Lansing Eastern High School

Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
Lansing Eastern High School
Cisco Networking Academy
Semester 1 Final Exam Review Sheet
Author’s Note: This study guide contains many questions that you will probably see on the Final Exam. However, I
have no more insight than you do as to exactly what questions will show up and how they will be worded. Study this
sheet, Mr. Richter’s review, and the quizzes and reviews provided in the Cisco Curriculum, and you should do fine.
What is a NIC? What do the letters stand for, and what does the device do?
A Network Interface Card is a device that allows your computer to connect to a network. It is
where the network cable plugs into your computer and is also where the Media Access Control
or MAC address is located.
The binary numbering system is a base ____ numbering system? The available digits are ____ &
Base 2, Available Digits: 0,1.
Convert 192 to binary.
11000000. See Section 1.3.5 for detailed instructions.
Convert 01110000 into decimal.
112. See Section 1.3.6 for detailed instructions.
Give a general definition of a network?
An intricately connected system of objects.
(Can be but does not have to be related to
Compare and contrast LANs and WANs.
Local Area Networks operate over a geographically small area. Wide Area Networks provide
full and part time connectivity over large geographic areas. Both are ways of connecting
computers and peripherals to avoid the duplication of resources.
What is bandwidth and why is it important? How does it compare or contrast with throughput?
Bandwidth is the maximum amount of bits (information) that can fit through the wire at one
time. Throughput, on the other hand, is how much actually does at a given time. Both are
measured in bits per second.
True or False? A WAN can be used to interconnect LANs.
What is a source? What is a destination?
A source computer is the computer that has information to send. A destination computer is
computer where the data is sent to.
List several different types of media. Which one is the fastest?
Category 5 UTP, telephone wire, fiber optic, coaxial, etc. Fiber optic is the fastest.
What is the ISO and how does it relate to computers and / or networking?
The International Organization for Standardization creates many of the standards such as the
OSI reference model.
What are some advantages of a layered network model?
Layers make it easier to teach and learn, they promote evolution, they ensure interoperability,
and they allow you to change things in one layer without affecting all of the other layers.
List the 7 Layers of the OSI Model and explain their importance.
Application Provides network services to applications. Ex. Browsers
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
PresentationNegotiates a common data format.
Manages sessions, exception reporting.
Quality of service and reliability. Manages Virtual Circuits.
Addressing, connectivity, and path selection. IP addresses.
Data Link
Frames, Media Access Control (MAC) addresses.
Signals and Media.
What is encapsulation? What is the proper encapsulation sequence?
Encapsulation is the process of wrapping data with the necessary protocol information so that it
may be transmitted across the network. The proper encapsulation sequence is:
Application Data
Data Link
How many layers does the TCP/IP model have? What are they?
The TCP/IP Model has 4 Layers. They are Application, Transport, Internet, and Network
Who originally created the TCP/IP Model and why did they create it?
The TCP/IP model was created by the Department of Defense and was designed so that packets
could always get through now matter what the conditions.
What do FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DNS, and TFTP stand for? How are they related?
File Transfer Protocol, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Domain
Name Server, and Trivial File Transfer Protocol. They are all TCP/IP Protocols.
Which is more reliable, TCP or UDP?
TCP is more reliable because it provides reliability with acknowledgements, and flow control
with sliding windows.
Name some basic LAN devices and the layer that they operate one
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Switches, Bridges, NICs
Physical Layer
Hubs, Repeaters, Patch Cables, Patch Panels
Which Topology has all devices directly connected to a backbone?
Bus Topology.
Which Topology has all devices connecting to one central hub?
Star Topology
What is the topology of the Internet? Why?
The Internet runs on a Mesh Topology. This means that there are several ways to get to any one
destination which was the goal of the Department of Defense when they were creating it.
What Layer or layers of the OSI Model does a computer operate on?
Layers 1-7.
What is the Ping Command used for? What is the Trace Route Command for?
Ping and Trace Route Commands are both ICMP messages. They are used to check the
hardware connecting. Both tell you if you can or can not reach the destination, and Trace Route
gives you information about the routers you encounter along the way.
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
What does a hub do?
The hub takes the packet, regenerates and retimes the signal, and repeats it out all of its ports.
What does a Bridge do?
A bridge takes the incoming frame, checks the Media Access Control (MAC) address to see
where it is headed, and makes intelligent forwarding decisions.
What does a router do?
A router takes the incoming data, examines the Internet Protocol (IP) address of where it is
headed, and then re-encapsulates the data and forwards it out the correct interface based on its
routing table. Routers can select best path based on number of hobs, speed, delay, and many
other factors.
