6 William Harris Way, Colchester CO2 8WJ

6 William Harris Way, Colchester CO2 8WJ . Mobile:07561860410.
‘Breathtakingly different from previous explorations, but there is a sense of ordering, of visual
rhythm, of chromatic probity that owes much to previous works.’
....Quote by Dr Jaques Rangasamy of University of Salford, in response to the recent series of still-life interior painti
Recent projects and issues addressed through arts practice:
Blue : a disguised narrative and a silent seducer.
A continuation in theoretical and studio practice began in 1997 as
my B.A. dissertation, of the history of the colour Blue in Art,
specifically Ultramarine.
The Maths Art Project : 2008 – ongoing.
Commission and residency from a leading Australian Mathematician
and Economist, investigating connections between art, its history
and the worlds of mathematics and economics.
Notions of Silence and Solitude.
Investigating notions of silence and solitude, the supposed
‘quietness’ of a still-life in a room after its people have left. Is the
room waiting for someone to return? Utilising and adhering to
formal disciplines laid down during the Renaissance, the emergence
of the Pre-Raphaelites and Victorian realism, an exhibition of
finished oils ‘STILL LIFE INTERIORS’ will be presented later this year.
Questioning the role of technology in the creative process.
Creating abstract drawings via Microsoft Word tools, as original
artworks, then using traditional ‘squaring up’ techniques to transfer
designs onto canvas, create detailed oil paintings using centuries' old
techniques such as glazing etc. This resulted in the commission form
Wrexham Arts centre to create the large mural ‘Brontosaurus
Boogie Woogie’ 2004.
Influence of graphic design in contemporary art, the
continued fading of boundaries.
In 2006 I produced a series of works that referenced the imagery of
classic Jazz LP cover designs with abstract imagery and subsequently
referred to as The Jazz Series.
Public Commissions.
Northampton Museums – Hands on History 07
M.A. History of Art,
University of Essex, from Oct 2010.
Art / Design Teaching.
1992 -1993:
Lecturer in Graphic Design NEWI
1993 – 1995:
Lecturer in Art and Graphic Design
Coleg Menai, Bangor.
Graphic Design.
1974 – 1992:
Senior Graphic Design posts in major
design organisations throughout UK.
J Walter Thompson, Poulters of Leeds.
Contemporary Art Groups.
For several years I was acting
Secretary to and exhibited with North
East Wales Artists Network
1995 – 1998.
B.A. Hons.
Visual Art and Culture. 2:1
University of Salford. UK.
Thesis title:
The Blue of the Madonna’s Dress.
gained in 2002.
Licentiate of the Society of Industrial
Artists and Designers Wrexham
Technical College
1970 – 1974
6 William Harris Way, Colchester CO2 8WJ . Mobile:07561860410.
‘Having discussed the morning with my fellow colleagues afterwards, they agreed that you
had such a lovely manner with the children and pitched your explanations at just the right
level for our primary-aged children…’
Sara Tate, Deputy Headteacher, Tan-y-Fron School, Wrexham. March 2010.
Workshop leader and judge for Tan y Fron School’s [Wrexham]
annual Eisteddfod, judging the school’s art competition and prize
presentation for each year, based on my work seen by the children
on the Welsh-Paintings website, that they had copied or had been
inspired by. At the end of the session I discussed the childrens’
works with Year 7 pupils in an open forum covering topics such as
motivation, famous artists, colour, and where could they see
artworks – Galleries.
Project Lead: Age UK Suffolk: The View. Sept 10, p/t
Working with Dementia patients. As Dementia increases in
people, their minds gradually revert to earliest memories such as
childhood, therefore communicating with our members one has to
enter their worlds, almost that of a child’s world.
Artist in Residence for Flintshire County Council. 20082009.
Working with ‘SYD’ (Sufferers of Youthful Dementia) clients leading
a workshop in their ‘Day Centre’.
Using art as therapy, a group ranging from between 6 and 10
individuals would be invited to join in with myself and support staff
to create art of any kind. This would encourage conversation and
social interaction, stimulate memories and creative thought.
Painting For Pleasure, and Children’s Weekend Art
workshops, Oriel Wrecsam.
Openly encouraging abstract watercolour painting techniques and
examination of leading historical and contemporary artists who may
have worked in watercolour and / or oils.
Working with groups of children in Saturday morning sessions.
Wrexham Arts Centre and Library
Explore : Shape : Engage.
One of a small number of artists
selected to hold an art workshop with
deaf and disabled people at Wrexham
Arts Centre.
The scheme was a multi-gallery,
national program to provide disabled
and deaf audiences with an increased
understanding and enjoyment of
contemporary arts practice.
