dimitri a. sotiropoulos

Department of Political Science
and Public Administration
University of Athens
6, Themistokleous Street
Omonoia, GR-106 78
Athens, Greece
Office Tel/fax. + 30 2103688903
Mobile Tel. + 30 6937099594
Home tel..
+ 30 2107489702
SUMMARY: Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public
Administration of the University of Athens and Research Fellow at ELIAMEP (The
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy Studies, Athens, Greece). Political
sociologist/political scientist, doing comparative research on democratization, state and
civil society, and public policies, including administrative reform, welfare reform and
university reform policies.
Author of three monographs on state and public administration in contemporary
Greece. Co-editor of two volumes on the post-authoritarian Greek democracy and
political institutions, one volume on the contemporary Greek civil society, one volume on
South-East European politics and one volume on South European politics.
He has published articles in the following journals: West European Politics,
Journal of European Social Policy, British Journal of Sociology, Southeast European
and Black Sea Studies, Social Policy and Administration and South European Society and
Politics. Teaches courses in sociology and political science. Fluent in Greek, English,
Spanish, and French (in that order).
Advanced Courses taught recently: “Politics and Society in Southern and SouthEastern Europe”, “Politics and Society in Developing Countries”. Research interests:
civil society in Greece and in the post-communist South-Eastern Europe; state
bureaucracy and political parties in Greece and in Southern Europe; the development of
the Greek welfare state; democratization in post-communist South-Eastern Europe; the
welfare state and public administration in South-Eastern Europe; and higher education
reform in the EU and Greece.
Regular contributor of book reviews to a Greek Sunday newspaper (To Vima tis
Kyriakis). Research associate of ELIAMEP (The Hellenic Foundation for European and
Foreign Policy). Has served as co-ordinating editor for the Greek Review of Political
Science, published by the Hellenic Political Science Association. Between January and
August 2003, he was Senior Research Fellow of the Hellenic Observatory, the European
Institute, the London School of Economics. In 2009-2010 he was Visiting Fellow at the
Centre for European Studies, St. Antony’s College, Oxford.
Spring 1994
Spring 1995
Apprentice Lawyer
Costas Karakatsanis' Law Office, Athens, Greece, 1984 -1985
Visiting Lecturer ("Special Scientist")
University of Athens, Department of Political Science and Public
Courses taught: Political Sociology, Seminar in Selected Topics of
Political Sociology, and Introduction to Political Science.
Fall 1994
Visiting Professor
Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones, Madrid
Courses taught: weekly seminar for beginning and advanced
graduate students on comparative politics, with an emphasis on the
methodology of writing a Ph.D. thesis. Tutorials with students
writing theses on the state, political parties, and democratization.
Jan.-Feb. 1995
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
“Jemolo Fellow” at Nuffield College, Oxford University. Carried
out research under the supervision of Vincent Wright.
Sept. 1993-Ju. 1998 Assistant Professor of Sociology ('Professor I')
The American College of Greece (Deree College)
Courses taught in English: Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of
Modern Life (Social Institutions), Sociology of Organizations,
Social Problems, Sociology of the Family, Social Change, and
Sociology of Knowledge.
Feb. 1997-Aug. 1998 Visiting Assistant Professor ("Special Scientist")
Department of Sociology, University of Crete, Rethymnon,
Courses taught: Sociology of Deviance, Sociology of Political
Parties, Democratization and Social Change in Southern Europe.
Sept. 1998-Apr. 2002 Lecturer in Political Science
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
University of Athens
Apr. 2002-Oct. 2008 Assistant Professor in Political Science
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
University of Athens
Oct. 2008-
Associate Professor of Political Science
University of Athens
Courses taught throughout this period: Introduction to Political
Science, Politics and Society in Developing Societies, Politics and
Society in Southern and South-Eastern Europe, Social Problems
and the Welfare State in Southern Europe.
Populism and Bureaucracy: The Case of Greece under PASOK, 1981-1989,
Notre Dame and London: The University of Notre Dame Press, 1996
(a Kellogg Institute series).
Bureaucracy and Political Power: A Sociological Study of the
Relations of Politics and Administration, Athens: Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 1996 (in
The Peak of the Clientelist State: Organization, Personnel and Politicization of
the High Echelons of the Greek Public Administration, 1974-2000, Athens:
Potamos, 2001 (in Greek).
The Pendulum of Administrative Reform, coauthored with Dimitris V. Papoulias
and Charalambos I. Oeconomou, Athens: Potamos, 2002 (in Greek).
The Third World (an introductory textbook), coauthored with Asteris Chouliaras,
Sotiris Roussos and Pandelis Sklias, Athens: Papazisis, 2005 (in Greek).
The State and Reform in Southern Europe: Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain,
Athens: Potamos, 2007 (in Greek).
Edited volumes
Society and Politics in the Third Greek Democracy, coedited with Chr. Lyrintzis
and El. Nikolakopoulos, Athens: Themelio, 1996 (in Greek).
The Greek Ombudsman: “Democracy in Depth”, Athens: Papazesis and Citizen’s
Union “Paremvassi”, 2000 (in Greek).
Is South-Eastern Europe Doomed to Instability?, coedited with Thanos Veremis,
London: Frank Cass , 2002.
The Unknown Civil Society (with V. Voutsakis, J. Kallas and N. Stylianidis),
Athens: Potamos, 2004 (in Greek)
Democracy and the State in the New Southern Europe, coedited with Richard
Gunther and P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Articles in peer-reviewed academic journals
1) “Ministerial Elites in Greece, 1843-2001: A Synthesis of Old Sources and
New Data”, South European Society and Politics, 7 (2), 2002, 153-204. (Coauthored with Dimitris Bourikos.)
2) “New Approaches to Post-authoritarian Greek Politics”, review article, South
European Society and Politics, 7 (3), 2002, 63-168.
3) “The Trajectory of Post-communist Welfare State Development: The Cases of
Bulgaria and Romania”, Social Policy and Administration, 37 (6), 2003, 656-673.
(Co-authored with Ileana Neamtu and Maya Stoyanova.)
4) “South European Bureaucracies in Comparative Perspective”, West
European Politics, 27 (3), 2004, 405-422.
5) “The EU’s Impact on the Greek Welfare State: Europeanization on Paper?”,
Journal of European Social Policy,14 (3), 2004, 267-284.
6) “Positive and Negative Social Capital and the Uneven Development of
Civil Society in Southeastern Europe”, Southeast European and Black Sea
Studies, 5 (2), 2005, 243-256.
7) “Is the Glass ‘Half Full’ or ‘Half Empty’? The Political Science Profession
and Young Academics in Greece”, European Political Science, 5 (3) 3, 2006,
245-252. (Co-authored with Manina Kakepaki.)
8) “Childcare in Post-Communist Welfare States: The Case of Bulgaria”, Journal
of Social Policy, 36 (1), 141-155. (Co-authored with Vassiliki Sotiropoulou.)
7) “Europeanism and National Populism: The Europeanization of Greek Civil
Society and Foreign Policy”, Hellenic Studies, 154 (1), 2007, 43-66. (Co-authored
with George Kalpadakis.)
Chapters in edited volumes
1) “Introduction” and “An Update and Conclusions” in Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos
and Thanos Veremis, eds., Is Southeastern Europe Doomed to Instability?,
London: Frank Cass, 2002, 1-9 and 226-234. (Co-authored with Thanos Veremis.)
2) “From an Omnipresent and Strong to a Big and Weak State: Democratization
and State Reform in Southeastern Europe” in Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos and Thanos
Veremis, eds., Is Southeastern Europe Doomed to Instability?, London: Frank
Cass, 2002, 63-74.
3) “Two Faces of the Politicization of the Civil Service: The Case of
Contemporary Greece” in B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre, eds., Politicization of the
Civil Service in Comparative Perspective: The Quest for Control, London:
Routledge, 2004, 257-282.
4) “Poverty and the Safety Net in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the Postcommunist Era” in Μaurizio Ferrera, ed., Welfare State Reform in Southern
Europe: Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in Italy, Spain, Portugal and
Greece, London: Palgrave, 2005, 266-296.
5) “Introduction: Democracy and the State in the New Southern Europe” in
Richard Gunther, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, eds.,
Democracy and the State in the New Southern Europe, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2006, 1-41. (Co-authored with P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Richard
Gunther, and Edward E.Malefakis),
6) “Old Problems and New Challenges: The Enduring and Challenging Functions
of Southern European State Bureaucracies” in Richard Gunther, P. Nikiforos
Diamandouros and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, eds., Democracy and the State in the
New Southern Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 197-234.
7) “Greece” in C. Neal Tate, ed., Governments of the World: a Global Guide to
Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities, Farmington Hills, Minnesota: ThomsonGale, 2006, 173-180.
8) “A Case of Amateurs and Professionals: The Role of the Greek Senior Civil
Service” in Edward C. Page and Vincent Wright, eds., From the Active to the
Enabling State: The Changing Role of Top Officials in European Nations,
London: Palgrave, 2007, 15-37.
9) “Swift Gradualism and Variable Outcomes: Vetting in Post-Authoritarian
Greece” in Alexander Mayer-Rieckh and Pablo de Greiff, eds., Justice as
Prevention: Vetting Public Employees in Transitional Societies, New York:
Social Science Research Council, 2007, 121-145.
10) “Bulgaria and Romania” in Bob Deacon and Paul Stubbs, Eds., Social Policy
and International Interventions in South East Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
2007, 62-84. (Co-authored with Luana Pop.)
Electronic publications
1) “Ministerial Elites in Greece, 1843-2001: A Synthesis of Old Sources and
New Data”, working paper no. 99, 2002, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European
Studies, Harvard University, (Co-authored with Dimitris Bourikos.)
2) “Formal Weakness and Informal Strength: Civil Society in Contemporary
Greece”, Hellenic Observatory Discussion Paper No16, Hellenic Observatory,
LSE, February 2004,
3) “Democratization, Administrative Reform and the State in Greece, Italy,
Portugal and Spain: Is There a 'Model' of South European Bureaucracy?”,
Hellenic Observatory Discussion Paper No17, Hellenic Observatory, LSE,
April 2004
4) “Non-governmental Organizations and Civic Initiatives in South Eastern
Europe: Towards a Transnational Civil Society?”, discussion paper no. 38,
2005, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, LSE,
Co-ordinating editor, Greek Journal of Political Science, April 2000 – June 2004.
Member, editorial board, European Political Science (EPS)
Member, editorial board, South European Society and Politics (SESP).
1991 Ph.D., Yale University, Sociology (with "Distinction")
1988 M.Phil., Yale University, Sociology
1987 M.A., Yale University, Sociology
1986 M.Sc., The London School of Economics and Political Science, Sociology
1984 LL.B., Law School of the University of Athens