GEOL 220 EARTH HISTORY AND THE FOSSIL RECORD SPRING, 2011 “Geologists, in their all but closed conversation, inhabit scenes that no one ever saw, scenes of global sweep, gone and gone again, including seas, mountains, rivers, forests, and archipelagoes of aching beauty rising in volcanic violence to settle down quietly and then forever disappear - almost disappear.” John McPhee Dr. James R. Ebert Office: Science I, Rm. 209A Office hours: M 2:00, Th 11:00, 1:00 and by appointment Office phone: x3065 E-mail: Class meets: Science I, Room 211; T, Th 10:00-11:15, Lab is in Room 204, M 3:00-4:50 or W 2:00-3:50 College Catalog Description of Course: An overview of the history of physical, chemical and biologic changes that have taken place on Earth since its formation 4.6 billion years ago. A major emphasis in the course is on the tools and techniques that are used to read and interpret this history using fossils and physical features in the rock. Laboratory and field exercises illustrate events in Earth’s history and provide students with opportunities to engage in geologic inquiry. Writing in the discipline is emphasized through laboratory reports, field trip reports and research papers. Prerequisite: GEOL 115, 120, 150, or 182. Attributes for General Education: LA, WS2 Course goals and activities: This course is designed to provide students with an overview of Earth’s history and an understanding of the techniques that are used to read and reconstruct that history. Aspects of the physical and biological development of the Earth over 4.6 billion years will be examined in class. Techniques for reading and interpreting Earth history will be explored in laboratory activities. Field exercises will provide opportunities for students to employ the skills that they have developed through previous lab activities. TEXT: Stanley, S.M., 2005, Earth System History, 3nd Edition, NY, W. H. Freeman and Company, 551p. Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology in the Field: New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 416p. (Recommended for lab and field.) GRADING AND ASSIGNMENTS You are expected to have assignments read before attending lecture and lab. This will better prepare you for class and help to enable you to ask intelligent and informed questions. Attendance for labs and field trips is mandatory. If you have conflicts with the Saturday field trip, you should consider taking the course in a different semester. Participation and Professionalism will be evaluated. Attendance is essential and may affect your grade. Your grade will be determined as follows: In-Class Activities Labs Key Labs Field trip report - Depositional Environments Field trip report – Stratigraphy and Paleontology Field trip report – The Big Picture Lab Practical Exam Midterm and final exams Participation and Professionalism TOTAL: 5% 15% 10% 10% 10% 15% 10% 20% 5% 100% FIELD TRIPS A REQUIRED ALL-DAY SATURDAY FIELD TRIP is scheduled for SATURDAY: May 7. We will tour some of the fabulous geology of New York State where you will have opportunities to demonstrate all you’ve learned in the course! Also, there will be two IN-CLASS REQUIRED FIELD TRIPS. They are scheduled for April 11 and May 2 for the Monday Lab and April 13 and 5/4 for the Wednesday Lab. These trips will last longer than the two hours normally scheduled for lab. “It is thus, in seeing the former state of things that we are led to see the present with a scientific eye; and we shall investigate the natural operations of the earth for a space of time that will astonish in proportion as it is perceived.” James Hutton, 1785, on seeing erosion on the Isle of Arran “If by some fiat, I had to restrict all this writing to a single sentence, this is the one I would choose: The summit of Mount Everest is made of marine limestone.” John McPhee SCHEDULE OF LECTURES AND LABS Date 1/19 1/20 Topic Clues in the Rocks: Basic Rock Types – Textures, Processes of Formation, Recycling Clues in the Rocks: Basic Rock Types – Textures, Processes of Formation, Recycling 1/24&26 Lab 1: Clues in the Rocks: Siliciclastic Sediments and Rocks 1/25 Introduction, The Denudation Dilemma, Deep Time and the Science of Geology Clues in the Rocks: Texture and Composition Evolution, Bioevents and the Fossil Record Lab 2: Clues in the Rocks: Preservation of Fossils; Major Groups of Invertebrate Fossils Principles of biostratigraphy and building a Geologic Time Scale Calibrating the Geologic Time Scale Clues in the Rocks: Geologic Structures and Relative Age Relationships Clues in the Rocks: Principles of Paleoecology ► Lab 3: Clues in the Rocks: Paleoecology of Fossils Origin of the Earth, the oldest rocks on Earth A World before abundant Fossils: Precambrian Primer Origin and early history of life Introduction to carbonate sediments Lab 4: Clues in the Rocks: Introduction to Carbonate Sediments Two Konservat Lägerstatten and the dawn of the Phanerozoic: Ediacarans, the Small Shelly Fauna and the Cambrian Explosion Rodinia, Rifting, Iapetus, the Great American Bank and Epicontinental/Epeiric Seas Case 1/27 1/31&2/2 2/1 2/3 2/7 & 9 2/8 2/10 2/14 & 16 2/15 2/17 Readings p. 35-46 p. 35-46 Ch. 1 p. 35-46, Ch. 7 p. 47-72 Ch. 7, 11 p. 137-142, Ch. 1, p. 75-97 p. 75-97 Ch. 12 p. 258-262, Ch. 12 Ch. 12 Ch. 13 No Classes 2/20-28 2/28&3/2 Lab 5: 3/1 3/3 3/7 & 9 3/8 3/10 3/14 & 16 3/15 3/17 3/21-23 3/24 3/28 & 30 3/29 3/31 4/4 & 6 4/5 4/7 4/11 & 13 4/12 4/14 Clues in the Rocks: Carbonate Rocks Study in Sedimentary Tectonics: Taconic Orogeny History repeats itself: Siluro-Devonian Epeiric Seas, the Acadian Orogeny and the Catskill Clastic Wedge Lab 6: Clues in the Rocks: Sedimentary Structures Colonial history of terrestrial environments and a Devonian amphibious assault Alleghanian Orogeny, cyclothems and coal swamps ► Exam I Facies, Facies Patterns and Depositional Environments ► Lab Practical Exam ► Lab 7: Clues in the Rocks: Facies Patterns Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 14 p. 125-137 Ch. 5, p. 125-137 Pangea and the Great Dying: the Terminal Permian Extinction Ch. 15 Case Study in Sedimentary Tectonics: Mesozoic rifting and the East Coast Ch. 16 No Class/Lab: Northeast/North Central Geological Society of America Conference, Pittsburgh, PA GSA Debriefing; Mesozoic Marine Communities Ch. 16 Lab 8: Clues in the Rocks: Comparing Geologic Histories – Correlation Mesozoic terrestrial life: reptiles, dinosaurs and the dawn of mammals Ch. 16 Mesozoic Highlights: Sölnhofen and Morrison Lägerstatten & the K-T boundary event Ch. 16, 17 Lab 9: Clues in the Rocks: Regional Patterns from Geologic Maps Cenozoic Life: Insights from another Lägerstatte Ch. 18 Paleoclimate Indicators and Temperature Proxies p. 461-470 Ch. 5 ► Lab 10: Clues in the Rocks: In the Field! (Due 4/26) Paleoclimates p. 461-470 The Pleistocene and Holocene History of New York State p. 495-508 No Classes 4/16-25 4/26 4/27 4/28 5/2 & 4 5/3 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/9&11 5/10 5/12 Discussion of Field Trip The Past Shapes the Present: Landscapes Wednesday Lab 11: Landscapes: The Intersection of Past Products and Present Processes Cenozoic Life: primates and early hominids p. 484-494 ► Lab 12: Stratigraphy and Paleontology Field Trip Cenozoic Life: primates and early hominids p. 484-494 Cenozoic Life: primates and early hominids p. 484-494 FRIDAY: Earth Sciences Department Annual Picnic!!! ► SATURDAY FIELD TRIP – The Big Picture – Due 5/10 Monday Lab Meets on Monday Lab 11: Landscapes: The Intersection of Past Products and Present Processes Monday and Wednesday FIELD TRIP REPORTS DUE; Discussion of Saturday Field Trip; Big Questions from Earth History ► Exam II: 8:00 – 10:30