Oakdale Junior School Learning for Life Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure and Expected Impact Academic Year 2014-15 Percentage of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) – 23.41% - reduced to 20.81% Amount of PPG per pupil - £1300 / £1900 Total Budget - £105300.00 – reduced to £94500.00 Strategy Budget Action Pupil Premium Teacher £29900.00 Identify the Pupil Premium pupils across the school and their individual needs. 1:1 and small group interventions In-class support Using data to track progress Identify and source provision of needs outside the classroom Liaise with parents Signpost support e.g. PSA / nurture Organise enhancement activities e.g. educational visits Monitor and evaluate impact of use of funding Impact Success at End of KS2 2015 – 17 pupils Reading - All pupils achieved Level 4+, 100% made 2 levels progress and 41.2% made 3 levels progress. Writing - 16 out of 17 achieved Level 4+, 1 pupil achieved Level 6, 100% made 2 levels progress and 47.1% made 3 levels progress. EGPS – Since 2014, attainment at Level 4+ has improved by 26.5% and at Level 5+ has improved by 24.9%. Maths – 13 out of 17 achieved Level 4+ and made 2 levels progress. Although not in line with English achievement, these figures are significantly improved from 2013 and sustained from the improvement seen in 2014. Success for pupils across the school – Y3 14 pupils, Y4 17 pupils, Y5 19pupils Year 3 – 100% of pupils are on track for age expectations in Maths and % on track for age expectations is English is in line or above national. 100% are on track for making expected or good progress in all subjects. Year 4 – Pupil premium pupils are making better progress than ‘all pupils’ in the cohort and their attainment is in line with all pupils. 1 pupil does not have KS1 results. Year 5 – Progress in maths is in-line with all pupils in the cohort and nationally and is improved from Y6 2015. 17 out of 19 pupils are on track to make expected progress in Reading and 16 out of 19 in Writing. 2 pupils do not have KS1 results. Oakdale Junior School Learning for Life Parent Support Advisor £3628.61 HLTAs £7668.31 Pupil Progress Meetings £1638.73 Intervention Resources £2341.04 Depending on specific needs, families were supported with strategies to enable them to ensure a stable upbringing of pupils. This includes; parenting workshops bereavement sessions curriculum workshops, drop-in sessions support with uniform and PE kit supporting good attendance and punctuality liaising with other agencies, schools and local authorities. Support learning both within the class and as targeted intervention programmes across the curriculum. Using data to ensure that support from LSAs is focussed and specific. Monitoring of interventions and evaluating impact. Supporting in-class teaching. 1:1 and small group booster teaching. Termly meetings to ensure that there is robust analysis of data to ensure that interventions are focussed for pupils entitled to PP funding, and the curriculum. Teachers and LSAs/HLTAs are released to meet with the Headteacher, Inclusion leader and this information is fed back to the Pupil Premium Teacher. Specific resources purchased to support and target accelerated progress across all areas. iPads and appropriate APPs purchased for in class and small group interventions. PSA has provided 1:1 parenting support and advice for a number of the PP parents. PSA has provided welcome tours and induction for 4 new PP pupils this academic year. PP pupils have their needs met to enable them to access the full curriculum. There is no visible difference between PP pupils and non-PP pupils – PP intervention groups and support is mostly provided with pupils not eligible for the PPG. Effective interventions in place and having a positive impact e.g. Y4 PP pupils making better progress than the rest of the cohort. Children are able to access curriculum and support them to make at least expected progress. PP pupils progress is now in-line with the progress of all pupils in the school in all subjects and as all pupils nationally in English. The progress of all pupils in maths is still a school focus. Discussion about PP pupils during pupil progress meetings ensures they have access to any relevant interventions. PP pupil are discussed specifically in pupil progress meetings and their support is reviewed on a termly basis. Teachers and Inclusion team will be fully aware of individual needs and able to adapt curriculum and wider experiences to support PP pupils. Inclusion leader and Headteacher have a full overview of progress concerns. Children access the curriculum effectively. Progress is measured effectively from a baseline at the start of intervention. PP pupils progress is now in-line with the progress of all pupils in the school in all subjects and as all pupils nationally in English. Oakdale Junior School Learning for Life Intervention Programmes (Support staff) Intervention Programmes (Teaching staff) Music Lessons £21.888.73 Support staff timetabled to provide specific, focussed interventions that are carefully monitored by the Inclusion leader and PP teacher. CPD is provided to support staff to ensure effective delivery for interventions and in-class support. £12407.51 CPD is in place to provide effective Quality First Teaching in all classes. Small group interventions and boosters led by Head teacher, Deputy Head, Inclusion Assistant head, class teachers and specialised supply staff: Yr 6 maths and English booster for Level 3 and 4 Level 6 Reading and EGPS Level 6 Maths Year 5 booster small groups £3900.00 Provision for pupil premium pupils to have individual music lessons led by Local Authority peripatetic teachers. After school Club and Breakfast Club £11400.00 Residential Visits / Holidays £5000.00 Offer 5 fully-funded places for ASC and BSC to provide consistent and nurturing wrap-around care. This improves attendance and punctuality of these pupils. Developing social skills working alongside different age groups of children. 50% payment for the Year 5 PP pupils’ residential visit to Glasbury. The week long outdoor education course has a positive impact on pupils self-esteem and resilience, approach to challenging situations and improving teamwork. The school has links with CCHF and facilitates holidays for pupils and families where the need is identified. The progress of all pupils in maths is still a school focus. Effective interventions in place and having a positive impact e.g. Y4 PP pupils making better progress than the rest of the cohort. PP pupils progress is now in-line with the progress of all pupils in the school in all subjects and as all pupils nationally in English. The progress of all pupils in maths is still a school focus. CPD needs are identified and addressed to improve the quality of teaching and learning. In year and end of year data shows improvement in the attainment and progress of PP pupils – see above. PP children learn to play the violin, piano and brass instruments and participate at school recitals and as part of the school orchestra. PP places have been offered and provided as needs has arisen to provide a positive start to the day to facilitate good learning behaviours. Range of activities provide a stimulating, social and nurturing environment. Nine Y5 PP pupils benefitted from reduced fees for the residential visit which led to improved attitude to working together and striving to achieve when challenges set on return. Oakdale Junior School Learning for Life Educational Visits and Visitors to school £3000.00 Nurture Class / Nurture Support £1804.94 Educational visits and visitors are a fundamental part of our curriculum to enhance pupil knowledge and understanding. A wide range of visits take place every year and PP have the cost covered where needed. PP funding enhances curriculum budgets to allow for visitors to the school. The school has a nurture unit, led on a part-time basis by two members of staff. Children are given the social skills and emotional support to ensure that they can engage effectively in the curriculum in a classroom setting and make good progress. Transition is supported as the children return to the classroom full-time. Individual pupils have access to Drawing and Talking, bereavement support and 1:1 adult support as required. A rich curriculum is provided leading to children’s work that shows a good level of understanding and engagement. PP pupils were also given the opportunity to go on a mixed yeargroup visit to the National Maritime Museum to enhance their awareness of historical events. 11 PP pupils have either attended Nurture class or had 1:1 nurture provision. Evidence shows that the children who attend the nurture provision have a reduced number of behaviour incidents in the classroom and show an increased rate of progress on exit. The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and learning Toolkit is used to inform decisions about the most effective forms of support. The provision is reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that it best meets the needs of the current pupils.