Payment Arrangement Form

2011-2012 Season
Tropical Soccer /Westchester Optimist
Player Registration Form
Player Pass No.
Player Name
Last Name
First Name
Home Address
Birth Date
HS Grad Year
Email Addresses for
all correspondence
please print
Other parent Email
Address (Optional)
Print Parent
Guardian Name
It is FYSA's policy that all players compete at a level they are capable of both physically and developmentally. For
a player to move up more than one normal age grouping will require approval from the affiliate's director of
coaching or agent of record, and the FYSA Director of Coaching.
Players are not permitted to be registered with more than one affiliate at the same time.
INSURANCE NOTICE: All injuries must be reported within 90 days of the date of the injury.
INFORMED CONSENT: I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, agree that we will abide by the rules of (Tropical
Soccer), the state association (FYSA) and all its affiliated organizations. My/our child wishes to participate in
soccer during the season of this registration. I/we realize risks are involved in my/our child’s participation. I/we
understand that the risk to my/our child includes full range of injuries from minor to severe, and the result could be
death, paralysis, or other serious, permanent disability. I/we accept this risk as a condition of my/our child’s
Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________________________
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
If You missed our June 25th registration please contact your coach or Jennifer Mallea
You can also mail in your documents with the proper checks to
Westchester Optimist c/o Jen Mallea 9510 SW 29th street Miami,Fl 33165
We cannot accept request to play on the same team with friends or siblings these
competitive teams are based on skill and on a coach’s opinion of ability.
1. TSC Player Registration Form
2. FYSA Code of Ethics
3. Signed 2011-12 Player / Parent Agreement
4. Signed 2011-12 Financial Expectation Agreement
5. No registrations will be accepted without a form of payment (see Payment
Arrangement Form for details)
6. All new players to our club with a foreign birth certificate must fill out a foreign
born player form
7. Once new players have turned in their registration packet it will be the parent’s
responsibility to upload a copy of both the player’s birth certificate and the player’s
current passport size photo (head shot) unto the player’s GOTSOCCER account. The
login instructions will be sent via an email from the GOTSOCCER website, along
with player’s GOTSOCCER username and password on approximately July15,2011
8. All Correspondence will be done thru team managers and/or got soccer website. It is
important that all your information be correct (email addresses and phone numbers)
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
Payment Arrangement Form
Initial Registration Fee:
U9 to U12 = $ 300 (Plus extra $70 for new players – See below)
U13 to U16 = $ 325 (Plus extra $70 for new players – See below)
Team Jacket ($35) and Team Bag ($35) will cost a total of $70 extra.
o New players are required to purchase a Team Jacket and a Team Bag
o Returning players have an option to purchase a new bag or jacket needed (i.e. old bag or jacket
lost or destroyed). If they are not needed they are not required to buy them again this year but
no other bag or jacket will be acceptable. If purchased at a later date then there will be an
extra $35 shipping and handling service fee per item
TWO different OPTIONs for payment below
Pay balance in full on registration date or as soon as turned in according to player’s age group
If paid by check, the check will be deposited on the day we receive it
Pay $100 (Will be deposited as soon as we get it)
Then Hand in two separate post dated checks. Payable to Westchester Optimist
o The two posted dated checks will also need to be divided for the remaining balance.
o One check must be posted dated for 7/18/2011
o The last check must be posted dated for 8/1/2011 for the remaining balance
o The balance will depend on your child’s age group see above
CK #_____________ $100.00
CK # ____________ Partial Balance: __________ Dated: 7/18/2011. Will be deposited on 7/18/2011
CK #____________ Remaining Balance:________ Dated: 8/1/2010. Will be deposited on 8/1/2011
***If a player registers after any of these deadlines then the payment will be due in Full
Special Instructions:__________________________________
Please note we have to have all checks handed in with paperwork. We cannot make special
exceptions. We are trying to work with parents so we have given two options. Our bank charges
a $25 return check fee for any checks returned.
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at all times.
I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and have fun.
I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol; and expect everyone to
refrain from their use at all soccer games.
I will do the best I can each day, remembering that all players have talents and weaknesses the same as I
I will treat my coaches, other players and coaches, game officials, other administrators, and fans with
respect at all times; regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly.
I will concentrate on playing soccer. Always giving my best effort.
I will play by the rules at all times.
I will at all times control my temper, resisting the temptation to retaliate.
I will always exercise self control.
Conduct during competition towards play of the game and all officials shall be in accordance with
appropriate behavior and in accordance with FIFA's "Laws of the Game", and in adherence to FYSA rules.
While traveling, shall conduct themselves so as to being credit to themselves and their team.
Alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs shall not be possessed, consumed or distributed
before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game
officials, and administrators at all times.
I will place the emotional and physical well being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win.
I will support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, in order to encourage a
positive and enjoyable experience for all.
I will remember that the game is for the players, not for the adults.
I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect.
I will always be positive.
I will always allow the coach to be the only coach.
I will not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or coaches.
I will not come onto the field for any reason during the game.
I will not criticize game officials.
Alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs shall not be possessed, consumed or distributed before,
during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex. Failure to comply may result in the
suspension of your privilege to participate in FYSA sanctioned events, for the following periods:
1st offense suspension minimum thirty (30) days to a maximum of five (5) years
2nd offense suspension for a minimum of one (1) year to a maximum of Ten (10) years
3rd offense suspension for a minimum of five (5) years to a maximum of fifty (50) years.
NOTE: Any individual charged with a violation of this Code of Ethics shall be afforded due process as defined in
FYSA’s rule section 600 before the implementation of any suspension.
Parent’s Signature _______________________________ Date _________
Parent’s Signature _______________________________ Date _________
Player’s Signature _______________________________ Date _________
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
Tropical Soccer Club
Player / Parent Agreement
This agreement is an outline of expectations from parents and players as a member of the Tropical Soccer Club (TSC). This
program requires exceptional commitment from both parents and players.
Training - We understand that teams will train at least two times per week and possibly more prior to tournaments. All players
will be required to wear a TSC Orange practice shirt, black shorts, and black socks. Players are expected to be at all training
sessions except for family emergencies, school related academic functions, or religious holidays. Playing time in games is based
on the effort, dedication, attitude and skills shown at training. We understand that many of the tournaments are held on holiday
weekends. Furthermore travel within the state as well as to other states is part of being on a competitive team.
Respect and Conduct – Players and parents agree to always respect and exhibit good sportsmanship toward coaches, fellow
teammates, game officials, and opposing players and parents. Players and parents represent their team, the club, and
themselves and agree to honor that commitment. Poor sportsmanship and behavior detrimental to the club and/or team are
grounds for dismissal from both TSC teams and membership in the club. Players and parents understand that behavior and
conduct during travel and at hotels, banquets, team meals, etc are all considered part of team activity and accept responsibility
for actions during those times. The Tropical Soccer Club has a zero tolerance toward under age alcohol consumption and
illegal use of drugs. Coaches have the right to dismiss players from teams for behavior related to alcohol and drugs.
Coaching - We understand that the coach has the entire team to consider in making decisions and we may not always agree
with those decisions. We understand that it is the player’s responsibility to discuss problems with the coach. Immediately after a
game may not be the best time to talk about sensitive issues. Players should ask to meet with the coach prior to or after the next
training session or some other time when privacy is available. Parents agree to try to let players work out difficulties first with
their coach. If a parent /coach meeting is required, the discussion will center on the player with constructive dialog between
everyone. Parents may request a meeting with the Tropical Soccer Club Director if they feel that it is necessary to
discuss/resolve a situation.
Support - The need to do fundraising is a necessity on every team. We understand that parents and players will be required to
participate in fundraiser(s) throughout the year for our team and possibly the club. We also understand that we may need to
volunteer time to help with any other tournament/event that the club may host.
Parent Code - Parents will exercise good judgment and conduct themselves in an exemplary fashion on all soccer related
occasions. Parents will not harass referees or opposing players and parents. Constant dissent from parents toward referees
does harm to the team and is not in the spirit of the game. Improper behavior will not be tolerated and removal from the match
and from the club may be enforced. Parents will refrain from coaching from sidelines, as many times, it is in direct conflict with
the instructions that players receive from their coach and causes confusion and problems during the game. In general, parental
behavior both on and off the field that is detrimental to team and /or club spirit, or interfere in achieving team and/or club goals
may result in removal of BOTH the player and parent from membership in the club.
Financial Commitment - Although it is our intent to honor the commitment to play with the Tropical Soccer Club for the entire
seasonal year, we understand that by accepting the position offered and completing the registration documents, we are obligated
to pay the full registration fee, should we later decide to leave the Tropical Soccer Club prior to the end of the seasonal year.
Additionally, we understand that we will share in team expenses above and beyond the club registration fees noted above, to
cover entry fees to league play and tournaments that the team decides to participate in, referee fees, and our travel costs
associated with attending these events. The team may seek and receive donations or fundraise to defray these expenses. These
funds remain with the Tropical Soccer Club should the player decide to leave the club. If a player seeks a release before the end
of the May 31, 2012 soccer season a club fee will be charged in the amount of $300.00 to the player before a release will be
given. Parents and players will be held responsible for any and all fees incurred during the season (For example but not limited
to forfeit fees, tournament fees, red card fees, coach fees, etc, etc, …)
General - Parents are asked to give time, money and support to our program. Your comments and suggestions regarding your
team are regarded with great respect and your support is crucial to the team concept. However please understand that the final
decisions regarding what is in the best interest of the entire team ultimately rests with the coach.
