The quest for the Iberia-Africa Plate boundary west of Gibraltar SWIM Team: N. Zitellini1, E. Gràcia2, M.A. Gutscher3, L. Matias4, D. Masson5, T. Mulder6, P. Terrinha7, L. Somoza8, G. DeAlteriis9, J.P. Henriet10, J.J. Dañobeitia2, R. Ramella11, M.A. Abreu12 and S. Diez2 1 Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR), Via Gobetti 101, 40129, Bologna, Italy 2 Unitat de Tecnologia Marina (CSIC), Centre Mediterrani d’Investigacions Marines i Ambientals, Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta 37-49, 08003, Barcelona, Spain Université de Bretagne Occidentale/ Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, 3 UMR 6538 Domaines Océaniques, Place Nicolas Copernic, F-29280, Plouzané, France Centro Geofísica da Universidade de Lisboa (CGUL, IDL), Campo Grande C8, 4 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal Southampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, 5 United Kingdom Département de Géologie et Océanographie, UMR 5805 EPOC, Université 6 Bordeaux 1, Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence Cedex, France National Institute for Engineering, Technology and Innovation (INETI, LATTEX), 7 Departamento de Geologia Marinha, Estrada da Portela, Zambujal, 2721-866 Amadora, Portugal 8 Geología Marina, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Rios Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain 9 Geomare Sud IAMC, CNR, Calata Porta di Massa, 80133, Napoli, Italy 10 Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Dpt. Geology and Soil Science, Gent University, Krijgslaan 281 s.8, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 1 11 Department for the Development of Marine Technology and Research, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c, 34010, SGONICO (TS) 12 Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental, Rua Borges Carneiro nº 38 2º Esq., 1200-619 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract A new swath bathymetry compilation of the Gulf of Cadiz Area and SW Iberia is presented. The new map is the result of a collaborative research performed after year 2000 by teams from 7 European countries and 12 research institutions. This new dataset allow for the first time to unravel the Iberia-Africa plate boundary West of Gibraltar and to better constrain the source location of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, the largest earthquake ever occurred in Western Europe during historical times. One-sentence summary: The quest for the Iberia-Africa Plate boundary Keywords: Gulf of Cadiz, Europe-Africa convergence, Diffuse Plate Boundary, Earthquake, Tsunami, Compressive Deformation, active faulting, seismicity, swath-bathymetry Introduction The present-day convergent plate boundary separating Northwest Africa from Southwest Europe has been a matter of debate and it is still an unsolved puzzle since the early plate tectonic reconstructions made by the pioneering work of McKenzie (1970) (1) and Dewey et al. (1973) (2). As a matter of fact, it is frequent to see this boundary depicted as a straight or zig-zag line passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. The Euler pole of rotation of Africa with respect to 2 Eurasia lies at longitude ~20ºW1, between the Azores Triple Junction and the Gibraltar Arc. The tectonic line that connects these two features is known as the Azores-Gibraltar Line (AGL, Fig. 1), which roughly trends west-east. The kinematics of the plate boundary are right-lateral with a divergent component in the Azores plateau, right-lateral transform in the central segment, the Gloria Fault, and convergent between this fault and the Gibraltar arc, where the plate boundary is not well established because deformation is distributed over a broad elongated area about 200 km wide (3). In this easternmost segment, the seismicity is moderate, with only five events with magnitude M=>6 since 1960, with well constrained hypocenters shallower than 50 km (4). Focal mechanisms indicate thrust and strike-slip fault solutions accommodated by NE-SW and E-W trending faults, respectivelly with a main horizontal compression axis oriented NW-SE (Fig. 1) (5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Plate convergence is estimated to be 3.7 mm/yr over the last three million years (10), and geodetic measurements suggest values ranging between 3.8 to 5.6 mm/yr (11, 12, 13). The eastern termination of the AGL plate boundary is buried by a thick pile of deformed sediments that resemble an accretionary wedge related to a subduction process (14) associated with the emplacement of the Gibraltar orogenic arc., recently hypothesized to be still active (15). The present-day puzzling Iberia-Africa plate boundary between the Gorringe Ridge and the Gibraltar arc is now evaluated in this paper (Fig. 1). The definition of this segment of the plate boundary and its associated deformation is essential for understanding the large magnitude earthquakes here generated, such as the 28th February, 1969 (M~8.0) whose epicentre was located in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain (16) and the 1st November, 1755 Great Lisbon (M~8.7) earthquake and tsunami (17, 18). This was the largest earthquake ever occurred in historical times in Western Europe and its source area is still a matter of debate. Unveiling 1 Current GPS measurements allow the splitting of the African plate into two blocks, which are identified as the Nubia plate, the largest one, and the Somalia plate. The GPS measurements mentioned in the text are referred to the Nubia sub-plate. 