Analyze the feasibility of developing a Northwest Region

Emissions Technologies.
EPA Clean Ports - National Clean Diesel Campaign Technologies
The US EPA Clean Ports program has outlined six main categories of technologies and
strategies for reducing ports emissions (4):
 Refuel - Clean diesel fuels
o emulsified diesel
o biodiesel
o ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSF)
o compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) with catalysts or filters
o liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or propane
 Retrofit
o diesel particulate filters (DPF) = costs $5k-$8k per unit
o diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) = $1k-$4k per vehicle w/ no continual maintenance
o closed crankcase ventilation (CCV)
o selective catalytic reduction (SCR) – used in conjunction w/ DOC or catalyzed DPF
o lean NOx Catalyst (LNC) – paired w/ either DOC or DPF(which requires ULSF)
o exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
o idle reduction (shut off devices, auxiliary power units…)
 Repair/Rebuild – properly maintain and tune engines. Rebuild engine for better fuel economy
 Repower – replace older engine w/ newer, cleaner engine or replacing diesel w/
alternative fuels
 Replace
o Replace older diesel equipment w/ newer diesel equipment
o Replace diesel equipment w/ electric, hybrid, alternative fuel (LNG, CNG, propane)
 Operational Strategies
o Reducing idling
o Barging instead of trucking
21st Century Truck Program – Investigating Future Technologies
The 21st Century Truck Program was started in 2000 by a gathering of US truck and supporting
industries, environmentalists, and federal agency representatives (2). The central goal was to “develop
cost-effective, heavy-duty vehicles that are fully competitive in prevailing markets” (2). There are five
goals and objectives for this program:
1) improve fuel efficiency
2) reduce emissions
3) enhance safety
4) reduce total owning and operating costs
5) maintain or enhance performance
This was primarily led by the US Department of Energy, with the Office of Science and Technology
Policy and the Office of Management and Budget (2). The goal in respect to Class 8 trucks (drayage,
cement trucks, dump trucks) is to develop technology, by 2010, that
 Have fuel efficiency of 2 x ton-mpg at 65 mph, fully loaded on a level road
 Meet prevailing emission standards using petroleum-based diesel fuel
Source for graph: (2).
Source for Figure: (2).
Improvements in engine efficiency, aerodynamic drag, and tire-rolling resistance will have significant
impact on fuel efficiency (2).
Comparison - Timelines and Mechanisms for implementing Technologies
Port of Vancouver has the following schedule for implementing technologies (3):
Port of Oakland has the following schedule for implementing technologies (3):
California Air Resources Board (CARB) Drayage Truck Rule has the following schedule for
implementing technologies (3):
Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach have the following schedule for implementing technologies
1. Vyas, A., Saricks, C. and Stodolsky, F. The potential effect of future energy-efficiency and emissions-improving
technologies on fuel consumption of heavy trucks. (2003). Retrieved on February 26, 2009 from:
2. Bradley, R. (2000). Technology Roadmap for the 21st Century Truck Program, a government-industry research
partnership. Retrieved February 25, 2009 from:
3. Rigby, C. and Flagg, S. (2008, September 17). Greening West Coast Port Drayage Trucks. Port Metro Vancouver –
Faster Freight Cleaner Air – Pacific Northwest. Retrieved March 2, 2009 from: e
4. National Clean Diesel Campaign (n.d.). Clean Ports USA – Technologies. Clean Ports USA – US EPA. [online].
Retrieved February 28, 2009 from: