Psychology 300 – Methods of Inquiry (4 credits) Winter term, 2008 M~W~F 9:35 – 10:45 Professor: Office: Office Hrs: CRN 10357 Michael C. Anziano, Ph.D. email: 276 Education/Bus. Hall Phone: 247-7646 (voicemail also) M, W, F: 11-12; 2:30-3:30; Tues: 9-10 (Other times by appointment) Course Text: Lomand, T.C. (2005). Social science research (4th Ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. (A series of supplementary readings provided by the professor are also required). Course Purpose and Content This course is designed to introduce the psychology major to non-experimental research methods or qualitative methods of inquiry used in the social and behavioral sciences. Psyc 300 presents an introduction to the naturalistic methods, theories and content of qualitative research. Similarities and differences between experimental and naturalistic research will be examined as well as the selection of appropriate methodology for specific research projects carried out by students in the course. Your understanding of qualitative methods and your participation in naturalistic research in a local Service Agency will help prepare you for graduate study, internships in the social sciences and many careers in the field of psychology. Course Format The general format for the course will consist of lectures, discussion, participantobservation and class presentations by student groups. Pairs of students will work with service agencies in the local community to conduct participant observation and ethnographic research. Student teams will work with a particular community agency, participate in the agency’s general service delivery, and collect various types of data in order to prepare a Research Paper and Poster Presentation near the end of the term. Teams will choose or be assigned to a service agency in the community. Students are required to participate 4 hours per week in the agency in order to implement the methods of ethnographic and naturalistic research. ( Some class time will be given each week for the agency placement and research). Course Requirements and grading Research Proposal. Each team will submit a Research Proposal that includes a research question, proposed methodology for collecting data, ethical considerations and a brief literature review with relevant references. The Proposal also needs to be situated in a psychological context that involves theory and/or psychological concepts. In – class Exam. Covers material from lectures, discussion and assigned readings. Research paper drafts. Students are required to prepare a first draft of the Final Research Paper, prior to the revision of the final paper. Drafts are due on March 24th in preparation for the in-class editing session on that day. Good quality drafts with selected references are essential for this editing work. Group Presentation. Each research team is required to present their research question, methodology and findings to the class. Team presentations are scheduled near the campus Poster Session, so that presentations and posters will coordinate their research results, conclusions and interpretations. Guidelines and suggestions for presentation format will be discussed in class. Research Paper. Each team will prepare a formal research paper that includes a review of literature, research question situated in the context of the literature and the particular agency, methodology section, results, and discussion. Guidelines for the paper will be presented and discussed in class by the professor. Class Participation. Although not technically a seminar, this small class will require students’ active participation and discussion. Participation means making an intellectual contribution to readings and class discussions. Participation obviously requires your attendance in class, but it is more than simply coming to class, rather it means coming class prepared to discuss the readings and your applications of the course content in your research sites. Psychology Poster Session. Each Team will present their research question, methodology and findings in an evening Poster Session near the end of the term. Date TBA. Group work and individual work: This class is a combination of your individual work on exams and reflective writing and class participation along with your collaboration with others on a research team assigned to a particular community agency. Success in the course does require social skills and social maturity in working both with your research team and the community agency. Disability statement: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to fully participate in the course must register with the campus Disability Services, and bring a letter of accommodations to the professor as early in the term as possible. Psyc 300 – Dr. Anziano Winter, 2008 Jan Feb CRN 10357 Course Sequence Reading 7 9 11 Course introduction and overview Discussion of community research sites Qualitative methods & non-experimental research None 14 16 18 Professionalism in the research site – Guest speaker Qualitative methods ~ Ethnographic research Qualitative research – “The myth of peer pressure” 21 23 25 Research sites and the IRB process Documentary film – West 47th St Agency placement site - Lab 28 30 1 Development of the Research Proposal (lecture) Research in marriage therapy Participant observation in the agency setting 4 6 8 Catch up and review for exam In-class Exam Agency placement site - Lab 11 13 15 Documentary film – The Boys of Baranka Interview techniques Agency placement site - Lab 18 20 22 Research Proposal presentations Student presentations Student presentations 25 27 29 Student presentations Qualitative research in “cyberspace” Psyc 300 Lab at research site ~~~~~~~~~~ Mar MWF 9:35 – 10:45 spring break Article 1 Article 21 Handouts Article 5 All of Above All to date Handout Article 22 ~~~~~~~~~~ 10 12 14 Ethical considerations in qualitative research Generation “x” (?) and young adults today Gen x continued or Agency placement Lab 17 19 21 Ethnography, data analysis and interpretation Research Paper writing Guidelines No class – psychology student advising Handout Article 25 Handout Apr 24 26 28 First Draft of Paper Due !!!! - Editing workshop Research examples – Head Start Family Centers Research Team conferences / Agency site Lab 31 2 4 Mental Health Agencies – issues in case management Article 23 Open date for catch up / presentations / poster preparation 7 9 11 Student presentations Student presentations Student presentations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final Paper Due!! 14 16 18 Presentations continued Presentations continued Presentations continued Handout Student Presentations Due dates and grade weights appear below In-class Exam Research Proposal Paper draft # 1 Group presentation Final Research paper Poster Class Participation Feb 6 Feb 18 March 24 As scheduled April 11 April ___ Ongoing 50 points 25 points 25 points 50 points 50 points 25 points 25 points Total 250