Week 7

Weekly Letter
English I Honors
Week 7
September 28-October 2
OF MICE AND MEN IS DUE ON Monday, October 5th
This week will we work to reviewing the conclusion, works cited page, MLA formatting, and mechanics,
syntax and editing your final copy. We still have a lot to do and I am so pleased seeing you honor the writing
process. It takes time to research a topic, explain it thoroughly, analyze your information, and then craft a
expository essay. Good for you. I know I am challenging you to work outside of your comfort zone.
Moreover, that uneasiness means growth is happening. Rather than just writing a thesis, you are crafting a
thoughtful position with stylistic nuance and structural purpose. Rather than grabbing the attention of the
reader through a rhetorical question or quote, you are using anecdote and analogy; two new ways to add
sophistication and style to your writing. Rather than listing all of your text evidence, you are making sure it
relates to your position and has key words in it to add to the commentary to support your topic. Rather than
ignoring your audience, you are developing analysis throughout the essay to keep your reader invested and
informed. Rather than working this process in isolation, you are sharing student models and conferencing on
your work. I am so proud of all of you!!!!!
In addition, Thursday of this week we will immerse ourselves in more nonfiction to prepare for our first
formal Socratic Seminar. We need an official “Speaking and Listening” activity this quarter.
Lastly, we will brainstorm a service project to participate in to actively participate in the social change we
seek in our essays. The essays will be due Wednesday, September 28, 2015
Weekly letter
Lab 217
Review Rubric
Conference on Conclusion
Parallel Structure for thesis
Hmwk: start to editing essay---add sentence variety, transitions, condense writing by removing “duh”
adjectives and adverbs and adding STRONG verbs (Per Steven Frank---The Pen Commandments)
Lab 208
Writing the Works Cited Page
MLA citations/parenthetical citations
Hmwk: finish works cited page, fine-tune citations (go to Purdue OWL)
Lab 208 (Rubric on top, final essay underneath (includes work cited page), and one rough draft on the
Essay is Due---No exceptions (if you are absent that day, it must be emailed or turned in to me
before your class starts. Late work is not accepted.)
Labeling essays in the margins
Grading your own with rubric
Socratic Seminar Reading: You will receive numerous articles to read and annotate to get ready for a
Socratic Seminar on Monday and Tuesday of Next week.
Hmwk: Continue reading articles and relating them to CORE seminar questions
Review Seminar expectations and speaking process
Brainstorm service project for social change
No Homework unless you need to practice for seminar 