Reproduction and Heredity

Reproduction and Heredity
Chapters 8-9
Heredity = biological inheritance
– Or why we look like our parents!
Genetics is study of heredity
Sexual reproduction
Alternation between meiosis and fertilization
– Meiosis is the process of nuclear division in which the chromosome number
is halved
• Usually 2n to n
– Fertilization is the process where two haploid cells (gametes) fuse
In each diploid cell, chromosomes have a partner or homologous chromosome
or homolog
Chromosome structure
Through meiosis and cytokinesis, a single diploid cell becomes four haploid
– Haploid cells can be gametes
• Unite to form zygote then divides
– Haploid cells can be meiospores
• Divides without uniting with another cell
• Meiosis produces genetic variability through genetic recombination
– Crossing over, as well as possible haploid chromosome combinations
Meiosis vs. mitosis
Two nuclear divisions in meiosis, only one in mitosis
Four haploid cells result from meiosis, Two diploid cells result from mitosis
Nuclei produced by mitosis have identical gene combinations
Alleles are alternate forms of the same gene
Alleles occupy the same locus (plural = loci) on homologous chromosomes
Mendel’s crosses
Complete dominant versus recessive alleles
Mendel’s two principles
• Principle of segregation
– Alleles (of one gene) separate during meiosis
• Principle of independent assortment
– Alleles separate independently of alleles of other genes
• Genes found in close proximity do not always segregate independently
• Linkage maps are created
Change in heredity state of an organism is a mutation
– Point mutation
– Deletion
– Duplication
– Transposons
Chromosomal mutations
• Pieces of chromosomes
– Inversion
• Piece of chromosome inserted backwards
– Translocation
• Exchange of parts between two non-homologous chromsomes
• Entire chromosomes
– Aneuploidy is any number different from normal
– Polyploidy is duplication of entire set of chromosomes
Allele interactions
Incomplete dominance can occur
Multiple alleles can occur
Epistasis can occur
Some traits are controlled by more than one gene – polygenic traits
Pleiotropy can occur
Genes in plastids
• Plastids and mitochondria contain their own DNA
• Cytoplasmic inheritance is usually determined by female parent, and is
therefore known as maternal inheritance
• Leaf mottling is a character controlled by maternal inheritance in chloroplasts
Role of the environment
Phenotype is a product of genes, environment and a gene by environmental
Asexual reproduction
Also known as vegetative reproduction
Progeny are identical to parent, or are clones
Advantages of sexual reproduction
Produces genetic diversity, which allows the population to adapt through the
process of evolution by natural selection
Requires a lot of energy (so it must be advantageous!)
Widely used
Chemistry of heredity
• Double helix with sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous base pairs
• Strands are antiparallel and complementary
DNA Replication
Copying DNA
Catalyzed by DNA polymerase
Nucleotide sugar is ribose rather than deoxyribose
Thymine replaced by uracil
Information transfer
RNA polymerase is used in transcription
Genetic code is universal
mRNA is translated into protein
tRNA has two attachment sites, one for mRNA and one for amino acid
Translation occurs at ribosome
Polypeptide sorting
Polypeptide targeting assures that each peptide moves to the correct location
within a cell
– Cotranslational transport
• Ribosomes on endoplasmic reticulum
– Posttranslational transport
• Free ribosomes
Gene regulation
• Only certain genes are expressed
• Totipotency – an entire plant can be regenerated from a differentiated cell
– Points towards regulation of gene expression
• Transcription factors directly or indirectly affect the initiation of transcription
Genome size varies
Repetitive sequences
Tandemly repeated DNA
– Repeated DNA are arranged in tandem series
– Simple-sequence repeated DNA (satellite DNA)
Interspersed repeated DNA units
– Dispersed throughout the DNA
– 20-40% of most multicellular organisms is this type
Unique DNA
50-70% of genome is single-copy DNA
– Protein-coding DNA
Introns and extrons
The protein coding sequences of DNA or structural genes are not continuous
Interrupted by noncoding introns
Exons are coding sequences
Next time….
Plant biotechnology and genomics