Effective Peer to Peer Communication for Multimedia Services in Vehicular Network Upendra Dwivedi1, Anand Singh Rajawat2 Dr. Akhilesh R. Upadhyay3 1 JJT University Jhunjhunu, JJT University Jhunjhunu, 3 Professor and Head Dept.ofCommunication Engg.,SIRT Bhopal,India. 2 1ud1985@gmail.com, 2 rajawat_iet@yahoo.in 3akhileshupadhyay@yahoo.com Abstract— Recently, vehicular network have attracted interest from the researcher of wireless networking community. Vehicular wireless networks are formed by vehicles moving in random direction and predefined dimensions without the help or existence of any infrastructure or centralized supervision. Multimedia services and vehicular network are very close up to each other. There are various standards has been developed for vehicular multimedia services. These standards are always getting improvement. Vehicular network is a potential research area to enhance traffic safety and efficiency and enable several multimedia services. In this research, principal aim is to improve performance of multimedia services in vehicular network. Analysis of various proposed multimedia services in different wireless ad-hoc network has been carried out to find out their limitation and possible performance enhancement and categorization and classification of multimedia services unique network characteristics of vehicular networks. Keywords- Multimedia services, Peer to peer communication, QoS, Vehicular Network. I. INTRODUCTION Node movement is the most important aspect of vehicular mobility inside Vehicular Network. Vehicular Node movement may range from zero for steady vehicle or vehicle stuck in traffic to a speedy vehicle on highways. These varying distances between cars pose extreme complex behavior of communication between vehicular networks [1]. The wireless communications window presents a complicated behavior. This ranges from few meters to several hundred meters. In the case of vehicle, stuck in traffic it assumes range in few meters while in case of speedy movement it becomes few hundred meters. Besides varying distance between vehicles there are also situations like vehicles moving towards each other, opposite to each others. Sometimes communication faces challenges of covering a dynamically increasing distance between nodes, moving towards each other or outwards each other. In this scenario vehicles are gaining distance between each other proportional to distance. Communication schemes also depend not only on distance but on time also. In vehicular network communication time interval depends on varying distance as well as on direction of movement. Suppose if two nodes are moving towards each other with a speed of 40 km/hrs and if wireless communication range is assumed to be 100m then each node get possible communication time is about 9s. Moderate dynamic topologies is required by vehicular network to satisfy the various scenarios e. g. nodes are moving towards or outwards each other in same direction, opposite direction or different angled directions. Network topologies defined for vehicular network must have ability to compete with the randomly changing scenarios. The short encounters between vehicles lead to highly unstable network topology for routing and message dissemination. With the movement of nodes in vehicular network, classic network topologies based networking protocols get invalid before they can fully applied due to rapid movement of nodes [4]. For applications in vehicular network fast movement of nodes produces immediate changing of contexts while slow movement of nodes results in unstable topologies, high vehicles density, high interference, medium access problems, and so on. Our approach defines a scalable communication solution between nodes of vehicular networks. Network personality defines methods for data dissemination inside vehicular network. Security mechanism requires in data transfer is constrained by network requirement parameters, respective message dissemination between nodes. vehicular network is a very distinguished category of ad-hoc network. Characteristics of vehicular network can be categorized on the basis of consequences of development. II. VEHICULAR NODE IN MOTION Nodes do not move arbitrarily in vehicular network, but use predefined schemes due to roads, usually in towards or outwards directions[1][2]. At the intersection of two or more roads creates unpredictable changes in the direction of nodes. We distinguish three types of roads: • Very busy communication area: Inside metros, the Node density is very high on roads. Many intersections and obstacles reduces limit wireless communication. signals e. g. smaller road segments, buildings beside the roads • Urban communication area: The roads in urban areas usually have much larger segments than metro, which means less intersections of nodes communication path. Traffic conditions often allow the formation of a connected network, because large numbers of vehicles are on the road. message while passive nodes are responsible for taking the message to destination through multiple hops. IV. COMMUNICATION SCHEME FOR MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION FOR MULTIMEDIA SERVICES Multimedia applications for vehicular