University of Sydney Department of Rural Health Broken Hill Advanced Diploma in Indigenous Primary Health Care Outline of Units of Study 2005 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Contents Page Units of study (and credit points) by year and semester PHCR3101 Community Health 7: Indigenous health education and promotion PHCR3102 Population Health 4: Public health in practice (including environmental health) PHCR3103 PHC in practice: Chronic diseases PHCR3104 PHC in practice: Ageing and disability PHCR3105 PHC in practice: Drugs and alcohol studies PHCR3106 PHC in practice: Mental health and well-being (emotional and social well-being) PHCR3107 PHC in practice: The family and young child PHCR3108 PHC in practice: the pre-adolescent and adolescent PHCR3109 PHC in practice: Sexual health PHCR3110 PHC in practice: Men’s health PHCR3111 PHC in practice: Oral health PHCR3103- PHC in practice (electives) 3111 PHCR4101 Professional Development 3: Advanced communication skills PHCR4102 Community Development 4: From theory to practice 1 PHCR4103 Professional Development 4: Ethical, legal and professional practice PHCR4104 Community Development 5: From theory to practice 2 3 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Advanced Diploma in Indigenous Primary Health Care (when following on from Diploma in Indigenous Primary Health Care) Part-time in year 3 and 4 Year 3: Semester 5 Year 3: Semester 6 Community Health 7 (6) Indigenous health education and promotion Population Health 4 Public health in practice (inc. environment) PHC in practice (elective 1)* (6) Elective based on learning contract PHC in practice (elective 2)* (6) Elective based on learning contract (6) Family and young child Pre-adolescent and adolescent Oral health These electives may be taken in Semester 5 or 6 Men's health Chronic diseases Drug and alcohol studies Ageing and disability Sexual health Mental health and well-being (emotional and social wellbeing) Year 4: Semester 7 Professional Development 3 (6) Advanced communication skills Year 4: Semester 8 Professional Development 4 (6) Ethical, legal and professional practice Community Development 4 From theory to practice 1 Community Development 5 From theory to practice 2 (6) (6) *You choose 1 elective from the list, for each semester of year 3. The intent is that there is both a significant theoretical and a practical component. The student will demonstrate an understanding of ‘wellness- illness -wellness' in the context of practical PHC (promotion, prevention, early diagnosis, active management and prevention of complications, and rehabilitation). Students completing the requirements for the Advanced Diploma in Indigenous Primary Health Care may wish to continue – now or in the future – with further studies towards a bachelor degree. 4 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3101) COMMUNITY HEALTH 7: Indigenous health education and promotion CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 Unit of study description: This unit is designed to continue developing skills relevant to health education and promotion activities in the student’s communities. The emphasis is on working with individuals, the community and other health professionals to prevent illness and optimise community health status through programs that reflect community needs, community development principles and cultural effectiveness. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Understand general models of health promotion and their relevance in Aboriginal communities. 2. Work with individuals, the community and other health professionals to prevent illness and optimise community health status. 3. Use community processes to determine locally perceived needs and priorities for health promotion and education. 4. Assess whether health education/health promotion programs and services are appropriate to the community, using community processes. 5. Participate in the development of culturally appropriate health promotion and health / education materials and services. 6. Deliver health promotion and education in a cultural context appropriate to community. 7. Evaluate health promotion / education programs. 8. Provide feedback to those concerned (service and community) on implementation of health promotion / education program. 9. Advocate on health education and health promotion service provision. 10. Understand the principles of Best Practice and evidence-based practice in Health Promotion activities. 5 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Content: Content includes: Models of health education, prevention and promotion and their relevance to Aboriginal communities; Case studies of Aboriginal health promotion; Assessing health promotion activities; Developing health promotion materials and services; Implementing health promotion projects and programs; Monitoring and evaluating health promotion projects and programs; Principles of Best-Practice and evidence-based practice in health promotion activities. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lectures, discussion, individual study and tuition, scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. The student’s will also be involved in a range of appropriate health promotion activities for their community. 6 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3102) POPULATION HEALTH 4: Public health in practice CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 6 Unit of study description: This unit is designed to introduce students to the principles and practice of public health in rural and remote communities of Australia. The student comes to understand how an approach that focuses on the group complements the approach that focuses on the individual and how both are essential for an effective primary health care service. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Appreciate the distinction between the principles of health care delivery to individuals and to population groups (communities). 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of rural and remote communities that impact on health and health service needs. 3. Work with the individual, the community and other health professionals to prevent illness and improve (optimise) community health status. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the Australian principles of public health and their implications for practice. 5. Understand the roles of governments and non-government agencies in the provision of health care. 6. Identify the risk factors and health needs of their community and advise, act or advocate for risk reduction and health enhancement. 