3 the tectonics of this plate boundary is a necessary step for seismic hazard assessment and future mitigation of the effects of tsunamis and large earthquakes occurring in the area. The SWIM swath-bathymetry compilation The Gulf of Cadiz area has been recently investigated by means of swathbathymetry not only to identify the possible tectonic sources of large earthquakes, such as the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake, but also to investigate other active geological processes, such as the effects of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) on the seafloor, the fluid-flow processes associated with mud volcanism, low-temperature venting and mass-wasting processes. The SWIM project, “Earthquake and Tsunami hazards of active faults at the SouthWest Iberian Margin: deep structure, high-resolution imaging and paleoseismic signature”, funded by the Eurocores Project “EuroMargins” of the European Science Foundation, promoted a collaborative research agreement to coordinate marine cruises aiming at a complete bathymetry coverage of the Gulf of Cadiz. The dataset consists of 19 surveys representing more than 200 days of ship time, all performed between 2000 and 2006 by teams belonging to,14 research institutions from 7 European countries. The covered area totals 1.5 times the surface area of Portugal (Fig. 2 and Plate 1 in SOM). The surveys are of high quality being, most of them, acquired under the specification established by the International Hydrographic Organization for an order 3 hydrographic survey. A larger version of the bathymetric map, at 100 meters grid resolution, is available online as support material. This map provides for the first time the detailed morphostructural information at the scale of the whole study area providing new answers to old questions: What are the structures that take up the tectonic deformation at present? Where is located the Iberia-Africa plate boundary? 4 Morphotectonics The main morphological features of SW Iberia formed during the Miocene compression caused by the northwards movement of Africa with respect to Eurasia and the westwards migration of the Alboran terrain (19). Some of these morphotectonic features were known to exist prior to the acquisition of the high resolution SWIM bathymetric compilation. However, it was difficult to distinguish between the Miocene and the Quaternary features and processes and it was not possible to know the lateral extent of the main active faults because a detailed map of the seafloor was lacking. The physiography of the Gulf of Cadiz (Figs. 2 and 3) is dominated by i) deep basins, as the Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains, ii) elongated seamounts located between these plains, the Gorringe Ridge, the Hirondelle seamount, the Coral Patch Seamount, the Coral Patch Ridge and the Seine Abyssal hills; iii) the escarpments and structural highs on the continental slope on the northern part of the Gulf of Cadiz, such as the Marques de Pombal, Guadalquivir-Portimão, Horseshoe and Pereira de Sousa Faults; iv) the smooth surface of the South Iberian continental shelf and upper slope in the north; v) deeply incised valleys and submarine canyons; vi) the contourite drifts and other bottom current features caused by the MOW; vii) the wrinkled arcuate surface of the accretionary wedge on the east and viii) a set of WNW-ESE trending lineaments that extend from the Hirondelle across the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, the accretionary wedge and the Moroccan continental shelf. The full extent of the WNW-ESE trending lineaments is approximately 600 km and was detected for the first time on the SWIM bathymetry compilation. Hereafter these lineaments are designated by SWIM Lineaments. The Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains correspond to oceanic crust of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age that resulted from separation of North America from Eurasia and Africa. The positive reliefs lying at the edges of these abyssal plains, such as the Gorringe Ridge, the Coral Patch Ridge, and the series of 5 Abyssal hills in the Seine Abyssal Plain, formed due to northwest directed thrusting during the latest stages of the Iberia-NW Africa convergence, from Late Cretaceous through Late Miocene times, and