INSTRUCTIONS for use of Advertising Submission template Notes are provided in grey and blue to provide guidance about the content for each section Do not change headings or order of document from template format Delete instructions and guide notes prior to completing submission Agency Name ADVERTISING SUBMISSION: CAMPAIGN NAME Suggested page limit for entire submission is approx 10 – 15 pages Agency/Department Overview Include brief overview of all relevant campaigns (of similar issue & topic) approved / planned for the year, strategy and how campaigns will work together and complement each other, please include budget information. CAMPAIGN NAME Campaign need Provide a simple, clear and persuasive reason for the proposed campaign. Why does the campaign need to take place? Outline data and research that informs and supports the need to advertise – eg: declining water levels, consistent crime rates, increase in road toll, proposed new legislation etc.. The Issue: Describe the specific issue to be addressed through the advertising campaign, the size and scope of it and explain why it exists. o Cover any major barriers to addressing the issue and / or opportunities for improving the situation o Data or research findings that help define the issue should be incorporated. Demonstrate how the proposed campaign links to government policies and priorities, and, agency-level results and services targets. List the specific NSW State Priorities the campaign relates to and reference other published government commitments where appropriate. Note - Minister/s can also set additional priorities/targets and these can be included in the submission. What would be the consequences of the campaign not taking place? Previous related campaigns (if relevant): Brief summary of previous/repeat campaign (ie. when it was developed, channels used etc) Inclusion of the following table highlighting the effectiveness of the campaign and how it achieved its objectives to justify any repeat approach. Relevant graphs or charts should be included to further demonstrate effectiveness. Previous objectives Objective 1 – xxxxxxxxxxx Measurement of goals Achievement of goals - Objective 1 has been measured - xx% awareness / increase in by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx numbers etc…This is an increase/decrease on the original objective. Campaign objectives Outline the clear SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals of the advertising campaign [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 2 / 7 Objectives should be concise, achievable and include targets and benchmarks. Each objective needs to be single minded, specific, unambiguous and relevant to the campaign messaging. Example: Objective 1: Increase water levels by X % in Y months. Current level (dated) is Z%. Campaign timing List proposed campaign dates Provide a rationale behind selection of campaign dates – eg: to avoid school holidays, support Police operations, coincide with new legislation etc.. If the proposed timing impacts on cost effectiveness or likely availability of media, the rationale must address this. Are the proposed dates critical, preferable or flexible? Target audience Demonstrate a clear understanding of the target audience and why it is selected. Be succinct and clear. Should be consistent with the media strategy and creative approaches proposed. Include appropriate demographic, geographic and qualitative information correctly sourced – eg: target audience attitudes & insights, awareness, behaviours, compliance levels etc. Have you considered ethnic and Indigenous communities as part of your target audience? Provide information to support targeting particular communities or if you are not targeting them, why not? Ensure this is a considered approach, supporting evidence must be supplied to demonstrate a full understanding (eg: Census / Roy Morgan data). All agencies must outline how they will comply with the CALD advertisement requirements of the Premier’s Memoranda 98-06 and 98-17. Creative approach Describe how the proposed creative idea will achieve the campaign objectives and align with the target audience. Focus should be on the creative strategy rather than describing the proposed concepts. Outline the relevance of the creative idea to the target audience and how it will effectively achieve the campaign objectives. If relevant, outline the various executions targeting specific audiences (ie: primary/secondary) Creative concepts should be tested. Results to be outlined and any relevant insights included. Note past experience and / or other campaigns which have influenced the proposed concepts. Has a similar and successful campaign run elsewhere? Has the option of utilising their creative been explored in order to achieve cost savings? If relevant, include details of the ethnic and Indigenous creative strategy [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 3 / 7 If the same (or similar) creative has been used before – include information as to the continuing effectiveness of the materials and indicate any signs of wear-out. Final creative concepts/executions to be included as separate attachments. These must include appropriate NSW Government branding. Note: Evidence must be available to substantiate all claims made in the advertisements. Media strategy Proposed media activity should be described in detail, how it will achieve the campaign objectives and align with the target audience. Media consumption graphs for the target audience(s) to be included – source all