What is an electron
An electron is a particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus of an atom.
What is static electricity?
A collection of electrons that have no path to flow through. When a path is provided to them,
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) will take place.
True or False? Like charges attract and opposite charges repel each other.
False. The exact opposite is true.
Define Insulator.
An insulator is a material such as rubber that allows electricity to flow through it with great
difficulty if at all.
Define Conductor.
A conductor is a material such as copper that electricity can flow through very easily.
Define Semiconductor.
A semiconductor is a material such as silicon where the flow of electricity can be regulated.
True or False? Voltage and EMF can be referred to as an electrical force or pressure that occurs when
electrons and protons are separated.
Current flows in ____________ loops called ___________.
Closed, Circuits.
Define Current.
The flow of charges when electrons move.
How are voltage, current, resistance, and impedance measured?
amount of work necessary to separate the charges.
Number of charges per second that pass a point.
Resistance Ohm
Impedance Ohm
Do electrons flow from a positive source to a negative source, or a negative source to a positive
From a negative source to a positive source.
What is the name of the tool used to measure voltage, resistance, etc?
A multimeter.
Which is more “wavy,” a digital signal or an analog signal?
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
An analog signal.
Discuss six factors that can have an adverse affect on your network signal.
Propagation can be a problem if the signal takes to long to arrive at its destination. Attenuation
is a loss of signal strength. Reflection can be a problem if the signal “hits” something and then
part of it bounces back. Noise is when something, such as a power line, adds in unwanted voltage
to your signal. Dispersion is when the signal broadens it time and may blend in with the next
signal. Latency happens when there is a long delay due to the data being forwarded through a
lot of devices. Jitter happens when the clock at the source is not synchronized with the clock at
the destination.
What is a collision? What does it due to the data?
A collision happens when two source computers sense that they can transmit at the same time
thus putting two signals on one wire at the same time. This destroys the data bit by bit. After
this, all computers sense that a collision has occurred and wait a specified amount of time until
they can retransmit.
What is encoding?
Encoding is turning binary data into something real such as electrical or light impulses that can
be transmitted across a network.
True or False? In full duplex mode, both sides can talk at a time.
Why are the Wires in Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable twisted?
To promote cancellation.
Does STP or UTP provide more resistance to outside interference?
True or False? Coaxial Cable involves the use if light to send the signal?
False, only fiber-optic cable uses light impulses.
Core and Cladding refer to parts of what type of cable?
Fiber Optic.
What is the typical termination for Cat 5 UTP?
The R-J 45 Connector.
What is the difference between circuit-switched and packet-switched technologies?
In a Circuit-Switched Network, such as the old telephone system, a circuit is maintained for the
duration of communication. In a packet-switched network each piece contains enough
information to be routed to its destination independent of the other pieces.
Define collision domain.
A collision domain is the area within a network where packets originate and collide.
What does the four repeater rule state?
The four repeater rule states that you can not have more than 4 repeaters or hubs between any
two communicating computers on your network.
What is segmentation?
Segmentation is the process of dividing the network into domains using devices such as a bridge.
What is the maximum length of Cat 5 UTP
100 Meters.
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
Convert 24032 into Hex.
5DE0. (See 6.2.3 for instructions)
Convert 3F4B into decimal.
16,203. (See 6.2.4 for instructions)
Why do computers need MAC addresses?
Giving a computer a MAC address gives it a specific name that no other computer in the world
has so that it can be identified. Imagine trying to get someone’s attention if they had no name.
Why are IP addresses necessary since there are MAC addresses?
IP addresses are beneficial because they are hierarchical. Instead of giving a computer the next
available address like MAC addressing does, IP allows the network administrator to assign the
computer a more meaningful number. This is helpful in organizing large networks.
Discuss the two parts of MAC Addresses.
A Media Access Control Address is 48 Bits in length and is made up of two parts. One part, the
Organizational Unique Identifier is 24 Bits long and is the number assigned to the manufacturer.
The next 24 bits are vender assigned.
Are MAC addresses written in Decimal, Hex, or Binary?
What are the two common speeds for Token Ring Networks?
4 or 16 Megabits Per Second.
The IEEE divides the Data Link Layer into two sub-layers. What are they?
MAC Sub-layer, Logical Link Control (LLC) Sub-layer.
What is an FCS Field? What is its purpose?
A Frame Check Sequence Field is a field that contains a number calculated by the source and
recalculated by the destination that helps ensure the integrity of the data.
True or False? Ethernet was first developed in Alaska.
False. Hawaii
Is Ethernet deterministic or non-deterministic? How about Token Ring?
Ethernet is non-deterministic. Token Ring is deterministic which means there are no collisions.
What does the IEEE 802.5 refer to? What does the IEEE 802.3 refer to?
802.5 refers to Token Ring. 805.3 refers to Ethernet.
What are the fields in a Token Ring Frame?
Start Delimiter, Access Control, Frame Control, Destination Address, Source Address, Data,
Frame Check Sequence, End Delimiter, Frame Ststus.
True or False? In a Token Ring Network you can NOT give certain users a priority rating so that they
can access the network more frequently.
What type of encoding is used in FDDI?
4B5B. Every Four bits of data are transmitted as a five bit code.
How is FDDI like Ethernet? How is it like Token Ring?
FDDI specifies 100 mbps connections like 100 base-t Ethernet. It uses Token Passing like Token
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
What type of media is not susceptible to EMI?
Fiber Optic because it relies on light rather than electricity to transmit the signal.
What are the fields of an Ethernet Frame?
Preamble, Start of Frame Delimiter, Destination Address, Source Address, Type, Date, Frame
Check Sequence.
Describe Manchester Encoding.
In Manchester Encoding, a zero is a high to low voltage transition, and a one is a low to high
voltage transition.
What are two reasons to segment your LAN?
To achieve more bandwidth per user, and to shrink collision domains.
Is a window size of 1 or 3 a more efficient use of bandwidth?
A window size of 3 is more efficient because it only requires acknowledgements for every three
packets received.
Since multi-mode fiber is faster that single mode fiber why would you generally not want to use it to
connect a network between buildings?
Because single mode fiber can run much longer distances without having to be repeated.
How many wiring closets should you have in a 3 floor building.
Three closets. One Main Distribution Facility (MDF) on the middle floor, and an Intermediate
Distribution Facility (IDF) on each of the other floors.
What does the One Hand Rule state?
You should only touch things with one hand so that if they have live power running through
them you will not complete the circuit and be killed.
What is a UPS?
That place where you ship packages. Duh! Really, an Uninterruptible Power Supply provides
temporary battery backup for computers, networks, or anything else that plugs in.
What is a surge? What cheap device protects you against surges?
A surge is when the voltage on your line is above 110 percent of the normal voltage. A surge
Protector can protect you from surges and should be attached to all computer equipment.
What are brownouts? Sags?
A brownout is where less than 80 percent of the normal voltage is present on your line. A sag is
simply a brownout that lasts less than one second.
What is oscillation?
Oscillation, also referred to as harmonics, is where there is unnecessary or unwanted noise on
the power line.
What is the most important thing to do when working in walls or ceilings?
Make sure that the power is turned off.
What is the thing that you plug the RJ-45 into called? What tool do you need to make it?
A Punch Down Block, A Punch Down Tool.
What is the color order for the Cat 5 cables we made in class?
White-Orange, Orange, White-Green, Blue, White-Blue, Green, White-Brown, Brown.
What is the proper name for a diagram that shows where the cable runs are located called?
A cut sheet.
Review Sheet Copyright 2001 Kyle P. Shumaker, S.C.S.S. Licensed to Mike Richter 2001
True or False? You can route Cat 5 UTP in the same raceway as power cables to save time and money?
If air is circulated in the area you are running cable you need to use _______ cable.
When is it okay to wall mount cable using staples?
When you route cable in a visible area should you use a gutter raceway or a decorative raceway?
A decorative raceway because it will look nicer.
According to Cisco, 70% of network problems are a result of what OSI Layer?
Layer 1 – The Physical Layer. This means that you should troobleshoot starting at this layer and
moving up the layers accordingly.
Sequencing refers to…
Putting the correct wire in the correct spot.
What is the difference between Cat 5 and Cat 5 E.?
Enhanced Cat 5 is faster. (350 Megahertz.)
Which layered model does the Internet most closely resemble?
The TCP/IP Model.
What is the fastest Network Connection Available?
OC-192 @ 9952 Mbps.
What is the Cisco Router Operating System Called?
IOS or Internetwork Operating System.
What type of messages are received by all computers on a network?
Broadcast Messages.
True or False? You should wear long pants and long sleeves to protect yourself while laying cable?
Have you heard of the Cisco Torture Lab? What is it?
Are Mr. Richter and Mr. Vue good instructors?
If I have to tell you that the answer to this is yes than you need more help than this review can
provide you. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINAL