CHAMPs Classroom ACTIVITY Worksheet

Guilford County Schools
CHAMPs Training
Revised June 2007
CHAMPs Classroom ACTIVITY Worksheet
Activity: Independent Seatwork
Can students talk with each other?
If so, about what?
To whom?
How many can be involved?
How long should conversation last?
 How should students get questions
answered during this activity?
 How should students get the trainer’s
 If the students have to wait for help, what
should they do while waiting?
 What is the expected end product of the
activity (It may vary from day to day)?
 What should students do after finishing
the activity?
 Can students get out of their seats during
this activity?
 If “yes,” acceptable reasons include:
 Pencil
 Restroom
 Drink
 Hand in/pick up materials
 Other:____________________
 Do they need permission from you?
 What behaviors show that students are
participating fully and responsibly?
 What behaviors show that a participant is
not participating?
Adapted from CHAMPs©, A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management, Discipline in the Secondary
Classroom and materials developed by Teaching Strategies ©
Guilford County Schools
CHAMPs Training
Revised June 2007
Adapted from CHAMPs©, A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management, Discipline in the Secondary
Classroom and materials developed by Teaching Strategies ©