cdf_minutes_19_3_14 - Copeland Borough Council

Minutes of the Copeland Disability Forum meeting held on Wednesday
March 19th at 2pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Whitehaven.
Present:- Anne Bradshaw [Chairman], Eric Urquhart [Treasurer], Peter Steele,
Ian McConnell, Ossie Coyles, Philip Pattinson, Jim Pullin, Kevin Cosgrove, [CCC
Highways], Cllr Eileen Weir [CBC],
Apologies : Linda and Bryan Wilson, Ken Bradbury, Cllr Brian Crawford,
Morrison, Jane Taylor [CBC] Paula Ratcliffe [CCF]
Minutes of the meeting held on 19th February 2014 : Agreed with one
amendment Paula Ratcliffe represents Copeland Community Fund [CCF] and
not Copeland Borough Council [CBC].
Access Report; Anne reported she had done an Access Survey User Report
for Santon Bridge Village Hall who had applied for funding from CCF.
Heather had sent two possible dates for the next AWG - members agreed
Thursday 3rd April, Anne agreed to email Heather.
Heather sent a written report outlining what would be discussed at the AWG.
Forthcoming significant planning applications - "The Viking Way" from
Gosforth to Seascale and a potential new Care Home in Whitehaven
A discussion re Access Standards employed in the Countryside.
Members asked that an update of Hartleys Cafe, St Bees would be
welcomed at the AWG.
Update on Medical Records : Anne reported that in light of opposition and
unanswered questions the Government had now delayed for 6 months the
proposals to share patients medical data.
Update on Highways Issues: Kevin, Philip and Anne had met and it had
been agreed that there would be a retention of one extra disabled parking
place on Scotch Street when the changes were made. This was an agreed
compromise. Kevin agreed to look at the outstanding issues from Linda
Wilson and Cllr Eileen Weir on the proposed works on Duke Street Junction.
Members also commented about the parking problems on Quay Street, and
the traffic chaos caused by the on going Albion Street development. Ossie
drew attention to public concern calling for controlled crossings on the A595
at the top of Parton Brow and members also mentioned difficulty at the
Pelican Garage. Anne highlighted the need for CDF to be re-consulted on
plans for the town centre especially the need for adequate disabled parking
if/when Lowther Street becomes pedestrianised.
Update on the Beacon. Philip gave feedback from the Beacon meeting and
said the new display was going to be very good - and we are assuming
accessible for all.
RADAR keys: The new keys had now been received and distributed to those
members wanting them, it was agreed paid members of CDF would pay cost
@ £2-30, non members would be charged £3-25 the extra to cover P&P.
Anne would hold the stock, so any enquires for the keys should be directed
to her.
An email had been received form Senhouse Street Healthy Living Centre
requesting grant funding from CDF to help replace their aged platform lift.
Anne had replied explaining CDF was not a grant giving organisation and had
suggested they apply to CCF, the Lions, and Sellafield Snowball Fund.
Members also suggested NH Forum and Cumbria Newspaper - Anne agreed
to send a follow up email.
Anne had received an invitation to sit on the Whitehaven Town Heritage
Initiative Stakeholder Group as a result of her email to Jane Taylor at
Copeland Borough Council. Members agreed to Anne representing CDF on
this Group. One member asked would the chimneys be brought back as part
of this initiative - Anne agreed to ask at her first meeting.
Danny Moores from Cumbria Coastal Access had been in touch with a
monthly update and had asked about meeting members prior to the final
report being published - it was agreed to invite him to a CDF meeting.
Anne read an email received from CCC Trading Standards about a recent
parking fine scam that had been circulating the county.
Notification of the next Howgate and Distington Forum at Lowca on 25-3-14
at 7pm was read out for those members interested in attending
Philip mentioned again the problem with the Pharmacy door at the new
Cleator Moor Clinic not being automatic, and reported an electric wheelchair
user had been sent to the new clinic from WCH to visit the dentist but had
been refused use of the lift with the electric wheelchair. The person had to go
back and receive treatment at the hospital. Another member said he had
been refused use of the Lift at Lowther Street Clinic in his electric wheelchair.
Anne agreed to email Christine Harrison to ask if this was a policy and if so
why had this been adopted.
One member brought up the organisation R.E.M.A.P. which makes one off
adaptations for individual disabled people. Anne agreed to write a piece for
the next Transform.
Cllr Eileen Weir asked members for suggestions for a place in the town
centre to place a defibrillator she had purchased with her fund from CCC.
Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 16th April at 2pm
The meeting closed at 3-05pm