Liceo statale Jacopone da Todi” Programma di Inglese Anno 2008\2009 Classe 3^BL Testo di riferimento: “New opportunities” – intermediate students’ book – Longman (Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzyńska) “ MODULE 1 – ADVENTURE WARM UP Vocabulary: collocation; travel & leisure Listening: monologues SKILLS GRAMMAR FOCUS FOCUS 1- Explorers Vocabulary: wordbuilding Reading: non-fiction about Scott’s polar expedition Reading strategies: multiple choice questions Speaking: about photos; information gap SKILLS FOCUS 2- Travellers’ Tales Grammar: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS 3- Extreme Sports Vocabulary: extreme sports; cognates; multi-part verbs (1) Functions: preferences Pronunciation: intonation of questions Listening: TV programme; interviews Listening strategies: preparation Speaking: describing and talking about photos; intreviewing partner LANGUAGE PROBLEM SOLVING CULTURE CORNER Language Problem Solving 1 Grammar: state & activity verbs Culture Corner 1 Canada Reading: country factfile Listeninig: a quiz; biographical data Comparing Cultures: famous people; explorers, travellers 4 – Communication Workshops Vocabulary: opinions (adjectives & collocations Pronunciation: showing interest Linking: informal linkers including sentence adverbs, (actually, luckily) Reading: adverts Speaking: choosing a holiday Speaking strategies: interection Writing: a personal letter (1) Listening: radio programme LANGUAGE POWERBOOK Vocabulary: travel and leisure Grammar: Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect Function: expressing preferences Writing: an informal letter Language Problem Solving: state and activity verbs Skills Corner: Writing – a letter MODULE 2 – STORIES WARM UP Vocabulary: stories Speaking: describing photos SKILLS FOCUS GRAMMAR FOCUS 5- The Chase Vocabulary: key words for text; modifiers Reading: short story by H. G. Wells Reading strategies: paragraph gaps Speaking: narrating SKILLS FOCUS 6- A Memory Grammar: Past Perfect Reading: autobiography extract COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS 7- Films Vocabulary: film genres; film jargon Functions: giving opinions about films Vocabulary: multi-part verbs (2) Listening: recorded phone message; dialogues about films Speaking: talking about a photo; talking about films LANGUAGE PROBLEM SOLVING CULTURE CORNER Language Problem Solving 2 Grammar: used to and would 8- Communication Workshops Linking: sequence linkers, (after, by the time, suddenly, just then, etc.) Function: telling stories Speaking: telling a film plot Speaking strategies: dealing with mistakes Listening: a film plot Listening strategies: listening for important words Writing: an adventure story MODULE 3 – TRAVEL WARM UP Vocabulary: transport; travel words Listening: monologues SKILLS FOCUS GRAMMAR FOCUS 9- Problems Vocabulary: transport problems; collocation Speaking: discussing means of transport Reading: travel literature extract by Bill Bryson Reading strategies: sentence gaps SKILLS FOCUS 10- Fear of flying Grammar: Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Vocabulary: air travel Speaking: talking about a photo COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS 11- On the move Vocabulary: travel words; multi-part verbs (3) Function: travel situations Pronunciation: stress affecting meaning Speaking: talking about a photo; roleplays Listening: airport announcements Listening strategies: matching information and dialogues 12- Communication Workshops Linking: addition and contrast, (in addition, plus, although, however, on the other hand) Function: tourist problems, completing sentences Speaking: tourist problems (roleplays) Speaking strategies: preparing for roleplays LANGUAGE PROBLEM SOLVING CULTURE CORNER Language Problem Solving 3 Grammar: pronouns Culture Corner 3 Getting around Britain Reading: a leaflet Listening: a radio programme Comparing Cultures: visiting Britain LITERATURE SPOTS Reading and Listening: Frankenstein Testo di riferimento: “Lit & Lab – From the Origins to the Augustian Age” – Zanichelli – Marina Tavella, Marina Spiazzi MODULE W – READING PATHS 1- The Tools of Poetry Text 1- P.B. Shelley, “A Dirge” Text 2- Keith Bosley, “Snake Glides” Text 3- W.H. Davies, “Leisure” Text 4- Walt Whitman, “We two Boys together Clinging” Text 5- Emily Dickinson, “The Wind tapped like a Tired Man” Text 6- Langston Hughes, “Dreams” Text 7- Sylvia Plath, “Mirror” Text 8- T.S. Eliot, “Preludes” MODULE A – THE ORIGINS AND THE MIDDLE AGES BREAKTHROUGH The Making of the Nation SETTING THE SCENE The Plantagenetes LITERARY When in April the Sweet Showers fall” TEXTS Beowulf Text 21- Anonymous, “The Fight with the Dragon” WRITER’ PORTRAIT Geoffrey Chaucer Canterbury Tales READING LAB The Mistery of Stonehenge L’ insegnante I rappresentanti