SC Standard 8-3.4 Explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are interrelated in the rock cycle. • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. • _________________ are naturally occurring combinations of minerals. Most consist of two or more different ________________________. Rocks are classified according to how they were ______________________. Physical Properties of Rocks: _________________ (may have a distinctive color for identification) ___________________ (is the color of the mineral in powered form- shows the true color of the mineral) ___________________ (is a measure of the mineral’s resistance to scratching) _________________ (property of minerals that indicates how much the surface of a mineral reflects light or if it is SHINY.) _____________________________________________________________ THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF ROCKS 1. __________________________ Examples: Granite, Obsidian, Pumice 2. ___________________________ Sandstone, Limestone, Shale 3. ___________________________ Slate, Marble, Gneiss IGNEOUS ROCKS (VOLCANOES) IGNEOUS ROCKS: form from _______________or ______________. (MOLTEN ROCK) Igneous Rocks forms around _____________________________. 2 types of Igneous Rocks Extrusive Igneous Rock _____________________________ – Igneous rock formed from ________________ that erupted from a volcano. (exterior – exit) Rocks cools __________________. Because rocks cool quickly, the extrusive igneous rock mineral crystals are ______________ or _______ crystals are formed Examples: Basalt, Obsidian RECAP: Extrusive: Small or no crystals – Cools Quickly Intrusive Igneous Rock . _____________________________ – Igneous rock that formed when _______________ hardened beneath or _____________ a volcano. (interior – inside) Rocks cools __________________. Because rocks cool slowly, the intrusive igneous rock mineral crystals are that form are ___________________ Example: Granite RECAP: Intrusive: Large crystals – Cools Slowly IGENOUS ROCKS PROCESSES Igneous Rocks goes mainly through processes: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ Sedimentary Rocks (Near Bodies of Water) Forms _________________________________________________ or where bodies of water use to be Sedimentary rocks are made up of ______________________________. Sediment are small, solid pieces of rock, mineral grains, or shell fragments. Sediments are formed through the processes of _________________________________________ of rocks exposed at Earth’s surface. These rocks are always forming all around you. Two Processes that make Sedimentary Rocks 1. _____________________________- process that _____________________ sediments together. At first, the sediment fits together loosely. Over long periods of time the layers build up. The layers are heavy and press down on each other. 2. _____________________________ – process in which dissolved minerals crystallize and _____________ sediment together. Sedimentary rocks usually have ____________________________ within them. Sedimentary rocks are also known for having __________________. Metamorphic Rocks (Underneath the Earth’s Surface) Metamorphic rocks form ________________________________________________________. Forms when ____________ are ____________________________________________________________ by great heat and/or pressure Metamorphic rocks are heated, squeezed, folded, or ________________________ changed by contact with _______________________. Metamorphic Rocks Processes Metamorphic goes through 2 processes: 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ Metamorphic Rocks Classification ____________________________ Rocks – Have obvious ______________________. ____________________________ Rocks – Have no visible layers. ALL ROCKS: WHAT PROCESS DO ALL ROCKS GO THROUGH? _______________________________ THE ROCK CYCLE: The rock cycle is an ongoing process. The sample diagram illustrates the series of natural processes that can ________________________________________________________________________.