CBO Cultural Competency Self Assessment Tool for Administrators – Resource Tool for Cohort II ________________________________________________________________________ ADDED NOTE TO MHHSC Cohort II (TWO): The Cohort I Coordinating Center experts worked with the CMHS/GPO(s) to develop this tool to support sites in developing cultural competence. [See sources cited below.] It was utilized voluntarily. This tool is being provided as a resource deriving from the work of MHHSC Cohort One, minus only instructions to submitters and assurances of confidentiality. It is not now disseminated as a collection effort, voluntary or otherwise. As a tool it can be supportive to administrators and managers in developing culturally competent services. From: MHHSC II GPO’s ________________________________________________________________________ Cultural competence refers to an organization’s proficiency in engaging their target population with services that are culturally appropriate, relevant and responsive. Cultural competence considers the concerted efforts of an organization to utilize knowledge of a population (i.e., race, ethnicity, social economic indicators, physical limitations and sexual orientation) in a manner that enhances program design and engagement strategies. Cultural competence is an important issue that Centers face when serving the needs of underserved and vulnerable populations. . To address cultural competence within the Mental Health HIV Services Collaborative (MHHSC), the MHHSC Coordinating Center devised assessment strategies to gauge how cultural competence is addressed across the MHHSC sites. In MHHSC’s continuing efforts to learn more about cultural competence, the Coordinating Center has constructed this cultural competency assessment tool for community-based center administrators. This Checklist is intended to provide a summary of the types of activities sites participate in or value. There are no correct responses. As all health service centers and the populations they serve differ, responses may vary by site. {This self-assessment tool was culled in part from “Lewin/HRSA’s Indicators of Cultural Competence in Health Care Delivery Organizations: An Organizational Cultural Competence Assessment Profile” and from “Promoting Cultural Competence and Cultural Diversity in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Settings”.} Directions: Please select A, B, or C for each item listed below. A = Things I do frequently B = Things I do occasionally C = Things I feel I should do more often D = This item is not relevant to my work environment E = None of the above Note: If E is selected, please describe why. 1 For the CBO/CHC Administrator or Manager Physical Environment, Materials and Resource A Center’s physical environment helps form CBO/CHC clients’ first impressions. Center receptionists are clients’ first contacts. Therefore receptionists’ acknowledgement of clients is a crucial first impression. Because clients must wait (some nervously) for a certain period prior to seeing a provider, it is important that clients be told an approximate duration of their waiting period. The Center lobby must be welcoming and reading materials and other Client resources must be relevant and accessible. 1. I assure that the receptionist is attentive, friendly, and knowledgeable about the services provided in the Center. 2. I assure that the receptionist has updated schedules to inform clients immediately upon arrival for when clinician will see client. 3. I assure that the receptionist is able to effectively communicate (bilingual/multi-lingual) with clients in the community served by the Center. 4. I assure that other staff members, including clinicians, are able to effectively communicate (bi-lingual/multi-lingual) with clients in the community served by the Center. 5. I display pictures and other materials that reflect the cultures and ethnic backgrounds of clients and families served by my Center. 6. I assure that Center brochures and magazines on display in the reception area are up-to-date, relevant and reflect the different cultures and groups of clients and families served by the Center. 7. I assure that Center background music, programmed radio stations or television programming are tasteful and reflect the culture and ethnic backgrounds of clients and families served by the Center. 2 A B C D E Organizational Values and Attitudes These reflect the perspectives and attitudes of an organization; how important and committed they are to providing culturally competent care. A B C D E 8. I assure that the Center’s Mission Statement addresses cultural competence. 9. I assure that the Center’s strategic, business or program plan addresses cultural competence and outlines a plan for implementation. 10. I assure that all Center staff, including new staff (e.g. during new staff orientation) are aware of and support the Center’s cultural competence program plans. 11. I assure that the Center’s commitment to cultural competence are displayed at the reception areas and shared systematically with Center community. 12. I assure that regular organizational needs assessment regarding cultural competency are used in policy and program operations, treatment plans and implementation. 13. I assure that community and needs assessment information/data related to cultural competence are used in policy and program operations, treatment plans and implementation. 14. I assure that administrative and services delivery systems are adapted to population in service area; including adaptation to improve access to care. 15. I retain a significant proportion of community members on Center governing body and advisory committees. 16. I report to Center stakeholders (Board of Directors, Consumer Advisory Board, etc.) on cultural competence activities and issues. 17. I promote and support Board membership composition that is culturally representative of the community served by the Center. 18. I promote and support training of Board members on issues of culture and concerns of groups served by the Center. 19. I strive to involve the Executive Management Team in issues related to cultural competence at the Center. 3 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 20. I assure that formal cultural competence-related policies exist regarding: a. Personnel recruitment and retention b. Training/Staff development c. Language access/communication d. Cultural competence-related grievance/complaints e. Community/client input. 21. I avoid imposing values that may conflict or be inconsistent with those of cultures or ethnic groups other than my own. 22. I discourage staff from using racial and ethnic stereotypes or slurs; letting them understand that the use of certain words hurt others. 23. I intervene in an appropriate manner when I observe Center staff engaging in behaviors that show cultural insensitivity, bias or prejudice. 