research / information eg: Roy Morgan etc. Provide a rationale and demonstrate a clear justification for each media choice made. Outline how each medium supports the campaign objectives, the creative approach, as well as the relevance of the media selection to the target audience. Each medium should have a clear target and the media buy should align to the target audience. Reach and frequency goals should be defined and cost efficiencies demonstrated. If relevant, include details of the ethnic and Indigenous media strategy. Outline other media options considered and why they were disregarded. Channel Rationale Note past experience, learnings and / or other campaigns which have influenced / added to your media strategy. If the same (or similar) media strategy has been used before – demonstrate its effectiveness. Consideration should be given to monitoring media activity and adapting media plan if underperforming. Annual campaigns – if actual media plans are not available, indicative plans should be provided. Media plan to be included as a separate attachment Supporting activity Include all non-advertising communications activity planned to support and extend the campaign which provides context to the wider communications / marketing strategies. All social media, digital elements (apps, websites etc.), direct marketing, PR and community engagement activity to be included. Campaign evaluation Describe how you plan to measure your stated objectives and determine whether the campaign is successful i.e the planned approach to campaign evaluation. Measuring campaign effectiveness does not always require formal research, however it must be clear how and when you will evaluate. [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 4 / 7 Inclusion of the following table: Campaign objectives Measurement of objectives Timing of measurement Eg. Campaign tracking and Include specific months,. ie: end evaluation. of first phase (June..), end of Eg: Digital measurements campaign (Dec..). More frequently (from ‘Objectives’ section) Objective 1 – xxxxxxxxxxx for digital measurements Budget The advertising campaign budget and research costs (ex GST) need to be provided in the template format. Committed funds are those that would be lost should the campaign not proceed. Non-committed funds are budgeted for but unallocated. Campaign element Committed $ Not Committed $ Totals $ RESEARCH & EVALUATION Pre campaign research Evaluation TOTAL % of campaign total CREATIVE Creative development Television production Print production Radio production Out of home production Install/Production Digital production Ethnic media production Other production (Direct marketing etc..) Fees (Account management etc..) TOTAL % of campaign total MEDIA TV (ex ethnic) TV Online / Catch Up TV Print (ex ethnic) Radio (ex ethnic) Out of home Digital (ex ethnic) Ethnic TV Ethnic TV % (of total TV) Ethnic print Ethnic print % (of total print) Ethnic radio Ethnic radio % (of total radio) Ethnic digital Ethnic digital % (of total digital) Other (Direct marketing etc..) Service Fees (Planning, Buying, Monitoring, Ad serving etc..) TOTAL [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 5 / 7 % of campaign total ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN TOTAL If relevant, reference cost savings to be achieved through early booking of media. Provide information as to the source of funding eg: NSW Government, Federal Government, Industry etc.. Outline if campaign budget has been reduced or maintained from the previous year’s approved budget (if applicable). Please provide costs associated with supporting activity (ex GST) for full transparency Element Committed $ Not Committed $ Totals $ Website App Other TOTAL Risk Management Potential advertising risks and related management strategies should be outlined here. Please provide in table format – list the risks and proposed management strategies for each one. Include any risks associated with social media, creative wear-out, campaign timings, cost effective media buy, operations, potential resourcing etc. Stakeholder Consultation Overview of relevant stakeholders, how they have been consulted and their involvement in the campaign. List all stakeholders consulted and engaged Provide details of any relevant insights or actions as a result of consultation If relevant, detail which stakeholders are more involved than others Exemption Requests: If you are not complying with certain NSW Government Advertising Policy requirements (for example: targeting ethnic and Indigenous communities or using NSW Government branding on creative materials), an application for exemption must be provided as an appendix at the back of your submission for each exemption request. Please note, general exemptions to policy requirements will not be granted. Exemption requests must demonstrate benefits in terms of community access to information, agency commercial imperatives, effective delivery of the message and value for money. Supporting evidence must be provided. For further details, please reference the NSW Government Advertising Handbook. All exemption requests should be referenced within the submission, ie: CALD audiences to be considered in target audience, and branding requirements to be considered in creative strategy. To be attached to this submission: Media plan and creative concepts. CONTACT DETAILS [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 6 / 7 Campaign manager Job title Phone number Email [Agency Name] – [Campaign Name] advertising submission Page 7 / 7