Northern Lights - Essential Conditions

Jurisdiction Pre-Planning Template for Field Testing A Guide to Support
Implementation: Essential Conditions
Successful implementation is possible in environments where education stakeholders share responsibility to address seven
essential conditions for supporting implementation within a culture of learning.
Plan to support implementation in: Northern Lights SD #69
(Jurisdiction Name)
Shared Responsibility is a commitment among education stakeholders –
to develop a shared understanding of and commitment of roles and responsibilities to
support implementation.
Who will be involved with developing this implementation plan and willing to share
responsibility to support implementation?
Director of Instruction
Division Literacy specialist-consultant
Read to Succeed teachers (division-wide)
School-based administrators
Literacy Project Lead
Focus Area for implementation planning (description of your initial thoughts as to what the outcome or successful
implementation might look like for your focus area)
The focus area of this project will be addressing over age literacy issues throughout the division. Currently NLSD schools
run literacy intervention models to address this need. A handful are called “Read to Succeed” based on the Picture Word
Inductive Model (PWIM) from the research of Bruce Joyce, Emily Calhoun and Beverley Showers. Supporting current RtoS
teachers and integrating this program into more schools through resource allocation, professional development and building
internal capacity networks will further address over age literacy issues throughout the division. Students improved reading,
writing and comprehension evaluations, teacher/parent/student reports and in-class assessments will determine the
effectiveness of program and teacher support.
Brief outline of timeline for developing your comprehensive plan using A Guide to Support Implementation:
Essential Conditions,
including the involvement of stakeholders in their shared roles and responsibilities.
collaboration with the team of external education stakeholders
including identification of evidence of successful implementation
Specialist consultants in the Picture Word Inductive Model continue to work in NLSD and the surrounding area.
Access to these specialists, in coordination with division-wide literacy goals and Alberta Education support networks
will be vital in building teacher capacity to address over age literacy needs in NLSD and to build long-term program
implementation and capacity at all levels of the division.
ARPDC / ERLC Support for Implementation: Essential Conditions $6000
o November 2010 (already complete) School-based administrators complete a review of their AERR report
/ 3 Year plan for submission to and review by division executive by the end of November yearly as a
standard practice.
o January 2011 These plans are then reviewed with the school-based administrator in January. It is at this
point that further school support is outlined, built upon or coordinated by the two levels of administration.
o February 2011 Support specialist-consultants and division specialists will be booked to consult with
administrators and build upon school-based literacy plans.
o Late February to June 2011 Training, cohort meetings, online professional development (i.e. webinars,
podcasts) will take place with these specialists. 6 meetings will take place during the 2010-2011 SY, in
total.Further professional development vis-a-vis teachers’ conventions, conferences and online professional
organization support (i.e. International Reading Association) as available covering the areas of:
 inductive education,
 literacy research relevant to over age readers,
 the foundations of the Picture Word Inductive Model and
 best practices with over age readers / writers.
o March 2011 student-centred resources will be provided to teachers using the Read to Succeed / PWIM
model and schools interested in doing so. The resources under consideration will involve a variety of
narrative, informational, poetic, oral and other media texts; model (mentor) texts for teaching
comprehension strategies, strong vocabulary, context clues, author intent, etc.; necessary teacher support
resources relevant to these student texts as necessary and as available.
o September 2011 to June 2012 Read to Succeed teachers will continue to meet as a cohort group to
examine student data, discuss student needs, share resources and practices and further professional
development in support of over age literacy intervention. This continued level of support is wholly supported
by division resources**.
Implementation of the Read to Succeed support model will be deemed successful if growth is identified in the
following areas:
o increased adoption of the model by schools presently using other literacy intervention models;
o students currently in Read to Succeed successfully completing program requirements and returning to
regular programming options;
o teacher/admin/parent/student feedback on effective reading, writing and comprehension strategies and
o improved provincial assessment results (school-based and division-wide)
ARPDC / ERLC Support for Implementation: Essential Conditions $6000
Proposed Budget, including jurisdiction contribution and the amount requested from regional consortium (up to
$6000) and budget categories for expenditures.
Jurisdiction contribution
Regional Consortium contribution
Student / Teacher Resources
$4 000
Professional Development
$2 000
Specialist-Consultant / Project Lead
$10 000
Sub costs (for PD and cohort meetings) $13 500
$1 500
By submitting this intent to participate, the jurisdiction is also agreeing to collaborate with external education stakeholders
which may include representatives of Alberta education Field Services, regional consortium, ATA PD staff and other
representatives of your education stakeholders who have roles and shares responsibilities for successful implementation,
communicate and share lessons learned related to the use of The Guide to Support Implementation: Essential Conditions
and participating in the final provincial project survey.
Roger Nippard
Jurisdiction Superintendent
Kelly Johnson
Project Lead/Key Contact
Contact information:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
(780) 594-4796
Please submit by November 19, 2010 December 17, 2010
Date: ________________________________
ARPDC / ERLC Support for Implementation: Essential Conditions $6000