KSSHLN Standards for

KSSHLN Standards for
Inter-Library Document
October 2012
(Annual Review)
2. Responsibilities of the Requesting Library
2.1 Selection of locations
2.2 Response times
2.3 Libraries unable to process requests
Making journal requests
Making book requests
3. Responsibilities of the Supplying Library
3.1 Supplying items
3.2 Requests which cannot be satisfied
Electronic Journals
Responsibility for loss or damage
Responsibilities to readers
Responsibilities to the network
Reciprocal sharing with SWIMS
Further Information
This document specifies standards for document delivery (books and photocopies) between
KSSHLN members and outlines the responsibilities of both requesting and supplying
The KSSHLN network embraces health care libraries based in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The
libraries included in the network participate in free, reciprocal resource sharing.
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012
2.1 Selection of locations
a) Use libraries within the KSSHLN network before using libraries in other networks.
b) Bear in mind that some libraries are not staffed each day, and will therefore take longer to
c) Avoid using libraries which have indicated that they will have trouble providing a prompt
2.2 Response times
a) Under normal circumstances a library will respond to an inter-library request within 24
hours of receipt or the next working day.
b) Libraries that are not staffed full time will respond within five working days.
2.3 Libraries unable to process requests
a) Libraries which are temporarily closed, insufficiently staffed or where stock is temporarily
unavailable should alert KSS via e-mail (ksshealth@libraryservices.nhs.uk) with details
and remember to send another e-mail when the library is functioning normally.
2.4 Copyright
Printed journals and books are subject to copyright legislation and licences, whilst electronic
books and journals are subject to publisher licences.
In all cases below, permissions apply only to materials owned by the supplying library.
Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
a) A library may supply to another library (for private study or non-commercial research)
a single copy of an article from an issue of a journal or up to 5% or a single chapter of
a book, whichever is greater.
b) A temporary copy (e.g. fax or scan) may be made for transmission purposes only. It is
recommended that the following wording, or similar, accompany an article that has
been scanned for transmission.
“Article attached as requested. This article has been scanned for transmission
only. Please print article & delete file immediately. Do not save or forward.”
c) It is the responsibility of the requesting library to ensure that a signed declaration form
is obtained and retained for the required period and that payment has been received
(a budget funding stream is acceptable).
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012
CLA Licence for NHS England (NHSE)
a) The CLA Licence for NHSE for the supply of paper and digital copies covers most printed
journals and books for “Authorised Persons”.
b) Authorised Persons are those employed by NHSE, consultant or agency workers,
students on placement, and any library providing library services to the Licensee (e.g.
University libraries which are members of NULJ).
c) A patient, parent or guardian may receive a single paper copy of licensed material. The
term “consultants” also includes members of a Designated Committee (of up to 25
people) who is not otherwise an Authorised Person
d) For paper copies to be made under the terms of the CLA licence the original must
be owned by the NHS.
e) Digital copies may be made (scanned) from all print works published in the UK and other
countries with which the CLA has agreed a “Digital Repertoire Exchange” as listed on:
http://cla.co.uk . This includes publishers whose main address is outside the UK and EC
but who have a UK or EC address.
Digital copies may also be made from works published in the US by publishers on the list
of Participating Digital Material Publishers except Excluded Works and works in any
Excluded Category:
f) Any Authorised Person is entitled to receive a scan or digital copy providing these copies
are sent and accessed through the organisation’s network, NHSnet or other internal email system via a secure login process which verifies their authority. The scanned copy
may not be stored on a server or posted to an intranet or the internet. When scanned
copies are supplied by e-mail to other libraries it is recommended that the following
statement is included:
“This item is being supplied under the terms of the NHS CLA Licence, and must not be
placed on an intranet or internet site.”
Ejournals and Ebooks
These are not covered by Copyright Law or the CLA licence but by contract with the
publisher. E-journals and e-books that have been purchased centrally, at national or SHA
level, may generally be used for ILL purposes. This is not always the case for locally
purchased e-resources and therefore libraries may decline to supply copies from these.
2.5 Making journal requests
a) Requests should be made using the Workflows LMS ILL module. When selecting locations
check holdings, as well as titles, to make sure that the locations you approach have the
journal for the dates that you require. Please check that the reference provided is correct.
b) Include up to 4 locations per request. If the location is outside KSS indicate the network
used e.g. SWIMS, NULJ etc.
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012
c) Do not send more than 3 requests to any one location per day.
d) Do not request more than two articles from any one journal issue for NHS readers from
an NHS or HEI library or no more than one article from any one journal issue for other
readers and from other types of library. Although the NHS CLA Licence allows the
photocopying of “any number of articles from a themed issue” for Authorised Persons, it is
unfair to expect other libraries to copy more than two articles from an issue (the library
may be prepared to lend the whole issue, but this is at their discretion).
e) Do not request multiple copies of single items. Although Authorised Persons are entitled
to multiple copies of a single item under the NHS CLA Licence, it is unfair to expect other
NHS or HEI libraries to supply multiple copies (and other libraries cannot do this). Under
the NHS CLA Licence you may photocopy from the copy as long as the NHS has
purchased the source document. Alternatively the source library may be prepared to lend
the whole issue, but this is at their discretion.
f) Do not request articles that you are able to access from national and regional full text
resources without good reason, e.g. server down.
g) Use the telephone for urgent requests. Telephone requests should be recorded on the
Workflows LMS for statistical purposes.
h) Every effort should be made to send a full and accurate reference. Sources for verifying
citations include HDAS, Google Scholar and PubMed Citation Matcher. The supplying
library has the right to return unclear or inaccurate requests.
