THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR RYE, NY 2015 – 2016 SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENTS/ACTIVITIES Use this sheet to decide which events/activities you can volunteer for, then indicate your commitments on the attached form. You may wish to keep this sheet for reference. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! ACTIVITIES: Teachers/Substitutes/Teachers Aides – weekly commitment as a teacher or to share with another teacher, substituting, or assisting teachers as needed Administrative Duties – assisting the Director as needed with attendance, letters, updating computer files, producing directory, updating bulletin boards, … Logos Newsletter Contributor – writing articles or collecting children’s work for submission to the Logos “Sunday School Says” column Special Projects/Lessons – if you have ideas for special projects and/or are willing to assist teachers with special projects such as making prosforo or kollyva or teaching about a particular feast, tradition, religious holiday or arts and crafts Website – prepare material for approval/inclusion of Sunday School as a ministry on the Church of Our Savior website and provide updates as necessary EVENTS: Bake Sales Volunteers to coordinate, run and work the event, which involves communicating the event to the church community, organizing parents to donate baked goods, set prices, work the sale table after Divine Liturgy Fall Bake Sale: Spring Bake Sale: 11/22/2015 05/15/2016 Confession Breakfast Volunteers to coordinate, run and work the event, which involves communicating the event to the church community, determining menu, purchasing groceries, preparing food, setup, servers, cleanup. Sunday School children and their parents attend a special Divine Liturgy followed by breakfast and individual appointments with Father Elias for confession Pascha Confession Breakfast 4/23/2016 (Saturday) (See Reverse Side Also) Children’s Christmas Program This beautiful program of the retelling of The Nativity Story through word, song and movement by all Sunday School and Hellenic School children is a major event and therefore requires many hands to be a blessing for all involved. Much of the work must be done during November and early December – a busy time for everyone, but many hands make light work. Volunteers are needed for the following activities: - program coordinator(s) - scripting and choreography - costume fitting - costume mending, cleaning, sewing, updating - props collection, purchase, updating - production of printed program - assisting children with cues at rehearsals and on the day of the program - communicating schedules and requirements with all families involved Anticipated rehearsal dates: Mandatory Rehearsal Performance: TBA 12/19/2015 12/20/2015 immediately following Divine Liturgy Senior Home Visit This is an opportunity for our children to visit seniors at St. Michael’s Home. We need a coordinator to organize, communicate and execute this activity along with other volunteer hands Date(s) to be determined Godparents Sunday Volunteers to coordinate and run the event, which involves communicating the event to the church community, sponsoring coffee hour and planning and executing activities for the event January 31, 2016 Oratorical Festival Volunteers to assist Coordinator with the event which involves communicating the event to the church community, presenting the program to appropriate Sunday School classes and running the event April 3, 2016 Graduation Program Volunteers to coordinate, run and work the event which includes communicating the event to the church community, organizing the program with the Sunday School Director and sponsoring coffee hour, June 5, 2016 THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR RYE, NY PLEASE RETURN WITH REMITTANCE TO CHURCH OFFICE, ATTN: SUNDAY SCHOOL 2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION $35/FAMILY: ______ PARENTS/GUARDIANS:_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________ STATE: _________ PHONE: (____)_________________ ZIP CODE: ___________________ EMAIL:____________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- CHILD 1 NAME: _______________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: _______________________ AGE:_____________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (9/2015):___________________ ALLERGIES/MEDICATION/IMPORTANT INFORMATION:______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHILD 2 NAME:_______________________________________________ BIRTHDATE:_______________________ AGE:_____________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (9/2015):___________________ ALLERGIES/MEDICATION/IMPORTANT INFORMATION:______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHILD 3 NAME: ______________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: _______________________ AGE:_____________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (9/2015) ALLERGIES/MEDICATION/IMPORTANT INFORMATION:______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHILD 4 NAME:_______________________________________________ BIRTHDATE:_______________________ AGE:_____________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (9/2015):___________________ ALLERGIES/MEDICATION/IMPORTANT INFORMATION:______________________________ BE SURE TO COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOR RYE, NY SUNDAY SCHOOL PTO PARENT VOLUNTEER COMMITMENTS Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________ Teacher/Substitute/Teacher Aide: Circle one or more of above Administrative Duties: Plant/Bake Sales: Grade/Age Preference: _____________________ Logos: ____ Website: ____ Attendance Monitor: ______ Special Projects/Lessons: ____ Photography:__________ Parents needed to coordinate these events: Fall Sale 11/22:___ Confession Breakfast: Spring Bake 5/15:___ Indicate with C(Coordinator) or V(Volunteer) on events below Pascha 04/23: ____ Christmas Program 12/20: Coordinator: _____ Costume Updating: ___ Cue Assistance: ___ Script/Choreography:______ Props:____ Decorations:____ St. Michael’s Home Visit(s): TBD Coordinator:____ Volunteer:____ Godparent’s Sunday 01/31: Coordinator:____ Volunteer:____ Oratorical Festival 04/03: Volunteer:____ Graduation 06/05: Coordinator:____ Volunteer:____ Other: Please indicate your choice of activity. Costume Fitting:_____ Printed Program:____ Communications:_____