Complete press release

Press Release
The optimum in both cleanliness and profitability
Flexible cleaning baskets deliver 50 % cost saving
The demanding cleanliness requirements placed on modern
hydraulic parts can only be efficiently fulfilled with the aid of partspecific cleaning baskets. The enormous variety of parts produced
by manufacturers of hydraulic components therefore forces them
to use a large number of different workpiece holders. A flexible
solution developed by Metallform now makes it possible to
decrease the number of cleaning baskets required, thus leading to
a reduction in investment costs of around 50 % when compared
with conventional fixed-shape cleaning baskets.
The smooth operation of a hydraulic system requires each individual part
to fulfil demanding requirements in terms of residual particles. This is
ensured with the aid of corresponding cleaning machines. It is to be
noted here that cleaning baskets have a decisive influence on the
speed, reliability and profitability with which the required level of
cleanliness is achieved. In particular, they must ensure that the part is
properly exposed to the cleaning media and the mechanical applications
of the cleaning machine (e.g. ultrasonics, injection flood washing). on all
sides. Workpiece holders therefore tend to be part-specific. In the case
of contract manufacturers and companies with a broad or highly dynamic
product portfolio, this is linked to substantial investment in cleaning
baskets. Furthermore, diminishing product life cycles mean that such
investment is required at increasingly short intervals. Another issue is
the considerable amount of basket storage space required.
Using flexibility to reduce costs
This was the challenge that faced a prestigious manufacturer of
hydraulic systems, which required new cleaning baskets for around 50
different valve manifolds. If the company had tackled this task with the
aid of a conventional solution based on bespoke workpiece holders for
each part, it would have needed around 600 workpiece holders in order
to cover the entire production process. It is a different story with the
flexible solution developed for the company by Metallform, which is
based on the dimensions of the various components on the one hand
and their respective batch sizes on the other.
Instead of relying on fixed-shape workpiece holders, Metallform
designed multi-purpose base racks and adjustable lids along with a
variety of inserts tailored to the dimensions of the various valve
manifolds. This makes it possible to quickly and easily create
compartments within the base racks which securely hold the parts. The
inserts are fixed into the base racks using spring steel sheets. The size
of the base racks is adapted to the charge dimension of the cleaning
machine (a standard dimension). The components are fixed in the
workpiece holder using lids which can be set at various heights. This
makes it possible to compensate the different component heights.
This flexible solution not only drastically reduces the number of cleaning
baskets required, but also decreases investment costs by around 50 %.
In addition, the hydraulics manufacturer is now perfectly set up for future
developments: In the event of a change in its product portfolio, the base
racks and lids can continue to be used and only the part-specific inserts
need to be replaced. If any future parts require special protection at
contact points, this can be realized with the aid of targeted Teflon tubes.
Another benefit delivered by the flexible system is the limited amount of
storage space required: If specific manifold variants are currently not in
production, only the inserts for those components need to be stored –
and not the workpiece holders in their entirety. The multi-purpose base
racks and lids remain in constant use in combination with the
corresponding inserts.
Stainless steel rounds for optimum cleaning characteristics
Metallform manufactures all base racks, lids and part-specific inserts
from electropolished stainless steel rounds. The same applies to all the
company’s cleaning baskets, for example the MEFO-BOX system. The
smooth material and open design of the cleaning baskets ensure that
components are properly exposed to both the cleaning media and
mechanical applications of the cleaning machine – for example
ultrasonics or injection flood washing – on all sides. Good drainage
behaviour also minimizes particle transmission and reduces drying
times. In addition, the high quality of both the material and the
processing thereof ensures that the cleaning baskets are characterized
by durability and ergonomic handling.
MEFO-BOX – a cleaning basket system with added value
Developed by Metallform and available ex stock, the MEFO-BOX system
can be used in a variety of scenarios thanks to its wide range of cleaning
baskets and accessories such as inserting bottoms, lids (supporting,
clamping or adjustable), compartment rods and separators as well as
bulk material baskets. It can also be expanded to include bespoke
elements where required. It is available in various series and compatible
with standard commercial goods and transport boxes.
+49 (0) 7252 9426-0,,
Picture: Metallform_flexibles Werkstückträgersystem
Part-specific inserts make it possible to create compartments for
hydraulic manifolds of various sizes in the multi-purpose base rack.
Teflon tubes at contact points prevent damage to workpieces.
Picture: Metallform Wächter GmbH
Metallform Wächter GmbH
METALLFORM Wächter GmbH is an owner-run company active in the
fields of wire and sheet metal forming. Its core skills in the wire
production department lie in developing and manufacturing stainless
steel cleaning baskets for industrial parts cleaning applications. The
company constantly sets new market benchmarks with not only its
extensive range of standard products which are available ex stock in all
well-established sizes, but also comprehensive expert advice and
custom-made cleaning basket and workpiece holders. Metallform’s
cleaning baskets are used in the automotive industry, mechanical
engineering, aerospace industry, precision and optical engineering,
technology and many other sectors.
Metallform’s sheet metal production department manufactures stainless
steel components and assemblies such as laser-cut, bent and welded
parts. Metallform employs 65 employees and generated a turnover of
around 6.4 million Euros in 2013.