Leading a workshop of deaf and
disabled children from a specialised
unit in a local school we had to
reference work then on show in the
main Gallery; I also introduced these
children to the colour abstract work of
other artists such as Patrick Heron
and also my own work.
They produced a number of very large
watercolour abstracts that made them
question what art was/is, artworks in
relation to their own physical size
and experiments of technique and
The ultimate aim of the workshop was
to effect change in their outlook and
lives and to sow the seeds for them to
use gallery facilities in their future
One of the many memorable
quotations overheard by us during the
workshop was “Don’t think, just
Design and production of large public mural in the foyer of the Arts Centre, Brontosaurus Boogie
Woogie. Also included within this residency: a week-long workshop with three year 11 pupils who
created their abstract design on computer and translated their work to bigger than life-size murals
on public display within the Arts Centre complex.
6 William Harris Way, Colchester CO2 8WJ . Mobile:07561860410.
Solo and Group Exhibitions
Oriel Theatre Cymru
Nov 2010
Solo show exhibition.
Interior Still Life Paintings
Oriel Wrexham
Oriel. Theatre Cymru
Wrexham Open Art Exhibition.
Drawing ‘ESP’ selected, ink on cartridge.
North Wales Open Exhibition. 2 paintings selected.
Patrick Heron’s Studio.
The White Sofa.
Finalist. ‘Artists and Illustrators’ magazine, ‘Artist of the Year Exhibition’.
Work ‘The Linen Cupboard’
oil on canvas 100cm x 100cm,
published in ‘Artists and Illustrators’ magazine : August 2009.
Regular exhibitor at Gallery promoted exhibitions.
Works presented and sold included ‘Kew’, ‘Small Landscape’ etc.
O3 Gallery.
Oxford. Sept.09
‘Down to a Fine Art’ Gallery.
Theatre Clwyd. Summer 09
North Wales Open.
Work ‘The Linen Cupboard’ oil on canvas 100cm x 100cm .
Theatre Clwyd. Summer 08
The Rowan Gallery.
Feb. 08
North Wales Open.
Work ‘The Old Fireplace’ oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm.
The Royal Cambrian Gallery
Dec. 07
Oriel Wrecsam
Dec. 07
Oriel Magenta (Gallery 2)
Wrexham. Sept. 07
Redbill Gallery
Spring/Autumn 07
Oriel Wrecsam
Dec. 06
The Royal Cambrian Open.
Work ‘Autumn Lane’ oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm
Gallery 3.
Gateway Theatre. Summer 06
Oriel Magenta (Gallery 2)
Wrexham. Sept.05
North East Wales Artists’ Network. (NEWAN) Group Show.
Works included the Landscape Series etc.
Arts Centre Gallery.
Rhyl. Autumn 04
Pink and Green and Other Macho Colours : Part Two. Solo Show.
Continuation of solo show from the Yale Gallery.
Oriel Yale.
Wrexham. Summer 04
Pink and Green and Other Macho Colours : Part One. Solo Show.
First mini-retrospective show grouping together work completed in previous two
Corwen Art Gallery.
Spring 2004.
The Bear Steps Gallery.
Winter 04.
North East Wales Artists’ Network. (NEWAN) Group Show.
Three works selected.
Oriel Magenta (Gallery 2)
Wrexham. Winter 01.
The Blythe Gallery.
Manchester. Summer 99.
North East Wales Artists’ Network. (NEWAN) Group Show.
Inaugural Show : Several works selected.
Inaugural Group Show.
Work ‘I Want to Talk to You’ oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm.
Work ‘Autumn Lane’ oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm.
The Wrexham Open.
Work ‘My Favourite Things’ oil on canvas 100cm x 60cm.
Solo Show.
Works included the Jazz Series and the Landscape Series.
Group Shows.
Works included: The Jazz Series, The Brighton Boat Series etc.
The Wrexham Open.
Work ‘Autumn Lane’ oil on canvas 60cm x 60cm
Work ‘The Red Pot’ oil on canvas 40cm x 70cm
Shelter from the Storm. Solo Show.
Works shown were selected from abstract colour work created during the
preceding 12 months, issues raised included ‘Questioning the role of
Technology in the Creative Process’.
North East Wales Artists’ Network. (NEWAN) Group Show.
Works included ‘Blue Body on Orange’, ‘Orange Body on Blue’, ‘Leaf and
Breast’, ‘Man Part Woman’.
Three Artist Show.
Works included several large Blue-soaked watercolour abstractions plus 10
smaller sized watercolours. These were extensions from my degree show
exhibition ‘The Blue of the Madonna’s Dress’.
The Air Gallery.
London. Summer 97.
The Mercury Music Prize.
Group show of finalists selected for public exhibition in the competition.