"As a member of a club, I realize that my son/daughter is part of more than just a team but a member of an entire club
organization committed to excellence in soccer education; and that membership is a privilege not a right; and as part of that
membership I agree to commit to the club's vision, mission, and goals and will contribute to it's implementation and success".
“We agree with the conditions set forth in this document and pledge our full support in promoting the Tropical Soccer Club, our
team, and the ideals that have been established. Failure to adhere to these conditions set forth can result in the possible
suspension or dismissal from the club.”
Signature of Player
Signature of Parent
Printed Name of Player
Printed Name of Parent
DATE: _________________________________
Gender: M / F Age Group: U-__________
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
Our coaches and Board of Directors hope that this will be an enjoyable year for you and your family. As part
of the process, we want to ensure that you are fully aware and understand the commitments the Tropical
Soccer Club (TSC) is making to you at this time, and our expectations and obligations from you as a result of
accepting the position offered to you. Every player and parent will be asked to acknowledge your
understanding of the mutual expectations between you and TSC.
Initial Registration Fee:
U9 to U12 = $ 300 (Plus extra $70 for new players – See below)
U13 to U16 = $ 325 (Plus extra $70 for new players – See below)
Team Jacket ($35) and Team Bag ($35) will cost a total of $70 extra.
o New players are required to purchase a Team Jacket and a Team Bag
o Returning players have an option to purchase a new bag or jacket needed (i.e. old bag or jacket
lost or destroyed). If they are not needed they are not required to buy them again this year but
no other bag or jacket will be acceptable. If purchased at a later date then there will be an
extra $35 shipping and handling service fee per item
Tropical Soccer Club will provide the following:
 TSC will provide a comprehensive soccer program, which is designed to maximize each player’s potential.
Each player will be assigned to a team that will have a Head Coach, who is overseen by TSC Director. There
are some training opportunities available to all TSC members, which are not part of the base fee.
 In an effort to develop every player, teams will train and play games. Each team will be entered into a league
that meets their ability, including but not limited to Palm Beach Soccer League, SFU, FLUGSA, DYSA.
TSC will pay all FYSA player registration fee’s. TSC will also pay for one league entry. At times, a Head
Coach, with the Director’s approval, may enter into a second league. The costs associated with the second
league will be the responsibility of the team.
 Where appropriate, TSC will enter teams in the applicable FYSA Region Cup event. TSC will pay the entry
fee for that event. State Cup fees will have to be paid by individual teams.
 TSC will provide a uniform package for every player in the Club as part of the registration fee. The uniform
package will include; two jerseys, two shorts, two pair of socks and a one practice shirt. Backpacks and
Jackets will be required to be purchased by all new players; Returning players have an option to purchase
new ones if needed. Only Tropical Backpacks and Jackets will be acceptable no others are allowed unless
approved by Director. All Teams are required two attend at least two, Director approved, major tournaments
a year at their teams expense (i.e. Thanksgiving Classic, Orange Classic, local area Soccer Skills Unlimited,
and other FYSA sanctioned tournaments)
Player’s & Parents Responsibilities:
 Accepting the position offered obligates each player to pay the full non-refundable registration fee,
regardless of whether the player later decides to leave the TSC prior to the end of the seasonal year. Failure
to pay the full registration fee may result in the player being removed from the team roster. Failure to pay the
full fee may also result in a player being placed in “bad standing” with FYSA.
 From time to time there will be team expenses above and beyond the club registration fee noted above,
referred to as Team expenses. Team expenses may include tournament fees, extra soccer gear; referees fees
for tournaments and other non-league games, and travel costs associating with attending these events. The
team may seek and receive donations or, with Club pre-approval, fundraise to defray these expenses.
Print Player’s Name:_______________________ Player Signature: _____________________ Date:_______
Print Parent’s Name:_______________________ Parent Signature: _____________________ Date:_______
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011
Gender M / F Group U- __________
United States Soccer Federation, Inc.
International Clearance
Waiver Form
Please Print or Type Clearly
Player's Last Name
First Name
Current U.S. Address
Middle Initial
Place of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________
Birth Date _________/___________/__________
I, ______________________________________, do hereby state as follows:
Are you 11 years of age or younger?
Are you 17 years of age or older?
Have you signed a contract with a professional team?
Have you received any money or other remuneration for playing soccer?
Yes_____ No_______
Yes_____ No_______
Yes_____ No_______
Yes_____ No_______
If you have answered all 4 of the above questions "No", and are not coming to the United State to play in a tournament or
friendly game and then return to your native country, you qualify for a waiver. If you qualify for a waiver, submit this form,
signed by all parties. If you do not qualify for a waiver, an International Clearance Request form must be submitted.
By executing this form, I hereby represent that the information contained herein is true and correct.
Signature of Player
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Signature of State Association Official
Tropical Soccer Club
Updated: June 2011