a preference for the Junior School stage of their child’s education. Most children attending the school previously attended our neighbouring Infant School and came from the categories of those with brothers and sisters in the schools and those resident in the parishes of Middleton and Felpham. The maximum number of children admitted to each school year group is 90. The Governors do not normally exceed this number. All places are normally filled at the start of Yr 3. For entry at Yr 3 at age of transfer, the Governors will initially give preference to applications from parents of looked-after children/children in care and previously looked after children and then to those who are on roll at Bishop Tufnell CE Infant School. If there are more than 90 applicants from these categories, places will be allocated by the Governors in accordance with the criteria set out below, in the order of priority shown. If all places in Yr 3 are not filled, the Governors will consider applications from the parents of children attending other schools. In the event of oversubscription, the criteria below, in order of priority shown, will apply. The admission of pupils to established year groups will be considered if there are places available. In the event of more than one application, places will be allocated in accordance with the criteria below, in the order of priority shown, with looked after children preceding all others. OVER-SUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA NB For entry at Yr 3 at age of transfer, the Governors will initially give preference to applications from parents of looked-after children/children in care and previously looked after children and then to those who are on roll at Bishop Tufnell CE Infant School. If there are more than 90 applicants from these categories, places will be allocated by the Governors in accordance with the criteria set out below, in the order of priority shown. If all places in Yr 3 are not filled, the Governors will consider applications from the parents of children attending other schools. In the event of oversubscription, the criteria below, in order of priority shown, will apply. 1. “Looked-after” children/children in care and previously looked after children. 2. Children who are on roll at Bishop Tufnell Infant School. 3. Children of parents who are regular* worshippers at St Mary’s, Felpham and/or St Nicholas’, Middleton and who are resident in the Ecclesiastical Parishes of Felpham or Middleton. 4. Children who will have a full or half brother or sister/adoptive or foster brother or sister, permanently living in the same household in either of the schools at the time of admission. Siblings must have been a pupil at either of the Bishop Tufnell Schools for at least the previous complete term. 5. Children of parents who are regular* worshippers at St Mary’s or St Nicholas’ and who are not resident in the parishes of Felpham and Middleton. 6. Children of parents who are resident in the parishes, and who regularly* worship at another Church that is a full member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or of the Evangelical Alliance. 7. Children with known special educational, medical or social needs who would benefit from a place at the school. 8. Children of parents who are resident in the parishes of Middleton and Felpham. 9. Other children. Notes: * Regular is defined as attending a Service at least fortnightly for a period of at least two years. Applicants applying under this criteria will be required to submit with their application a form/letter from their priest or minister confirming that the criterion is satisfied. New residents of the area will need to provide a support letter/form completed by the incumbent/minister of their previous parish. Reference to parents includes legal guardians and includes either or both or a sole parent and where only one of two parents satisfies the criteria the application will be treated equally with applications where the criteria are satisfied by both parents. When deciding between applicants who have equal entitlement under the above criteria, priority will be given to those children who would have the furthest distance to travel by road to the next nearest school. A map showing the parish boundaries can be inspected at the school. Application forms for admission are available from the school. All parents of Yr 2 children attending a West Sussex Infant School are contacted by the West Sussex Local Authority in the Autumn Term prior to the year of transfer and invited to express a preference for a place in a Junior School. They are told of the timescale for the process, including decision dates about admissions. (Parents wishing to visit the school, prior to deciding whether or not to apply, should telephone to make an appointment.) Late applications are considered after all those applications received by the specified deadline. To avoid the disappointment of late application, the Bishop Tufnell Schools will work together to ensure that all Infant parents in Year 2 have applied before the deadline. Unsuccessful applicants will be offered a place on the waiting list appropriate to the particular year group for an agreed period, not exceeding 12 months. There is a right of appeal to an independent panel against a decision of the Governors not to admit a child. Parents wishing to appeal should write to the Clerk to the Governors, c/o the School. Applying for a School Place in West Sussex Schools in West Sussex are categorised as community, voluntary controlled and voluntary aided. Community and voluntary controlled schools serve catchment areas. Voluntary aided schools serve wider areas. This school is a Voluntary Aided School. Admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools are the responsibility of the Local Education Authority and applications must be made through their offices at: Education Office (South) Pupil Admissions Office Centenary House Durrington Lane Worthing, West Sussex BN13 2QB Telephone: 0845 075 1007 Fax: 01903 839214 Email: Under the Education Act parents can express a preference for any school but parents do not have a right to choose a school. West Sussex Education Authority does, however, make every effort to meet parental preference where possible. Further information about how places are allocated at this, and other schools in the County, is contained in the Authority’s Information for Parents Booklet, a copy of which is available from the School Office or the Pupil Admissions Office. Further details relating to admissions can be found on the West Sussex Grid for Learning, Transport: Transport matters for children attending this school are dealt with by the Transport Co-ordination Group, based at The Grange, Tower Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RH. They can be contacted on Tel: 01243 753530, Fax: 01243 777946 or e-mail Notes/Definitions: We will operate an equal preference system adhering to the Schools Admission Code laid down by Parliament. When deciding between applicants who have equal entitlement under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those in order of distance from their home to the school measured in a straight line, the nearest being accepted first. We would use the distance (in metres) that the Local Authority provide for us. “Parish” refers to parochial parish, not Local Authority parish. Reference to parents includes legal guardians and either or both parents or sole parent. Where only one of two parents satisfies the criteria the application will be treated equally with applications where the criteria are satisfied by both parents. Evidence is required to support applications for looked after children or previously looked after children who ceased to be so because they were adopted (or become subject to a residency order or special guardianship order). Applications for looked after children should be made by the relevant social worker. Applications for children who are adopted should be supported by copy of the adoption order and the new birth certificate. Applications for children who are subject to a residency order or special guardianship order should be supported by a letter from social services confirming details of the arrangements for the child. CURRICULUM MATTERS We are currently in the process of implementing a brand new and exciting curriculum for all year groups. More details can be found on our school website, Curriculum Organisation Our curriculum is varied and stimulating. We ensure that as the children move through school they make progress and build upon previous experiences. The topics studied are balanced across the Key Stage ensuring that all of the children have the correct access to all curriculum areas. Basic skills of numeracy, literacy and oracy form part of the everyday organisation of classroom activities and are part of every week’s work. Weekly spelling, handwriting, tables, number work, writing, reading, speaking and listening are essential activities that provide a basic structure to the week. This helps children to become fluent in the use of English, and competent in the understanding and application of Mathematics. Integration of topic work allows the children to apply their basic skills in different contents and to come to understand their world and its relevance to themselves. Within each classroom Learning Journey, activities are highly structured and planned well in advance to allow for differentiated programmes of work to be developed and well resourced. All teachers provide a range of classroom activities for the children so that the more able can be challenged at an extended level and children experiencing difficulties are set appropriate tasks. This means that children will be working on similar Learning Journeys but on skills/concepts to match their needs. The Learning Journeys are: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Autumn Storms & Shipwrecks; Fire & Ice; Rotten Romans & Crazy Celts Homefront History; Location, Location, Location; Savage Saxons & Vicious Vikings Pharoah Fantasy; Terrible Tudors; Go with the Flow Different Worlds; Lights, Camera, Action; Groovy Greeks Whatever the subject area of learning, the curriculum is planned to develop six key skills for life – COMMUNICATION, CREATIVITY, INDEPENDENCE, SPIRITUALITY, THINKING SKILLS and WORKING WITH OTHERS. The National Curriculum The National Curriculum Areas of Learning are: English Science Computing Geography Physical Education Design Technology Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education Mathematics Religious Education History Art Music Modern Foreign Languages English As well as being a core subject of the National Curriculum, English is at the heart of our whole curriculum. Children’s abilities are developed within an integrated programme of speaking and listening, reading and writing, handwriting and spelling in order to make them skilled communicators, fluent readers and expressive writers. Children do regular reading, handwriting and spelling practice at school. All children will have spellings to learn weekly at home. We use a range of fiction and non-fiction books to help children develop their reading skills. Structured programmes and books for particular abilities are available for use, being well monitored by the teachers. In addition to our well stocked library, classrooms have their own mini-libraries supplemented by the West Sussex Library Service. Children are encouraged to develop a love of reading and become enthusiastic, independent and reflective readers. All children use the online learning tool “Accelerated Reader” to ensure that they choose sufficiently challenging books at the right level for them. The children learn to express themselves confidently and clearly in a range of situations. We consider it essential that they are taught to listen carefully to others and to evaluate what they hear. We aim to develop the use of writing as a means of organising and communicating ideas. All children are expected to write in a variety of ways for different purposes and audiences - stories, poems, dialogues, scripts, reports and diaries are just a few of these ways. Creative, empathetic, cross-curricular writing is actively encouraged. Each child is aware of their writing targets and work towards achieving the “next step up” on their personalised writing ladder bookmark. Handwriting practice is undertaken regularly. Children work towards their Writers’ Licence and Scribe Award. The school has the Basic Skills Award for English and Maths. Mathematics We aim to encourage children to achieve their best by making Maths an enjoyable and creative subject in which the child develops a positive interest. The foundation for this will be built upon good mental skills which include a thorough knowledge of number bonds and tables. We follow the national primary curriculum which is supported by high quality published materials. A lot of the work is of a practical nature involving the handling and investigation of shapes and other mathematical equipment. The main areas covered are Using and Applying Mathematics; Number; Algebra; Shape and Space; and Data Handling. Children are encouraged to learn their tables and to bring them home to practice. All children take part in a weekly times-table challenge. An equally important part of the children’s developing skills will be to use the Maths they have learned in a creative and investigational way. This is done by providing a series of mathematical problems which are designed to widen the children’s mathematical thinking. This kind of work also develops their ability to concentrate on aspects of Maths when a solution seems difficult to find! We subscribe to the online learning tool “My Maths”. This is an excellent resource which enables children to understand and track their own progress in Maths. Science Science forms a major part of the curriculum for every child. We build on children’s knowledge through practical activities. The content of the work being covered forms the basis of a broad and balanced scientific experience. Children are encouraged at all times to ask questions, plan, predict, test and evaluate, relating Science to their everyday lives. The activities included are Experimental and Investigative Science; Life Processes and Living Things; Materials and their properties; and Physical Processes. The scientific process involves children planning experimental work, obtaining evidence and then making sense of it all. Essential skills such as observing, predicting, measuring, presenting results and drawing conclusions all have their parts to play. Computing Computing has been given an increasingly high profile in school. Every classroom has an interactive white board and a class Learn Pad (Tablet). We have a room dedicated to ICT, where the children will be taught specific ICT skills and can support their work with a variety of multi-media equipment. We also have over 60 wireless laptops and 50 Learn Pads so that ICT can be used to support the curriculum anywhere around the school. Through the new Computing curriculum the children will be taught programming skills through 3 strands: computer science; digital literacy; information technology, control technology and learn how to debug programs. Children have the opportunity to use Probots, programming software (Scratch and Kodu) and using cameras for animation. We have a new updated broadband connection which allows fast access to the internet, intranet and network. Through teaching e-safety; children and staff are aware of the implications of using the internet and social media and how to stay safe online. We do ask parents to give permission for use of the internet when children join the school. Staff and children use online resources such as Accelerated Reader to monitor and assess reading comprehension. Children have access to MyMaths, where additional tasks and homework is set. During the current academic year, we hope to establish a virtual learning platform which will encourage parents and children to work collaboratively. This will be linked to a new website where parents and members of the public can access school information and news. Religious Education Being a Church of England Aided School, the core of our religious teaching is Christianity. However, in keeping with the aims of the school to prepare children as citizens of the wider world and to appreciate the views and attitudes of others, we also learn about other religions and traditions. We follow the Diocesan Guidelines alongside the West Sussex RE Syllabus. An act of Collective Worship occurs daily in school reflecting the broad tradition of Christian belief, having regard to family background, ages and aptitudes of the children. (Should parents wish to withdraw their children from all or any part of Collective Worship or Religious Education, their request will be complied with and alternative provision can be made for them). The clergy from Felpham and Middleton Parish Churches are regular visitors to the school meeting and talking to the children and leading acts of worship. Visitors from other local Churches are also invited to lead Collective Worship through the year. The school has received the Bishop’s Commendation for its outstanding work in developing spirituality across the curriculum. History Studying History brings about an understanding of how present lifestyle has evolved. The way we live today has been directly shaped by the way people lived in the past. Work in this subject draws initially from first hand experience and the immediate locality and is designed to stimulate the children’s interest. A major emphasis is placed on the use and interpretation of evidence through primary sources, such as letters, census data and other resources. History also contributes to children’s knowledge and understanding of countries and cultures in the wider world. It enriches other areas of the curriculum and will introduce children to the distinctive methods that historians use. The periods of History studied are: Year 3 - The Romans & The Celts Year 5 – The Egyptians/The Tudors Year 4 - World War 2/The Saxons & The Vikings Year 6 - The Greeks/The Mayans Geography Children today are more aware of the world and events than ever before. Geography in school is a study of places, the people who live in them and the human and physical processes that shape their development. The school has links with schools in Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka. At our school, it is a subject that enables children to understand their immediate area and the places to which they have travelled. Map work is basic to any geographical study and the children look to refine their map reading as they move through the school. We are an Eco-school and we teach the children to look after the planet and to recycle wherever possible. We also encourage healthy travel to school through our Travel Plan. The Geography topics studied are: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Our Village; China/Antarctica; Weather around the World Location, Location, Location; Map-work Skills; Europe Rivers; North America; Modern Egypt Jamaica and the Caribbean; India and South America; Volcanoes & Earthquakes Music Music is taught either by music specialists or by the class teacher. Emphasis is put on making and enjoying music by using rhythm and tuned percussion instruments, songs, tunes and accompaniment. Children listen to a range of music and learn a series of songs, including traditional and modern arrangements. Our school choir and orchestra provide opportunities for children to further develop their voices and musical skills. The school has gained the National Sing-Up award. All children in Year 3 are introduced to the recorder. All children in Year 4 are introduced to African drums and all children in Year 5 have the opportunity to learn the viola. In addition to classroom music, a team of peripatetic teachers provide specialist tuition in violin, keyboards, brass and guitar for which a charge is made. Parents should contact the School Office if they would like their child to participate in extra music lessons. Design and Technology Children learn a great range of skills, researching the project they are studying, planning what they are going to make, manufacturing their item and evaluating their work. Along the way they will learn to measure, use a range of tools safely, cut and join, make mock-ups and use a variety of materials such as card, paper, clay, wood, fabric and paints. We have created a children’s Technology Room at school for groups of children to use for DT and cookery. Art Art at Bishop Tufnell is an enjoyable and enriching experience. Children are given many opportunities to observe, record and extend their knowledge through a variety of art activities. Children have experience of a range of materials. They learn about famous artists, their styles and their work by looking at examples of art from other cultures and era. In doing this, children learn about the ways of life that produced the art and place it in the context of the culture in which it was produced, e.g. Creative Arts Week. The Creative Arts (Art, Drama, Dance, Music) are positively encouraged and the school puts on a different production every term. Displays and presentation of children’s work have an important place in the philosophy of the school. Art is just one part of the Creative Arts, for which the school has been awarded the Silver Artsmark. One pupil from each Year group is awarded the Art Cup on a termly basis. Physical Education We make good provision for the children to develop their skills across a variety of sporting activities and offer a wide range of challenging activities such as gymnastics, athletics, dance, swimming and the major team games. Staff and children are willing to stay on and participate in extra curricular clubs which work on the broad philosophy that taking part is more important that winning. We judge our success not only in the standards we achieve, but also on the number of children who are able to participate. Having said that, we also challenge our more able and sporting children to high levels of achievement and our teams have won many trophies in recent years. We invite professional sports coaches into school to deliver key curriculum skills every week. The school has received the Active Mark and Enhanced Healthy Schools Status. During the school year a variety of opportunities arise for children to attend local clubs and courses and within the family groups of schools, opportunities arise to provide several sporting events. We are fortunate to have a large playing field and hard surface areas on which to play these sports. Health and Sex Education Sex education within school forms an integral part of the health education programme throughout the school. Children are encouraged to develop moral attitudes and to value family life. We understand our role is complementary to and supportive of the role of parents. Staff aim to promote tolerance of social, moral and religious backgrounds, promoting self respect, self esteem and co-operation with others at all times. We aim to notify parents prior to the commencement of the course of study related to sex education. Parents have the opportunity to share our DVD material in order that they may wish to discuss the content with their children. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any part of our sex programme. It is hoped that any concerns will initially be discussed with the Headteacher. Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education The Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship educational development of all children within the school has a very high profile. We aim to establish positive attitudes of mind, good relationships between children and adults and high standards of behaviour. Our detailed behaviour policy reinforces our emphasis on the partnership between home and school. We value pupil voice and have an active School Council. Children undertake a range of responsibilities such as Play Leaders, Peer Mediators and Eco Warriors. MFL We believe that children in our school should have experience of a variety of modern foreign languages, in a child-friendly fun context. We have chosen French to be our core language and every child in our school is entitled to a 30 minute lesson each week. We hope that by the time they leave the school at the end of Year 6 they will be able to put their knowledge and understanding to good use on our Year 6 trip to Paris. We also hope that they will be in a good position to make excellent progress in their secondary schools and have the foundations of good language skills for life. Learning Support Our Special Needs Policy states that “all children are entitled to a broad balanced and differentiated curriculum”. We are committed to providing access to this curriculum for all our pupils, whatever their needs. The Special Needs Co-ordinator works with the class teachers and our Learning Support Assistants to provide support programmes for individual children. By making effective use of this system we focus closely on each child with specific needs and gain the best possible provision for such needs. We operate within the SEN Code of Practice and we have received the Autism Awareness Award and the Dyslexia Friendly Award. Vulnerable children are given a Learning Mentor to help them to be successful in their learning. We have a purpose-built Special Needs room, which is constantly in use, called “the Studio”. We also have a resources centre, called “the Qube” and a new individual group work facility called “the Chalet”. Homework Children are given Maths and English homework on a weekly basis. We rely on parental support for homework activities as they do have an important impact on children’s learning in school. Assessment Assessment procedures and progress data are used for a variety of purposes. They help us to provide continuity and progression in learning to match the children’s abilities and aptitudes. We give the children feedback to help them to understand what they know, what they can do and what they need to improve. We believe that constructive assessment can raise standards of education. Children gain confidence and motivation from knowing what they are doing and when they have achieved it. In this school, children have specific targets to achieve in reading, writing, maths and other areas. Children completing Key Stage 2 (Year 6) currently undertake National Curriculum Tests, but other assessments take place continually for all children in other Year groups. We value our professional Teacher Assessments, which are confirmed or revised in the light of national testing. SCHOOL INFORMATION SCHOOL HOURS School begins: Morning break: Lunch break: School finishes: 8.50am 10.15am–10.30am 12.00 noon–1.00pm 3.15pm Our School Office is open from 8.15am until 5.00pm. The hours spent teaching during a normal school week, including RE but excluding the Act of Worship, lunch and break = 23.45 hours. Please note that our school day starts promptly at 8.50am. Your child should arrive at school after 8.40am, when supervision in the playground begins – they should not be left at school unsupervised before this time. There is a Breakfast Club which is run by “Blackbirds” at the Felpham Children and Family Centre. If you require further details, please contact the School Office. Your child should not be late to school. If, however, your child is late, (i.e. arrives after 8.50am) for any reason, they must be brought to the School Office by an adult in order to be signed in on our electronic system. At break-time the children are allowed to bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat. They play outside on the playground supervised by a teacher on duty. You may buy milk for your child to drink at break-time – please ask for a “Cool Milk at School” form from the School Office. At lunch-time, the children eat in their classrooms if having a packed lunch, or in the hall if having a hot meal, which has to be ordered online at Please let the School Office know if you are entitled to Free School Meals. Water is available for the children. If a drink is brought in, please ensure it is a still drink in a named plastic bottle or carton (no fizzy drinks, please). Our school day finishes at 3.15pm. Please ensure that you have made arrangements for your child to be collected from school at this time. If you are unable to collect your child from school and they are expecting you, please arrange for somebody else to meet your child. Messages can be left with the School Office before 12.30pm so they can be sent to the children with the afternoon registers. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and timetable logistics, we cannot guarantee that messages will be passed on after 12.30pm. There is a Puffin Crossing on the Middleton Road. Please encourage the children to use this facility for their personal safety. We do encourage all children to walk or cycle to ease the traffic congestion around the school. ROUTINE ARRANGEMENTS Absence If your child is absent for any reason, please notify the School Office as soon as possible, preferably by 9.15am on the first morning of the absence, either by telephone to the dedicated absence line (01243 584489), school mobile 07749 880303 or via a note with another child or sibling. By doing this, if any child is absent from school without a letter or telephone call, we can follow it up immediately. We are now required to report any unauthorised absences. If your child is absent we need to record the reason for absence. The Department for Education (DfE) has made amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006. The school does not authorise any leave of absence during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances. We would urge you, therefore, to reconsider if booking holidays during term-time. If, however, you wish to request any period of absence for your child, you will need to make an appointment to meet with Mr Morton – please either telephone 01243 582400 or email Rates of Authorised and Unauthorised Absence 2013/2014 These figures relate to the absence rate of pupils of compulsory school age in the immediately preceding school year, i.e. 2013/2014. Number of pupils on roll: 363 0.6% of sessions missed through unauthorised absence 2.6% of sessions missed through authorised absence We would also request that any medical appointments are arranged out of school hours, except in emergency situations. If your child does need to attend a medical appointment during school hours, please let us have a copy of the appointment card or letter and inform your child’s class teacher and the School Office in advance. Your child should be collected from the Office by an adult in order to be signed out electronically. Children will not be allowed to leave school unless accompanied by an adult. MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS The main first-aider in school is Mrs Sam Cannings, who is based in the School Office. Other first-aiders include Mrs Helen Quiroga and Mrs Heather Dean who are based in the School Office and Mrs Debbie Martin, who is classroom based. However, all our School Office staff, Learning Support Assistants and Mid-Day Meals Supervisors are trained in First Aid. Please remember that when you send your child to school in the morning, you are confirming that they are fit and well enough to be in school. Once your child is in school, it is the decision of your child's teacher as to whether they are sent home as ill (this decision is taken in consultation with the first-aiders in school). Generally, children are not sent home if they say they have a headache, a tummy ache or a cold. However, if your child is physically sick or has diarrhoea during the school day we will always ask that they are taken straight home and kept at home for 48 hours. Please note that if your child is physically sick at home or has a bout of diarrhoea, they should not be sent to school until 48 hours after the last period of sickness or diarrhoea. Administration of Medicines We cannot administer medicine or treatment in school without permission from parents. If your child needs to complete a course of antibiotics, please contact the School Office who will provide you with a letter of authority. Although we can help you by administering the medicine, it will be your child’s responsibility to come to the Medical Room at the correct time. In cases of Asthma, we ask that your child brings in two inhalers that are clearly named – one is kept in their classroom, whilst the other is kept in the Medical Room. We have a comprehensive First Aid Policy which includes our Asthma Policy. If your child suffers from any medical conditions which require a “Care Plan”, please speak to Mrs Cannings in the School Office. School Nurse The School Nurse comes in to school to carry out some health checks on the children concerning vision, hearing and weight. The facility for checking children’s heads for head lice no longer exists. Please check your own child’s hair regularly and inform the school of any head lice. Regular combing with a special comb does help to keep head lice at bay. We can give you guidelines to help with this matter. Personal Accident Insurance You are recommended to check with your own personal/house insurance policy that your child is covered for personal accident as he/she is not covered by the County Council policy either in school or on an educational visit. Should you wish to insure your child we will be glad to provide details of a policy recommended by West Sussex County Council. SCHOOL SECURITY The main school gates are locked at 8.50am and are re-opened at 3.00pm; entry to the school during the day is only by way of the pedestrian entrance. School staff have access to the main entrance door and car park by way of a key pad entry system. The car park is strictly for staff use only. ALL visitors should report to the School Office on arrival at the school. Name badges are to be worn at all times. Visitors to school are issued with badges/stickers – any unidentified adults in school will be challenged and re-directed to the School Office. Windows are only opened by school staff. The school is protected by an alarm system and entry to school, other than on school days, is by arrangement with the Premises Officer. More comprehensive information can be found in the Security Policy, available from the School Office. CHILD PROTECTION Under the Education Act 2002 (section 175), schools must make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Parents/Carers should be aware that the law (Children Act 1989) requires all school staff to: * Support the children’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and independence; * Provide an environment in which children and young people feel safe, secure, valued and respected, feel confident, and know how to approach adults if they are in difficulties, believing they will be effectively listened to; * Raise the awareness of all teaching and non-teaching staff of the need to safeguard children and of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse. Training is provided for all staff. The school has designated members of staff for Child Protection as follows: Shane Morton Lin Roberts Head Teacher Children’s Welfare and Inclusion Co-ordinator The School has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, details of which are available on request from the School Office. COLLECTIVE WORSHIP We have a daily act of Collective Worship when the whole school comes together as a community. Parents and friends are always welcome to attend. Our daily worship is Christian, but respect is given to other faiths in keeping with our policy to prepare children for life and work in a multi-cultural society. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, worship starts at 10.00am, whereas on Thursdays, it sometimes starts at 2.45pm when different classes take the lead. On Fridays, we celebrate our Achievers’ Assembly at 9.00am where children receive certificates and other awards for outstanding learning, being helpful, etc. Parents are encouraged to attend this celebration of their children’s achievements. Birthdays are regularly celebrated at Collective Worship. HOUSE GROUPS All children, staff and governors are based in School Houses: Arundel Fishbourne Goodwood Slindon - Red Blue Green Yellow Houses are named after local towns and villages. Children belonging to the same family are placed in the same house team in order to encourage mutual support. Twice a year, the children elect House Captains from Year 6 pupils. These children are given particular responsibilities within the school. We hold special house/pastoral group sessions at least twice a term, where children from the same house spend the afternoon learning together. GOVERNORS OF BISHOP TUFNELL CE (AIDED) JUNIOR SCHOOL Mrs F Robinson Mr R Baker Miss D Brigden Mr D Lind Fr W Marston Mrs C Matcham Mrs R Cook Mr S Morton Fr T Peskett Mrs G Renny Miss V Raymond Mrs J Thomas Mrs J Naylor Mrs A Drinkwater (Foundation) (Foundation) (Foundation) (Local Authority) (Foundation) (Foundation) (Foundation) (Headteacher) (Foundation) (Staff - Teacher) (Staff – Non Teaching) (Foundation) (Parent) (Parent) (Chair) (Vice-Chair) (Treasurer) Mrs M Limbrick Mrs H Quiroga (Observer – Assistant H/T) Clerk to Governors (Ex Officio) (Ex Officio) Correspondence for Governors may be sent c/o the School Office. SCHOOL STAFF: 2014/2015 Teaching Staff Mr S Morton Mrs M Limbrick Mrs S Cremor Mrs T Underwood Miss J Barnes Miss L Brophy Mr G Brooks Mr A Cawley Mrs R Champion Mrs D Chute Mrs A Cummings Mrs J McCarthy Mrs L Prudence Mrs G Renny Mrs C Stancomb Miss E Thurston Miss K Tilling Headteacher Assistant Headteacher: Pastoral, Science Assistant Headteacher: Teaching and Learning Assistant Headteacher: Pupil Voice, Geography/History, Mantle DT Maths ICT, PE Art SEN, Forest Schools Yr 4 Leader Yr 5 Leader Music, Creativity RE English PSHCE/Eco History, Student Mentor MFL Yr 3 Leader Yr 6 Leader Non-Teaching Staff Mrs L Orchard Mrs H Quiroga Mrs H Dean Mrs S Cannings Mrs W Odin Mrs L Roberts Mrs K Dewey Miss D Brigden Mr P Hull Mr C Hellyer School Business Manager/Bursar PA to the Headteacher/School Secretary/First Aider Administrative Officer/First Aider Receptionist/First Aider/Clerical Assistant Clubs Supervisor/Clerical Assistant Children’s Welfare & Inclusion Co-ordinator Children’s Pastoral Support Co-ordinator School Librarian Premises Manager Grounds Maintenance Learning Support Assistants Mrs J Barnes Mrs J Brown Ms J Eccles Miss C Elson Mrs P Jackson Mrs D Martin Mrs W Odin Mrs L Palmer Mrs C Smith Mid-day Meals Supervisors Mrs W Odin (Senior) Mrs K Broad Mrs D Hambleton Mr P Hull Mrs T Milloy Mrs T Parsons Domestics Miss M Clarke Miss L Millard Mrs L Brown Mrs D Hambleton Miss L Millard Mrs T Parsons Mrs S Donnelly Mrs J & Mr M Howell Mrs L Morling Miss V Raymond Mrs L Brown Mrs P Jackson Mrs L Palmer Miss C Elson Mrs G Mansfield Mrs W Clark Miss H Merriman Mrs C Shimell Mr P Warner FURTHER INFORMATION FOR PARENTS The school offers a very wide range of clubs before school, at lunch-time and after school. Clubs include: o o o o o o o o o o o o o Writers Recorders Cross Country Running Chess Karate Girls’ Football Choir German French Football Netball Needlecraft Superstars o o o o o o o o o o o o o Stamp Collecting Fencing Study Buddies Cricket Gardening (the Mud Club) Gymnastics Badminton Adventure Reading Theatre Skills Crochet Club Cup Stacking Basketball Model-Making You will receive a letter in September outlining all the clubs which will be available during the academic year – you should complete this and return it as soon as possible. There is a small charge for many of the clubs. Home/School Partnership The partnership between school and home is important to us and we value parent contact and involvement. In order to keep you informed about the school, regular newsletters and curriculum updates are sent to all parents/carers. We subscribe to Parentmail 2, which is a form of electronic communication and text messaging service. All letters sent from the School Office will be sent via the Parentmail 2 system – it is very important that you register with Parentmail 2 and we will help you with this when your child joins the school. You are also able to pay for school trips online using this system. All letters are also now available on the School web-site ( and extra copies can be found outside the School Office. Letters regarding trips and activities may require you to print off a reply slip and return it to the School Office. If you do not have access to an email account, your child will receive a paper copy of letters, but it will be their responsibility to take these letters home – multiple copies of letters will not be issued. We hold termly consultation evenings and provide a mid-year report of children’s behaviour and progress during the Spring term and a final academic report during the Summer term. Behaviour We believe that the most effective sort of discipline is self-discipline. Our children are our best ambassadors. Our recent Ofsted Report found that the behaviour of learners at this school is very good. We offer a range of rewards for good behaviour. Where behaviour is inappropriate, however, we have a system of “red” and “yellow” cards in place whereby playtimes may be lost. Daily Requirements Children should have their PE kit in school every day. We would ask that PE kits are brought to school in a small drawstring bag which can be hung on your child’s peg. The only other bag your child should bring to school is a green school book-bag (available from the School Office at a price of £3.50) and a lunch box with a water bottle. Contact Forms In an emergency it is vital that we are able to contact a child’s parent or guardian as soon as possible. We ask you to update the Data Collection Sheet at the beginning of each school year to enable us to keep the information correct. If, for any reason, your contact details alter during the year, please let the School Office know as soon as possible and we will amend them accordingly. Educational Visits Governors and staff place great importance on the value of well chosen educational visits and activities within school. You will be notified of any visits in advance. There is, of course, some cost involved in these trips. Legally, we are only able to request a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of these trips, but if we do not receive enough contributions then the trips are subject to cancellation. If your child receives Free School Meals, you will only need to pay half of the costs of all trips/activities (except the voluntary trip to Paris for Year 6 children). We hope that you will understand that these activities help to bring the children’s learning to life. If you have any problems with making payment, please talk to one of the School Office team who may be able to offer you alternative ways to pay. Links with the Local Churches Bishop Tufnell Junior and Infant Schools are proud of their long and happy relationship with the Churches of St Mary (Felpham) and St Nicholas (Middleton). Every week, Fr Timothy Peskett and Fr William Marston are invited to lead and share collective worship with the pupils and staff of both schools and enjoy their enthusiasm and warmth. During the year the pupils attend both churches for special services and also as part of the extended classroom learning. Representatives from other local churches also regularly visit the school to take an active part in Collective Worship. Forest School We are a Forest School. Forest School is a type of outdoor education in which children (or adults) visit forests/woodlands, learning personal, social, scientific and technical skills. It has been defined as "an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment". Forest Schools use the woods as a means to build independence and self-esteem in school-age children. Topics are cross-curriculum (broad in subject) including the natural environment, for example the role of trees in society, the complex ecosystem supported by a wilderness and recognition of specific plants and animals. The personal skills involved are considered just as highly valuable, such as teamwork and problem solving. The woodland environment is also used to learn about more abstract concepts such as mathematics and communication. Each group has the opportunity to work in the woods with Mrs Chute, our Forest School Instructor and an experienced team of outdoor learners. Friends of Bishop Tufnell At Bishop Tufnell School we work extremely hard to provide an excellent education for all children. We have a very active and supportive Parents’ Association called “the Friends”, who meet on a regular basis to plan school events. The Friends support the school financially and in terms of time and good will. We value their involvement and appreciate the support they give the school. The Friends organise a school disco or film night once a term, as well as other events. Recent events have included the Annual Firework & Bonfire Night, The Friends also organise various Christmas activities such as parties, a chocolate raffle and the designing of Christmas cards. During the Summer term, they help to organise the joint Summer Fayre with the Infant School. The Committee which organises these events are always keen to recruit new members. A few recent acquisitions have included the sail canopy on the front playground, new library books and new learn pads. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I HAVE A CONCERN ABOUT A CHILD? Is the concern medical, social or educational? If you think that a medical issue is affecting your child at school then please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. If you are concerned about your child’s health, we will arrange for the School Nurse, Jacquie Latter, to see you and your child. If you think that a social, emotional or behavioural issue is affecting your child at school then please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. If you are concerned about your child’s behaviour or friendships we will arrange for the Children’s Welfare & Inclusion Co-ordinator, Lin Roberts, to see you and your child. If you think that your child is not making good progress with their learning at school or with homework then please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. If you think that your child has special educational needs or is gifted and talented, please make an appointment to see our SENCO, Di Chute. Is the concern about school procedures, an incident at school or of another nature? If you require further information about a particular school activity or about school policies and procedures then please speak to Helen Quiroga in the School Office. You can request to see the minutes of governors’ meetings, school policies or any other school documents or look on our School website, If you are concerned about something that happened in the classroom, then please speak to your child’s class teacher. If you are concerned about something that happened at playtime or during an extra curricular club, please speak with the class teacher or with the Headteacher, Shane Morton, or one of the Assistant Headteachers, Mary Limbrick, Sasha Cremor or Tamsin Underwood. If you have any other sort of concern, please do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher, Shane Morton, for an appointment, either by letter, email or telephone. Any sensitive family issues will be treated with confidentiality and always in the best interests of the child. If Mr Morton is not able to resolve your concern, then you can be referred to the Chair of Governors. Bishop Tufnell CE Junior School – Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2014 Mathematics Level 5 and above (significantly above the national expectation) = 39% (including 11% at Level 6) Level 4 and above (meeting the national expectation) = 93% Average Point Score = 29.53 (West Sussex average = 28.73) Two Level Progress KS1-KS2 = 95% Reading Level 5 and above (significantly above the national expectation) = 58% (including 1% at Level 6) Level 4 and above (meeting the national expectation) = 93% Average Point Score = 30.00 (West Sussex average = 29.13) Two Level Progress KS1-KS2 = 91% Writing Level 5 and above (significantly above the national expectation) = 38% Level 4 and above (meeting the national expectation) = 90% Average Point Score = 28.60 (West Sussex average = 27.87) Two Level Progress KS1-KS2 = 96% Reading/Writing/Maths (children achieved in all three aspects) Level 5 and above (significantly above the national expectation) = 24% Level 4 and above (meeting the national expectation) = 87% NB – This is sometimes called being above or below the “Floor Target” where the national average in 2014 was 78% Average Point Score = 29.38 (West Sussex average = 28.58) Science Level 5 and above (significantly above the national expectation) = 48% Level 4 and above (meeting the national expectation) = 96% Average Point Score = 29.60 (West Sussex average = 28.55) Two Level Progress KS1-KS2 = 96% SCHOOL DATES 2014/2015 Autumn Term 2014 Wednesday 3rd September – Friday 19th December (First day back at school, 4th September) Half Term: Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October Spring Term 2015 Monday 5th January – Friday 27th March Half Term: Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February Summer Term 2015 Monday 13th April – Wednesday 22nd July Half Term: Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 4th May 2015 Please Note The following dates will be school closures for In Service Training: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wednesday 3rd September 2014 Monday 3rd November 2014 Monday 23rd February 2015 Friday 22nd May 2015 Friday 3rd July 2015 West Sussex County Council Headteacher: Mr S Morton B.A. (Hons) M.A. Bishop Tufnell CE Junior School Pennyfields, Felpham, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 6BN Tel: 01243 582400 Fax: 01243 584489 E-mail: Web Site: Moodle: Learning together, to serve God, His world and all His people. Always our best because everyone matters.