24. I understand and support that family is defined differently by different cultures and groups (e.g. extended family members, fictive kin, godparents, domestic partnership, etc.) 25. I recognize and accept that individuals from culturally diverse backgrounds may desire varying degrees of acculturation into the dominant culture. 26. I accept and respect that male-female roles in families may vary significantly among different cultures (e.g. who makes major decisions for the family). 27. I understand that age and life cycle factors must be considered in interactions with individuals and families (e.g. high value placed on the decision of elders or the role of the eldest male in the families). 28. Even though my professional or moral viewpoint may differ, I accept the family/parents as the ultimate decision makers for services and support for their adolescent youths/children. 29. I recognize that the meaning or value of medical treatment, health care, and health education may vary greatly among cultures. 30. I recognize and understand that beliefs and concepts of emotional well-being vary significantly from culture to culture. 4 31. I understand that beliefs about mental and emotional health are culturallybased. I accept that responses to these conditions and related treatment/interventions are heavily influenced by culture. 32. I accept that religion and other beliefs may influence how individuals and families respond to mental illness, diseases and death. Planning and Monitoring/Evaluation This section covers the mechanisms and processes used for (a) long and short term policy, program and operation of cultural competence planning that is informed by external and internal consumers; and (b) the system and activities needed to proactively track and assess an organization’s level of cultural competence. A B C D E A B C D E 33. I assure consumer participation and satisfaction regarding cultural competence-related planning. 34. I assure staff participation and satisfaction regarding cultural competencerelated evaluation activities. 35. I assure that planning documents, including fiscal plans, address cultural competence issues. 36. I assure the integration and implementation of cultural competence evaluation plans. 37. I work with our evaluator to assure timely and accurate cultural competencerelated data. 38. I work with our evaluator to monitor and evaluate reports related to cultural competence. Communication This section relates to the exchange of information between the organization/providers and the clients/population and internally among staff, in ways that promote cultural competence. 39. I understand the different communication needs and styles of client population. 40. I provide a system for informing patients of their rights to free interpretation/translation services. 5 41. I provide opportunities for Center staff training regarding cross-cultural communication. 42. I monitor and evaluate appropriate and effective organizational and provider communications. 43. I support special communication initiatives in my Center, including “universal” language access. 44. I assure that my staff demonstrates and applies effective communication styles with diverse client groups. 45. I assure that my Center offers linguistically competent services, i.e. I assure that languages/dialects of community are available at point of first contact and at all levels of interaction. 46. When interacting with clients who have limited English proficiency, I always keep in mind that: a. Limitation in English proficiency is in no way a reflection of their level of intellectual functioning. b. Their limited ability to speak the language of the dominant culture has no bearing on their ability to communicate effectively in their language of origin. c. They may or may not be literate in their language of origin or English. 47. I understand the implications of health literacy within the context of my roles and responsibilities. 48. I assure the availability of appropriate written communications. 49. I assure that there is a quality review mechanism that translated materials convey intended meaning. 50. I assure that disseminated materials are culturally appropriate. 51. I assure that there is a mechanism for systematic and ongoing communication with the community from which clients/potential clients come/may come. 6 52. I assure intra-organization communication that promotes effective communication among diverse staff. Staff Development This section deals with an organization’s effort to assure staff and other service providers have the requisite attitudes, knowledge and skills for delivering culturally competent services A B C D E A B C D E 53. I have or intend to invest in a training (initial, basic, periodic) plan for staff in cultural competence. 54. I assure that the cultural competence training curricula address key cultural competence-related knowledge, skills, and attitudes including the roles of persons trained (e.g. clinical, front-line administrative, marketing, etc.). 55. I make it clear to Center staff that cultural competence is a part of job descriptions. 56. I have instituted a system of incentives (individual and team) for cultural competence behaviors/activities. 57. I have instituted a system of staff performance assessment (individual and team) for cultural competence behaviors/activities. 58. I have instituted a system of incorporating cultural awareness within orientation for new staff members. 59. I provide cultural competence training opportunities on a continual basis to Center staff. Organizational Infrastructure This section is about organizational resource required to deliver or facilitate delivery of culturally competent services. 60. I assure that overall budgetary allocation and investment in cultural competent activities, aligned with strategic plan. 61. I have a plan for recruitment, retention, and promotion of staff representative of the population served. 7 62. I have a designated staff responsible for cultural competence implementation/activities. 63. I have staff to facilitate client/community outreach and communication. 64. I have a community liaison (e.g. ombudspersons, community health workers, cultural brokers). 65. I have an MIS system that includes/tracks cultural competence-related information on populations and clients served. 66. I have staff that is trained to use, collect, and input data into the organization’s information system in a consistent, standardized way. 67. I have a range of technology that facilitates communication between clients/population and health organization/providers. 68. The physical facility/environment of my Center is inviting and helpful (e.g. décor, color coding, literature, posters). 69. I have a formal and informal alliance/links with community and other partners to address cultural competence issues. 70. I attempt to get evidence of appropriate use of/referral to partners/alliance members. 8