2.6 Making book requests
Libraries should make book requests within KSS using the Workflows LMS and the “holds”
procedure. Libraries should use KSS libraries before making requests to other networks to
satisfy book requests. When placing requests to libraries outside KSS, the WorkFlows Artel
Module should be used to facilitate the collection of statistical data.
Supplying items
a) Requests should be processed as soon as possible (see 2.2 Response times).
b) Photocopies may be single or double-sided, and made on A4 or A3 paper, and should be
clear, clean and properly collated.
c) Scanned copies should be consistent throughout the document. Pages should be
oriented the same way for ease of printing.
d) For copyright and referencing purposes, photocopies must include the source of
publication. In the case of copying chapters or sections from books please include
identifying information, e.g. a copy of the front and back of the title page.
e) Supply copies by the quickest and most cost-effective means available.
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012
f) Items should be sent in secure, protective and clearly addressed packaging. Please
ensure that barcoded items are clearly marked with your library prefix.
Requests which cannot be satisfied
a) Forward the request immediately to the next location on the list, regardless of network
scheme, unless a) there is a problem with the reference, or b) there are no other
locations. In both cases, the request should be returned immediately to the requesting
library, with an explanatory note. Requests with faulty references must be returned to the
requesting library; do not send these requests to the next location on a list.
b) If a request that is URGENT cannot be supplied, notify the requesting library of this
a) The situation regarding provision of inter-library copies of articles from full-text electronic
journals is dependent on individual publisher licence agreements. Accordingly, librarians
may be unable to supply copies from e-journals to fulfil network requests.
a) Given the costs involved in raising invoices network libraries should not invoice each
other in respect of lost or overdue items. In the interests of good network relations the
library responsible for the loss of a book should offer to replace it:
the supplying library for any loss during transit to the requesting library
the requesting library for any loss while the item is on loan to readers and
during transit back to the supplying library.
If the supplying library considers the title to be rare, valuable or heavy, but is still prepared to
lend, the item should be sent – and returned – by Recorded Signed For or Special Delivery.
The supplying library should make this clear to the requesting library.
It is recommended good practice to ensure that readers are informed if there is likely to be a
delay in satisfying their request, or if for any reason their request cannot be satisfied.
Network member libraries must:
a) Treat all request forms as confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
b) Maintain statistics of items requested and supplied via the network.
c) E-mail the KSS list (ksshealth@libraryservices.nhs.uk) giving the dates that they will be
unable to process inter library requests. Remember to send another e-mail when the
library is fully functioning.
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012
d) Try to resolve any particular difficulties in supply with the library involved. Notify the
KSSHLN JILDDG representatives about any unresolved or general problems, and with
any suggested improvements to the operation of the scheme. Please consult the
KSSHLN JILDDG representatives prior to sending general e-mails about the KSSHLN
scheme to the regional mailing list.
e) Inform the KSS Library & Knowledge Services Team, Tunbridge Wells about changes to
library contact details, staffed opening times and fax/email preferences.
f) Ensure that all library staff are familiar with the contents of this document.
g) The JILDDG will meet annually to review this document or if there is a major need to
revise the document e.g. changes to copyright legislation.
a) SWIMS (South West Information Management System) includes health care libraries in
Avon, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, the Channel Islands, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset,
Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Milton Keynes, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire,
Somerset and Wiltshire.
b) KSSHLN libraries may approach SWIMS libraries for copies on a second resort basis, i.e.
after KSSHLN locations have been exhausted. SWIMS libraries may approach KSSHLN
libraries on the same basis.
c) To search the SWIMS catalogue of journals and books go to:
http://www.ksslibraries.nhs.uk/catalogues/ and follow the link to the SWIMS catalogue.
c) The SWIMS network include libraries which charge, are permanent/temporary last resort
and libraries which do not provide interlending services outside the SWIMS network. A list
of these “last resort libraries” can be found by following the link “SWIMS last resort
libraries” at:
d) Libraries in either network may approach libraries in the other network to borrow books,
but this should be agreed in advance between the libraries in question.
Please see the KSSHLN web page and links at: http://www.ksslibraries.nhs.uk/ill/
For further information regarding the protocol, copyright or general inter-library issues please
contact the KSSHLN JILDDG representatives:
 Sharon Springham (sharon.springham@bsuh.nhs.uk or 01273 523300)
 Julie Stoppani
(julie.stoppani@medway.nhs.uk or 01634 833849)
 Emma Aldrich
(emma.aldrich@nhs.net or 01622 224647)
 Karen Clements (library@qvh.nhs.uk or 01342 414266)
KSSHLN Joint Inter lending and Document Delivery Group October 2012