they show now minor activity when inspected on multi-channel seismic profiles (see Plate 2 in SOM). The Hirondelle seamount and the western part of the Coral Patch Ridge display a well expressed NE-SW trending parallel series of short wavelength ridges and valleys corresponding to the seafloor spreading pattern of Early Cretaceous age (see Fig. 3). The Coral Patch Ridge was later intruded by volcanism that overprinted these oceanic fabrics (red triangles in Fig. 3). While the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain hosts an important part of the instrumental seismicity and the multi-channel seismic profiles show active tectonic deformation, the Tagus Abyssal Plain and the Seine Abyssal Plain are almost aseismic and seismic reflection data shows a major Miocene discontinuity sealing the main compressive structures. The plateaus of Marquês de Pombal, Sagres, Portimão and Guadalquivir Bank are structural highs uplifted on top of basement thrust ramps during Miocene times as well as the Horseshoe Fault (Fig. 3). These tectonic structures are active in the present as shown by recent works (e.g. 7, 20, 21, 22). The 100 km long Pereira de Sousa escarpment corresponds to the exposure of an active extensional fault associated to continental uplift on top of a N-S trending reactivated main thrust (23). Uplift of the western part of the Iberia Margin triggered the incision of the submarine canyons together with the sea level oscillations. The boundary of the accretionary wedge displays an arcuate shape, sub-parallel to the Betic-Rif stacked thrusts of the Gibraltar Arc. The SWIM dataset reveals an irregular, hummocky, rough topography of ridges and troughs, scours, channels, circular ponds and isolated cones. The large amount of multi-channel seismic profiles and high resolution seismic data, sidescan sonar and groundtruthing (21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28) provided new insights into the variety of geological processes that built up the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge and are shaping its present-day seafloor morphology. Multi-channel seismic profiles show a chaotic pattern of 6 variable amplitude seismic horizons and a series of imbricated horizons that were interpreted as stacked thrusts detaching on top of a decollement surface, i.e. a subduction accretionary wedge complex, located at the top of the Cretaceous units (15). The arcuate shape of this thrust belt in front of the Rif-Betic orogenic arc has been associated with a steep subduction slab dipping to the east based on seismic tomography (15, 29). The accretionary wedge is topped by up to 500 m, locally 2 000 m (21, 30), thick package of Uppermost Miocene to Quaternary well stratified mildly to undeformed sediments indicating present-day reduced to nil level of activity of the subduction processes (31). The widespread existence of fluid escape features, mud volcanism, gas hydrates and gravitational collapses account for the irregular and wrinkled appearance of this structure. The WNW-ESE trending SWIM Lineaments occur from the Hirondelle Seamount, cutting across the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, the continental rise and accretionary wedge through the Morocco shelf (Figs. 3 and 4). These lineaments are distributed within a WNW-ESE striking, 600 km long x 80 km wide area, i.e. subparallel to the present day movement of Africa with respect to Iberia, as taken from GPS measurements (11, 12, 13, 32). This area, which is interpreted here as a zone of concentration of dextral strike.slip deformation, i.e. a shear zone, is shown as a grey stripe in Fig. 3. This narrow stripe approximately coincides with the trajectory of a small circle centered on the present-day Euler pole of rotation of the Africa1 plate with respect to Iberia (Figs. 1 and 3, (11)). The SWIM Lineaments occur on the seafloor as a sharp scarp on the Hirondelle-Gorringe seamounts, as a series of aligned hills on the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, as an aligned series of ridges and troughs and associated en echelon folds on the slope, aligned mud volcanoes and crests and valleys on the accretionary wedge surface, and as scarps and valleys on the Morocco shelf edge (Fig. 4). Locally, the lack of continuity of the lineaments in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain is due to the fact that the sedimentation rate overcomes the rate of fault slip (Fig. 5). 