networks pose largely diverging characteristics. After studying various applications in different projects[2], all applications can be categorized and grouped into a small set of types on the basis of schemes of communication. Fig: Multimedia services in vehicular network • Rural communication area: The roads usually have larger sections, which mean that intersection or joint are very few. Less traffic conditions often do not allow the formation of a connected network, because too few vehicles are on the road. • Highways communication areas: Highways typically used for connecting bigger areas form a multilane road, which has very large sections. Movements of nodes are onedimensional. These movement scenarios cause special constraints, particularly for message dissemination. One dimensional communication constraints leaves virtually no margin for alternate routes. III. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICULAR NETWORK Communication in vehicular network is effected from number of nodes in a region apart from speed and movement of vehicles. Sometimes in a potential region number of vehicles may vary from zero to hundreds and even more. If nodes are moving in a low density area then message forwarding becomes a complex task due to interference of other vehicles[2]. Our approach disseminate message through more sophisticated message dissemination approach includes storing and forwarding, handling duplication of message due to encounter of other vehicles while If nodes are moving through high density area then nodes must monitor the forwarding of messages. In this case same message may be repeated by the nodes multiple times. Message must be forwarded and repeated by only by predefined selected nodes otherwise repletion of messages creates overhead for communication channel.. In Vehicular communication, there are different type of vehicles which are moving randomly on the road such as private vehicles, passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles and emergency vehicles. We can categorize these vehicles into active nodes which may be target vehicles using the applications and passive vehicles which may not target nodes but can participate actively in message dissemination. In our approach, active nodes are sending and receiving fig: Communication Schema Multimedia services These patterns are very useful in defining and designing of communication characteristics for multimedia applications. Our classification approach is independent of the actual communication technology and assumes only the availability of a link-layer broadcast and unicast mechanism. Hereby we define characteristics for each pattern we propose. The following characteristics are described for the multimedia services in vehicular network: i. Communication techniquesDescribes communication mechanisms for multimedia services. ii. Communication path - Communication can be unidirectional, bidirectional and multidirectional with respect to the senders and receivers. iii. Communication commencement - Describes the circumstances under which the services typically initiated communication. iv. Communicative data - Defines outlines of typical communicated data between sender and receiver. v. Communication delays- Vehicular networks are autonomous systems of devices (nodes) that communicate with each other using wireless links without a fixed infrastructure. Communication between nodes can face delay in information dissemination. Communication delays depend on vi. vii. viii. various reason. They can be occurred due to Multihop nature of the network, time consuming Channel access and Aggregation and queuing of information at intermediate nodes. Information Loss is happened due to size of number of frames, number of time slots per frame, limited buffer size of mobile nodes, time limitation to transmit packets. Data Security- Secure services require information transmission through a selected path and with some secure channel so that data must not be accessible and should be in encrypted format for an unidentified entity. Size of data- multimedia services is different from other wireless services. They require larger information to be transmitted from node to node in a prescribed limited time. In vehicular network, this becomes more complex to decide what should be the data size. Quality of service - Describes requirements of the communication schemes so that optimum quality of services can be achieved. Our approach focuses on Reliability, flexibility and scalability feature of multimedia services. A multimedia service must be reliable enough to reach at the destination, flexible enough to contain integrity and scalable enough to satisfy user requirement. Information Propagation For Multimedia Services— Multimedia services requires information to be dispatched in certain time and capable of bridging multiple hop network paths with prioritization[5][9]. Multimedia services usually contain larger data so they need larger segment to be splitted into smaller segment, efficient acknowledgement scheme for optimal network overhead and better mechanism to handle information superiority. i. ii. Communication techniques – Schemas for multimedia message dispatching usually use store and forward schemes, resend a unsuccessful delivered message, considering a variety of parameters to decide when to resend a multimedia messages. Messages are repeated following diverse strategies. A multimedia message is stored at every node until a sender declared successfully completion of message dispatching. If there is any failure occurred then firstly finds the location and then resends the data from respective nodes avoiding the retransmission of whole message. Multimedia message dissemination also depends on various parameters such as position, time, type and bandwidth constraints. Communication path –There may be various scenarios when multimedia message is disseminating towards destination. Sometimes destination node is the neighbor nodes or followed by one hop or followed by multiple hops. Vehicular network is deployed for the vehicle moving on roads so it follows various dimension such as node following nodes in single direction, node iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. getting away from node in single direction, node closing to each other in angle direction due to intersection of roads, nodes moving away from each other in angular directions. Communication commencement – Messages dissemination initiated by the sender. In Vehicular network, various constraint are responsible for starting of message transfer such as bandwidth status, priority, number of hops between sender and destination and available time for communication. Retransmission of message is based on events generated by nodes when they did not get the acknowledgement and validity of message expires before successful transmission. Acknowledgement schema decides when to break or halt or stop the communication in multimedia services. Communicative data- The content of multimedia message is divided into smaller parts depends on available bandwidth and network path. Original message as created by the source should be never changed during transmission. However, additional information to determine the relevance of a multimedia message (e.g., segment information, priority, and time etc.) may be attached to a message. Communication delays- In Vehicular network, data send through several hops to reach the destination. The best condition is when destination node is neighbor nodes and worst condition is when destination nodes is multiple hops away. At each node, channel access delays, processing delays and queuing delays happens with the data. Data Security- Integrity of data is important aspect of data security. Multimedia services are not very concerned with accuracy and integrity of data but they require a minimum standard for their secure propagation. Data propagates through selected path which is defined on basis of multimedia services priority and available bandwidths. Size of data- Wireless communication always faces loss of data due to weak signal, low bandwidth, busy nodes and broken path before successful transmission. Size of transmitted data is depends on various constraints of network. Larger data is divided into smaller segments. This segmentations is also depends on network constraints of nodes such as nodes stand up time, bandwidth, distance and more. Quality of Service - Wireless services get their recognition on the basis of quality of services they are providing. Multimedia services such as streaming of data depend on user expected quality. If they are not on expectation, they would be discarded by the community. Network must be capable of sending the data through alternative path if any path is broken to provide timestable dissemination. N/W Characteristics MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES COMMUNICATION PATH Information Propagation Information Accumulation SCHEMAS FOR MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE DISPATCHING USUALLY USE STORE AND FORWARD SCHEMES A MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE IS STORED AT EVERY NODE UNTIL VARIOUS DIMENSION SUCH AS NODE FOLLOWING NODES IN SINGLE DIRECTION, NODE GETTING AWAY FROM NODE MULTIMEDIA IN SINGLE DIRECTION COMMUNICATION COMMENCEMENT COMMUNICATIVE DATA A SENDER DECLARED SUCCESSFULLY MESSAGE IS DISSEMINATING TOWARDS DESTINATION THROUGH A PREDEFINED OR RANDOMLY GENERATED PATH BASED ON TOPOLOGIES VARIOUS CONSTRAINTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR STARTING OF MESSAGE. COMMUNICATION MAY BE STARTED BY ANY NODES ADDITIONAL MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION TO DETERMINE RELEVANCE OF A MULTIMEDIA MESSAGE. THE MESSAGE CAN BE DIVIDED INTO SMALLER SEGMENTS DEPENDS ON NETWORK CONSTRAINTS. DATA SECURITY REQUIRES A MINIMUM STANDARD FOR THEIR SECURE PROPAGATION. SECURE COMMUNICATION DELAYS CHANNEL ACCESS DELAYS, PROCESSING DELAYS AND QUEUING DELAYS HAPPENS WITH THE DATA. DELAY SIZE OF TRANSMITTED DATA IS DEPENDS ON VARIOUS CONSTRAINTS OF NETWORK. PACKET SIZE MUST BE DEPENDS ON VARIOUS CONSTRAINTS NETWORK NEIGHBOURS SIZE OF DATA QUALITY OF SERVICE MUST BE CAPABLE OF SENDING THE DATA THROUGH ALTERNATIVE PATH MULTIMEDIA SERVICES THROUGH SELECTED PATH CAN BE PROVIDED DUE TO EACH NODES PERFORM SEGMENTATION OR AGGREGATION OF DATA AND FORWARD TO NEXT NODES OF NETWORK NODES STATUS INFORMATION UPDATED AT PARTICULAR TIME INTERVAL MUST BE Table: Network characteristics for multimedia services in VEHICULAR NETWORK Information Accumulation for Multimedia Services i. Communication techniques - Simply forwarding of data from sender to destination is not a favorable idea due to random mobility of nodes. In vehicular network, communication data is processed by various nodes. These nodes divide data into segment and merged them on the basis of network constraints. Information segmentation and dissemination among vehicles reduces network overhead and reduced overhead help to decrease number of collision, increase bandwidth utilization and packet loss. ii. Communication path - Multimedia message is disseminating towards destination through a predefined or randomly generated path based on topologies. When destination node is the neighbor nodes, it is easy for message dissemination while multi-hop away destination requires various topologies to decide the selected optimized path such as node following nodes in single direction, node getting away from node in single direction, node closing to each other in angle direction due to intersection of roads, nodes moving away from each other in angular directions. iii. Communication commencement - Communication may be started by any node who wants to access the particular multimedia services. Situation like, traffic jam may also trigger services initiation due to available bandwidth and slow movement of nodes. iv. Communicative Data - Multimedia message can be divided into smaller segments depends on network constraints. However, The communicated data contains aggregation information for various nodes for performing smooth transmission derived from multiple nodes. Communication delays- Communication may be delayed from time consuming processing done by various nodes. Multimedia services generally provide through various nodes, each nodes perform v. segmentation or aggregation of data and forward to next nodes. vi. vii. viii. Data Security - Secure multimedia services can be provided through selected path which is defined on basis of multimedia services priority and available bandwidths. Size of data - Wireless services faces packet loss due to low bandwidth and busy nodes. So packet size must be depends on various constraints of network. Larger data is divided into smaller segments of data transmitted through various nodes and then combined at destination node. Quality of Service Information delivery and quality of information are two important aspect of Quality of service in vehicular network. Multimedia services quality can be increased by using improved network topologies and efficient algorithm on nodes for segmentation and aggregation. Neighbors nodes status information must be updated at particular time interval. VI. CONCLUSION Applications for vehicular network have very diverse properties and require complex communication protocols. The dynamics of the network due to vehicle movement further complicates the design of an appropriate comprehensive communication system. Categorize multimedia services network characteristics for vehicular networks have been proposed. The design and analysis of a Smart Network concept with active multimedia services is for supporting vehicular wireless multimedia communications. Even if, various standard, tools and technologies are available in vehicular Networks for effective multimedia communication among various mobile nodes, still there is lot of scope available in the challenging area of vehicular communication. Future vehicular networks may require mobile nodes to cross over different servicing locations. Seamless integration of different networks requires maintaining network services. Efficient handover between different wireless communications technologies requires continuous connections of applications in the different networks. However, sophisticated multimedia services require increasing network bandwidth and improved quality ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this paper. We want to thank the Department of Engineering of the JJT University for giving me permission to commence this paper in the first instance, to do the necessary research work and to use departmental data. We are deeply indebted to our supervisor Prof. Dr. Akhilesh R. Upadhyay from the JJT University whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the time of our research work for our Phd. and writing of this paper. REFERENCES [1]. Jerome Harri, Fethi Filali and Christian Bonnet Institute Eurecom Mobile Communication Department; "A Framework for Mobility Models Generation and its Application to InterVehicular Networks" in 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing [2]. David L. Johnson, Veljko Pejovic,Elizabeth M. Belding, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Traffic Characterization and Internet Usage in Rural Africa" in ACM 978-1-4503-0632-4/11/03. [3]. Huaizhi Li, Mukesh Singhal University of Kentucky; "A Scalable Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks" in Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005. VTC 2005-Spring. 2005 [4]. Lei Huang, Sunil Kumar and C.-C. 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