7. Assess the environmental health needs of their community and advise, act or advocate for environmental health enhancement. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of common risks / hazards in the workplace and undertake OH&S advocacy. 9. Understand the importance of ecologically sustainable development principles being inherent in public health programs. 10. Ensure that Best Practice and evidence-based practice underpins population health activities. 11. Develop the basic skills to describe quantitatively and qualitatively the health needs of their community. 7 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ 12. Participate in a range of community based population health activities, such as immunisation, screening, monitoring and surveillance. Content: Content includes: Australian public health policy and practice; Screening, notifiable diseases, immunisation; Monitoring and surveillance; Environmental health (including assessing, advocating for, education, evaluation); Ecologically sustainable development principles; Occupation Health and Safety issues; Best Practice and evidence-based practice; Professional, legal and ethical responsibilities. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lectures, discussion, individual study and tuition, scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. The student’s will also be involved in a range of public health activities in their community. 8 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR 3103 – 3111) PHC in practice (elective name) CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 each 5 and 6 Unit of study description: These units of study provide the student with the opportunity to extend and consolidate two areas of primary health care practice. The student is able to choose one elective each semester. The objectives to be met and the subject matter are determined with the student and a learning contract developed, including the clinical skills to be developed during this time. Some electives are covered in first or second semester, others are offered during either semester (see below). Electives offered include: The family and young child (Semester 5) The pre-adolescent and adolescent (Semester 6) Oral health (Semester 6) Semester 5 or 6 Men's health Chronic diseases Drug and alcohol studies Ageing and disability Sexual health Mental health and well-being (emotional and social well-being) Details of these electives, objectives, teaching methodologies and assessment are provided in the Appendix. 9 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ 10 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR4101) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3: Advanced communication skills CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 Unit of study description: This unit of study is designed to continue the development of the students’ communication skills as they relate to the workplace. An understanding of the importance of good organisational communication is encouraged and students develop skills such as team building, decision-making and problem solving. Dispute resolution and the development of appropriate and effective negotiation and mediation skills are stressed. Particular emphasis is given to the challenges of trans-cultural communication, and the needs of indigenous people. Students are also encouraged to continue developing their computer skills. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Describe the role of the individual and the team in the workplace. 2. Describe the factors that impact on how decisions are made in organisations. 3. Describe the communication process. 4. Describe common barriers to effective communication. 5. Describe ways to enhance cross-cultural communication. 6. Contrast functional and dysfunctional conflict. 7. Outline the conflict process. 8. Describe the role of negotiation in managing conflict. 9. Demonstrate an improvement in their negotiation skills. 10. Articulate the principle of Best Practice and its implication for an organisation. 11. Continue to develop computer skills. 11 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Content: Content includes: The workplace –the individual in the organisation; Power and decisionmaking; Communication in the workplace; Roadblocks to good communications; The good listener and the poor listener; Trans-cultural communication issues; Problem solving; Conflict and negotiation; Group skills (effectively handling group dynamics); Best practice and organisational change; Computer workshop. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lectures, discussion, individual study and tuition, clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. Students will be expected to demonstrate a range of advanced communication skills in the workplace. 12 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR4102) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4: From theory to practice 1 CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 Unit of study description: This unit is designed to continue developing skills relevant to implementing primary health care and/or community development programs. Throughout the year the student will implement a program relevant to their community’s need. In “From Theory to Practice 1” the emphasis is on identifying a problem and planning a program to meet the need, incorporating the principles of community development and with special reference to Aboriginal organisations and communities. The program will also begin to be implemented. In the second semester the emphasis is on monitoring and evaluation. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Identify a community problem. 2. Plan a project, including the following steps: 3. Literature review to identify risk factors, contributing factors and programs (successful or otherwise) relevant to the issue. State the program goal. Consider priorities that will impact on program. Develop objectives relevant to target group, risk factors and contributing factors. Develop indicators for use in the monitoring and evaluation phases of the project. Consider alternative strategies for program. Develop strategies and timelines for meeting objectives. Ensure that appropriate community development principles are evident in the project / program. Implement program. Develop a proforma for writing a grant proposal. 13 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Content: Content includes: The planning process revisited; Planning the planning; Identifying problems; Determining priorities; Formulating goals and objectives; Thinking of alternatives; Management of the action phase; Thinking about monitoring and evaluation; Grant writing. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lecture discussion, individual study and tuition, scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. Students will plan a small community development project and begin implementing this. 14 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR4103) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4: Ethical, legal and professional practice CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 6 Unit of study description: Professional practice requires that students understand the ethical and legal issues that underpin and impact on their practice. This unit revisits the ethical principles relevant to those providing health care. The ways in which the legal system impacts on health workers are covered, as are the ethical dilemmas facing health workers. The latter engages the student in the process of informed and critical thinking required for life-long learning, which the student is also encouraged to develop. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical principles relevant to the provision of health care and health-related research. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the process of ethical reasoning. 3. Understand the general structure and processes of the legal system. 4. Recognise and apply areas of substantive law relevant to health care provision. 5. Critically analyse practice settings and situations in terms of their ethical and legal implications. 6. Continuously maintain, appraise and enhance their clinical practice. 7. Develop a professional portfolio. 15 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Content: Content includes: The bioethical principles revisited; the legal system in Australia as it relates to the health system and health workers; developing informed and critical appreciation of ethical and legal issues through case studies and scenarios that focus on contemporary bioethics; professional portfolios and appraising clinical practice. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lecture discussion, individual study and tuition, scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. 16 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR4104) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5: From theory to practice 2 CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 6 Unit of study description: This unit is designed to continue developing skills relevant to implementing primary health care and/or community development programs. Throughout the year the student will implement a program relevant to their community’s need. In the previous semester (“From Theory to Practice 1”) the student identified a problem, planned a program to meet the need, incorporating the principles of community development, and began implementing the program. This semester, in “From Theory to Practice 2”, the emphasis is on monitoring and evaluation. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Discuss the importance of monitoring and evaluation in community projects. 2. Monitor and evaluate a project / program, including the following steps: Plan and organise the resources required. Use existing knowledge and records in the process. Determine if further information is required. Collect appropriate further information. Complete the evaluation (analysis of information). Report the results to the stakeholders. Use evaluation results to improve services. 17 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Content: Content includes: The planning process revisited; What has gone before (Planning the planning, Identifying problems, Determining priorities, Formulating goals and objectives, Thinking of alternatives, Management of the action phase); Ongoing management of a project; Monitoring and evaluation – what it is about; Monitoring and evaluation – how to do it; Feedback – to the community and to the service providers. Teaching / Learning strategies: Self-directed learning modules, lecture discussion, individual study and tuition, scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods, both written and oral. Students will continue to implement their community development project and bring it to its conclusion, demonstrating aspects of management, monitoring and evaluation to complete the project. 18 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ 19 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Appendix Objectives for PHC in practice electives 20 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3103) PHC in practice: Chronic diseases CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to those with a chronic disease and their families. The particular needs of these individuals and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Understand the impact of chronic diseases (in particular cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, diabetes mellitus and cancers) on rural and remote communities. 2. Demonstrate a general understanding of the causal factors for chronic diseases. 2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic anatomy and physiology of the relevant systems, with emphasis on the origins and natural history of disease. 3. Provide education and lifestyle strategies to limit / reduce risk of disease or complications. 4. Conduct screening activities to identify people at high risk and surveillance activities of people at high risk. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of and competencies in preventive strategies and, with other members of the health team, management of people identified with chronic disease. 6. Ensure that Best Practice and evidence-based practice underpins population health activities. 21 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 22 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3104) PHC in practice: Ageing and disability CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to the ageing and those with a disability and their families. The particular needs of the ageing and those with a disability and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ageing process. 2. Understand the impact of ageing and disability on rural and remote communities. 3. Demonstrate and understanding of the importance of coordination of care and continuity of care for older community members and the family / carers with disability or illness. 4. Demonstrate skills appropriate to the primary health care worker in identifying medical problems in older people and strategies for their solution. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the special problems relating to drug therapy and substance use in older people. 6. Understand the special needs of people with a disability and their family / carers in rural and remote communities. 7. Demonstrate skills appropriate to the primary health care worker in identifying problems for people with a disability and strategies for their solution. 8. Ensure that Best Practice and evidence-based practice underpins ageing and disability health services. 23 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 24 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3105) PHC in practice: Drug and alcohol studies CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to the community in the area of drugs and alcohol. The focus includes prevention and health promotion, identification of risk and harm minimisation strategies and developing ways to effectively meet the needs of those with drug or alcohol problems. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study the student will have had the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the current drug and alcohol situation in Australia and at the community level. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, social and economic effects of drug use (including alcohol). 3. Provide community education and health promotion relevant to drug and alcohol misuse. 4. Undertake a physical and mental health status assessment, including drug and alcohol risk assessment. 5. Have an understanding of the range of interventions for drug and alcohol misuse, including their strengths and limitations at the community level. 6. Develop, in collaboration with relevant health team members, family and community, a culturally appropriate management plan that assesses and responds to risk. 7. Implement, in collaboration with relevant health team members, family and community, a culturally appropriate drug or alcohol management plan. 8. Demonstrate skills in communication and counselling relevant to PHC workers involved in supporting drug and alcohol activities. 9. Demonstrate strategies for self-care. 25 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 26 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3106) PHC in practice: Mental health and well-being (emotional and social well-being) CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to the community that focuses on the area of mental health and well-being. This is a broad area that includes being involved in programs that enhance emotional and social well-being, identifying and working with individuals and families ‘at risk’, and managing with others in the Mental Health Team, those with a mental health problem. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the current status of emotional and social wellbeing and mental illness in Australia and at the community level. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, psychological, familial and social effects of mental illness. 3. Provide community education and health promotion relevant to emotional and social well-being. 4. Undertake a physical and mental health status assessment, including risk assessment. 5. Have an understanding of the range of interventions and provisions for mental illness, including their strengths and limitations at the community level. 6. Develop, in collaboration with relevant health team members, family and community, a culturally appropriate management plan that assesses and responds to risk. 7. Implement, in collaboration with relevant health team members, family and community, a culturally appropriate management plan. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of coordination of care and continuity of care in rural and remote communities. 9. Demonstrate skills in communication and counselling relevant to PHC workers involved in supporting mental health activities. 10. Demonstrate strategies for self-care. 27 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 28 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3107) PHC in practice: The family and young child CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to the family with a young child. The particular needs of potential parents, parents and young children and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Provide pre-pregnancy lifestyle counselling /advice. 2. Understand the principles of contraception and family planning. 3. Provide advice and counselling for client presenting with an unplanned pregnancy. 4. Provide antenatal assessment and risk factor identification appropriate for a PHC worker. 5. Provide antenatal care with an individual management plan in consultation with others on the health team. 6. Provide post-natal care for mother and infant. 7. Promote and support breast-feeding. 8. Assess the physical, emotional and social needs of the new family, providing education, support and referral when required. 9. Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, psychological, social and cultural factors that impact on the health of the family and young child, contributing to morbidity and mortality. 10. Demonstrate an understanding of the normal growth and development of the child. 11. Be able to apply Aboriginal criteria to the assessment of normal growth and development. 12. Demonstrate competency in growth and development assessment, appropriate for a PHC worker. 13. Demonstrate competence in the recognition and management of illness in the young child, at the PHC level and involving family and others of the health team. 14. Demonstrate competence in the recognition and management of the child suspected of being abused. 29 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ 15. Demonstrate competence in the prevention of ear disease and the recognition and management of the child with chronic ear infections. Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 30 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3108) PHC in practice: The pre-adolescent and adolescent CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services to pre-adolescents and adolescents and their families. The particular needs of the adolescents and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the normal development (physical, including sexual, psychological, and social) of the pre-adolescent and adolescent. 2. Understand the current socio-economic and cultural stresses that impact on the physical, psychological and spiritual development of the pre-adolescent and adolescent. 3. Develop effective communication strategies with pre-adolescents and adolescents. 4. Understand the main morbidities of pre-adolescents and adolescents. 5. Understand the importance of identifying early indicators of “at risk” behaviour and the benefits of initiating harm minimisation strategies. 6. Be involved, with others of the health team, in developing and providing health promoting and harm minimising programs for pre-adolescents and adolescents. 7. Develop skills in providing effective primary health care to pre-adolescents and adolescents. 8. Understand and use opportunities for health education, health promotion and health surveillance for pre-adolescents and adolescents. 9. Understand the principles of contraception and family planning. 31 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 32 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3109) PHC in practice: Sexual health CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the student to focus on providing primary health care services in the area of sexual health to their community. The needs of the community and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Explore issues of human sexuality for the individual and the community. 2. Demonstrate competency in history taking and counselling regarding safe sex practices. 3. Demonstrate competency in counselling and education for sexual problems throughout life (health worker gender specific). 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the epidemiology of Hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS and STIs, and their importance at the community level. 5. Demonstrate competence in all aspects of a sexual health program, at the PHC level, and working with the Sexual Health team (harm minimisation strategies, legal requirements, contact tracing, pre and post test counselling, management, infection control and standard precautions). 33 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 34 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3110) PHC in practice: Men’s health CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 5 or 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study will allow the male student to focus on providing primary health care services to men in their community. The particular needs of men and ways of effectively meeting these needs will be explored. Objectives: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Discuss the determinants of health for men. 2. Discuss the unique needs of Aboriginal men. 3. Describe how to manage health problems specific to men’s health. 4. Engage men, and in particular Aboriginal men, more effectively in looking after their health and the health of their family. 5. Engage men, and in particular Aboriginal men, more effectively in looking after their health and the health of their community. 6. Work with health service providers to ensure health services are more accessible and appropriate for men, and in particular, Aboriginal men. 7. Develop primary health care programs for men in the community. 35 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Teaching / Learning strategies: Learning contracts with self-directed learning guidelines; individual study and tuition; clinical scenarios and small group work. Assessment strategies: Assessment is centred on the learning outcomes listed and will consist of a variety of assessment methods; written, oral and clinical. Students will demonstrate competency in the skills relevant to this area of primary health care practice. 36 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ (PHCR3111) PHC in practice: Oral health CREDIT POINTS: SEMESTER: 6 6 Unit of study description: This unit of study aims to introduce the student to oral health as an integral component of general health and equip the student with basic oral examination skills. Students will recognise some common oral health conditions and undertake an oral needs assessment of their community. They will provide advice on seeking dental care, develop appropriate oral health promotion strategies and evaluate the effects of their intervention methods. Learning outcomes: At the completion of this unit of study students will have had the opportunity to: 1. Discuss the relationship between oral health and general health. 2. Perform a basic oral examination and describe their findings. 3. Explain the anatomy of the teeth and gums with respect to their observations. 4. Discuss the processes involved in common oral diseases (i.e. dental caries, periodontal (gum) disease, dental erosion and oral cancer). 5. Identify risk factors for oral disease and the factors that may have impacted on the oral health of an individual. 6. Be confident about discussing dental issues with dentistry health professionals. 7. Explain (or discuss) the principles of oral health promotion and the prevention of oral diseases, and how risk factors may be modified. 8. Develop and implement community appropriate preventive and oral health promotion strategies. 9. Ensure that Best Practice and evidence-based practice underpins oral health strategies. 10. Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of interventions. 11. Document and provide feedback on outcomes. 37 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ Presentation: Module 1: Students will attend an introductory module, following which they will undertake screening in their community (Outcomes 1 – 6). Module 2: A second block will aim to discuss findings and develop intervention strategies. Students will then return to their communities to implement these strategies (Outcome 7). Module 3: Students will meet with their mentor to discuss evaluation methods and will then return to their community to complete an evaluation of their intervention. Students will submit a written report outlining the oral health needs that existed, the intervention implemented and an evaluation of this intervention (Outcomes 8 -10). Assessment: Summative assessment will take place on two separate occasions with numerous opportunities for formative assessment and feedback from the elective mentor. Assessment 1: Takes place at the end of Module 1 and will be based upon Learning Outcomes 1 – 6. This assessment will comprise a viva voce (oral examination) and clinical assessment. Students will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. Assessment 2: Takes place at the end of Module 3 and will be based upon Learning Outcomes 7 – 10 as demonstrated in the final written report. Students will predetermine assessment criteria by negotiation with mentor. 38 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003 Broken Hill Department of Rural Health ______________________________________ 39 _________________________________________________ Units of Study outlines - 2003