Ravi N Shah, New York PGY2, Running for MIT Trustee of APA I am a 2nd year resident at Columbia University running for Member-in-Training Trustee of the APA. MITs are both the future of psychiatry and a vital part of its present. I have always been passionate about improving systems to enhance patient care and even graduated with an MBA in health care management. If elected, my priorities would focus on enhancing the value of APA membership for MITs and advocating for the APA to take a leadership role in health care reform and mental health parity efforts. As a psychiatry resident with business experience, I hope to use my skills to improve the APA for MITs as we approach a changing landscape in healthcare. It would be an honor to represent you and the New York District Branch as MITT to help the APA best serve you, our field, and our patients. Please visit RaviforAPA.com for more information. 516279v1