7 Detailed work on these lineaments in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain and slope, based on bathymetry analysis, multi-channel seismic profiles interpretation and analogue deformation has shown that the SWIM Lineaments correspond to dextral strike-slip faults (the SWIM Faults) cutting across the accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz and that they are active during the last 2 My (31, 33). Seismicity The seismic strain in the Gulf of Cadiz is accommodated by structures located north of the SWIM Fault Zone. The maximum values coincide with the active morphotectonic features and faults shown in Figs. 3 and 6. The Guadalquivir Bank- Portimao area concentrates most of the seismic strain of the northern part of the Gulf of Cadiz. It is bound by an oblique-slip southeastwards directed thrust fault that establishes the contact between the inverted rifted continental South Iberia margin and the accretionary wedge, underlain by thin crust (34). Seismic strain also clusters around the south of the Gorringe Ridge and the eastern part of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain. Inspection of seismic reflection profiles and multibeam bathymetry shows that the Gorringe Ridge northwestwards directed frontal thrust has dramatically diminished its activity since Late Miocene times and vertical WNW-ESE trending active faults developed on its southern flank and in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, as shown in Plate 2 of SOM. Among these, stand out the SWIM Faults (Fig. 4) that deform the seafloor and the blind NE-SW trending thrusts that generated the 28th February 1969 (M~8) and 12th February, 2007 (M~6) events (9, 35). Conclusion Iberia-Africa: Two engines for a transitional plate boundary 8 The emplacement of the Betic-Rif orogen and the formation of the Gibraltar Arc by means of roll-back of a subducting slab is a process that is probably approaching to its end, since only minor thrusting is observed in the accretionary wedge to affect the Pliocene-Quaternary cover. Most of the present-day deformation offshore SW Iberia is now accommodated by westward thrusting on the NE-SW to NNE-SSW faults, by oblique-slip on the E-W faults and by dextral strike-slip on the WNW-ESE SWIM faults (Fig. 3). The SWIM Faults form a set of parallel lineaments that cut across the whole region from the Hirondelle seamount to the Moroccan shelf controlling the location of various mud volcanoes along which deep seated fluidized sediments are extruded, whose origin can be at the level of the accretionary wedge or at the Triassic evaporites (26, 31). The SWIM Fault Zone also constitutes the southern edge of the main active tectonics and seismicity of the Gulf of Cadiz, as mentioned. The perceptible angular departure of the plate kinematic velocity of Africa with respect to Iberia from the last 3 My to present day GPS velocities (Fig. 1) is coherent with the development of the SWIM Faults in Pliocene-Quaternary times. The clear difference between the NW-SE oriented maximum horizontal stress inferred from the focal mechanisms and the WNW-ESE oriented present-day direction of convergence derived from GPS measurements together with the low of seismicity south of the SWIM Fault Zone is a strong indication of impingement of the Africa plate into Iberia. This is causing propagation of deformation into SW Iberia that is being partitioned on pre-existent NE-SW and E-W trending structures, as thrusts and oblique-slip faults, respectively. This is in accordance with the existence of a lithospheric vertical mechanical decoupling discontinuity, the SWIM Fault zone. It is thus concluded that the WNW-ESE trending SWIM Fault Zone is in the process of connecting the Gloria Fault with the north Africa plate boundary along the Rif-Tell and consequently will constitute a new plate boundary (see Fig. 6). The new plate boundary is a consequence of a second engine taking over a 9 previous one, i.e. to the WNW-ESE Eurasia-Africa plate oblique convergence taking over the roll-back of a subducted slab. This scenario of plate boundary re-definition has important implications on the understanding of the occurrence of large earthquakes and destructuive tsunamis, such as the Lisbon 1755 event. First, it implies important fault growth in localized areas, second, because during the transition from one plate boundary to a new one, associated with the progressive switch of the subduction slab roll-back to the oblique plate convergence, the two active fault systems will interact in a unpredictable manner. Fault growth associated with a plate boundary propagation implies non-steady state seismic rupture and the substitution of one plate driving mechanism by a new one implies complex interactions. Acknowledgements We thank the captains, crews and technical staff on board research vessels for their assistance throughout all the cruises that allowed to collect the data presented here. We thank A. Kopf for allowing the use of the GAP bathymetric data acquired during Sonne Cruise SO-175, Nov./Dec. 2003. We acknowledge financial support from the ESF EuroMargins Program, contract n. 01-LEC-EMA09F and from EU Specific Programme “Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area”, Sub-Priority, “Global Change and Ecosystems”, contract n. 037110 (NEAREST), and national funding from MEC in Spain (SWIM REN200211234MAR, IMPULS, REN 2003-05996MAR and EVENT CGL2006-12861-C02-02 projects), Portugal (MATESPRO, PDCTM/P/MAR/15264/1999).. We thank Vasco Valadares for his valuable help on figures preparation. ISMAR-BO contribution n.XXX 10 References 1. D. P. McKenzie, Nature 226, 239 (1970). 2. J. F. Dewey, W. C. Pitman, III, W. B. F. Ryan, J. Bonnin, Bull. 84, 3137 (1973). 3. R. Sartori, L. Torelli, N. Zitellini, D. Peis, E. Lodolo, Geology 22, 555 (Jun, 1994). 4. E. R. Engdahl, R. D. van der Hilst, R. P. Buland, 722 (Jun, 1998). 5. E. Buforn, A. Udias, M. A. Colombas, Tectonophysics 152, 89 (10 Sep, 1988). 6. A. Ribeiro, J. Cabral, R. Baptista, L. Matias, Tectonics 15, 641 (1996). 7. N. 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Small red circles: epicentres, from ISC, M>4, 1964 to 12 Present, Focal mechanisms from CMT catalogue for whole area, http.//; between 20º W – 5º W data completed from various sources, see SOM material. Arrows at right bottom corner show the relative movement of Nubia with respect to Eurasia at the centre of the Gulf of Cadiz, according to different authors. Black arrows deduced from geological indicators (10; 37) and red arrows from GPS (11, 12, 13, 32). Inset: location of the Euler pole and the relative movement of Nubia with respect to Eurasia after Fernandes et al., 2003 (11). Fig.2- The SWIM Multibeam Compilation. Swath Bathymetry map compiled on behalf the SWIM collaborative research agreement, see SOM for complete list of contributors. Color scale in meter. Fig.3 Tectonic Map. It is derived from the swath bathymetry map presented on Fig.2 with toponimics and structural interpretation. Black thick lines: location of multi-channel seismic lines shown in SOM; gray stripe: 80 km wide, centered at the small circle relative to Euler pole of rotation of Africa with respect Eurasia inferred by Fernandes et al., 2003 (11); red lines with triangles: active reverse faults; blue lines with triangle: inactive reverse faults; blue lines with rhombs: axis of inactive anticline; short, close-spaced red lines: lineaments related to accretion of oceanic crust; violet lines: Cretaceous normal faults; long, WNW-ESE oriented, red lines: SWIM Lineaments; red triangles: outcrop of volcanic edifices; red dots: salt diapirs; blue dots: major depressions larger that within the accretionary wedge; black thin lines: oceanic magnetic lineation with chrons alongside. Fig.4- SWIM Lineament. Shaded relief image of the Swath Bathymetry map showing an example of one of the SWIM Lineaments running from the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain through the accretionary wedge; The view is from Horseshoe 13 Abyssal Plain from the WNW and 45 degree elevation; the figure clearly shows the positive and negative features and scarps arranged along the SWIM Lineament. Fig.5 Multi-channel seismic line crossing SWIM Lineament shown in Fig.4. Blow-up of multi-channel seismic line AR07; location is in Fig.2, the full seismic line and its interpretation is shown in the SOM. This portion of AR07 crosses the SWIM Lineament in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain. Despite the fact that there is no morphological expression of the lineament this profile shows that the active deformation in the Present continues also in the flat part of the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain. Fig.6 Conceptual model of the present Africa-Europe Plate Boundary. Red line: proposed SW Eurasia-NW Africa plate boundary, as a small circle centered in Euler pole DEOS2k (11) coincident with the SWIM Lineaments; solid: where it is accompanied by instrumental seismicity; dashed: where it lacks seismicity and is in the process of propagation to connect with the Rif-Tell plate boundary, in black; dotted, connection of the SWIM Fault/plate boundary with the Gloria Fault (see text for discussion). Colour contours: seismic strain rate computed from all events, open circles, 3<M<5.5. Star: events M>5.5 since 1964. Bathymetry from Smith and Sandwell, 1997 (36). Solid thin black lines: SWIM Lineaments. Supporting online material (SOM): Plate1 Bathymetry of the Gulf of Cadiz, North-East Atlantic: The SWIM Multibeam Compilation. Bathymetry map, as in Fig.2 of the paper, designed to 14 be printable at A0 format with a resolution that will allow the recognition and detection of the features discussed in the text. Plate 2 Multi-channel seismic lines transect. Selection of multi-channel seismic lines, AR03, AR07 and AR08, encompassing the whole area with a strike parallel to the Miocene slip vector of Africa-Europe Plate Motion. Location is in Fig.2. Interpretation goes along with the data. This figure is designed to be printable at A1 format with a resolution that will allow the interpretation of the lines. File n.1 SWIM digital map at 250 grid-internal resolution on zipped file. The data in the file are organized as ascii XYZ column allowing reader to print his own image and or to merge it with his own data. 15