GUEST PLAYER PERMISSION FOR TOURNAMENT PLAY I, __________________________________ coach/manager for the _______________ (please print name) (circle one) (team name) Soccer team allow the following players to play for the __________________________ (team name) Soccer Team during the Spring Cup held in the (name of tournament) city of _CALGARY___________, _APRIL 8-10 2016____________. (name of city) FIRST NAME (date) LAST NAME I.D. # DIVISION In the event that these players are coming from outside the district of domicile of the registered team, written permission must ALSO be obtained from their district. SIGNED: __________________________________, Coach / Manager (signature of coach / manager) TEAM: ____________________________________ (team players are registered on) DISTRICT: _________________________________ (if different from CWSA) SIGNING AUTHORITY FROM DISTRICT: ____________________________________ (signature of district signing authority) DATE: ______________________________________