Biodiversity National Mexico Name of Assessment Natural capital of Mexico: Current knowledge of biodiversity Full Reference Conabio. 2008. Capital natural de México, vol. I: Conocimiento actual de la biodiversidad. Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, México URL Country Mexico Justification/Context of the Assessment Mexico is considered as mega diverse country, in particular Mexican marine ecosystem is classified in agreement to life zones as pelagic (associated to the water column) and benthonic (associated to marine bottom), relating with biotypes (bottoms and sandy littorals, rocky, etc.) and with biocoenosis characteristics (coral reef ecosystems, mangrove, etc.). In turn, every zone differentiates in coastal (neritic) and marine or oceanic, in respect to continental shelf. The reviewing of ecosystem propose an oceanic research plan that maximize opportunities to collect, administrate and analyze oceanic data, and contemplate ways to share resources and provide the information required for make decisions, using data bases for the use and protection of Mexican seas. Objectives of the Assessment Describe the marine ecosystems as well as the main coastal, insulate and aquatic epicontinental ecosystems of Mexico, which are highlighted by its high sociocultural and environmental diversities. Abstract This document is composed by five sections. First one gives a general landscape about Biogeography and Ecosystems. Second section focus on the species knowledge, that includes chapters about the legal situation for species sampling; the coastal, insular and epicontinetal ecosystems; as well as the marine ecosystems. The chapters are descriptive and provide information about the impact and vulnerability of those ecosystems, priorities, legislation, and future challenges on decision making. Following section includes the genetic variability and its relation as conservation instrument. Last chapters focus on the biodiversity and society. Questions 1. CONABIO 2. CONABIO as editor and authors and reviewers form the different chapters includes the follow Institutions: Bioconservación A. C., Centro Geo, Cibnor, CICESE, CICY, Departamento de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas, Ecosur, Equidad y Sustentabilidad, A.C., Escuela libre de Derecho, IE, INAH, IPN, Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca, Procuraduría Ambiental y del Ordenamiento Territorial del Distrito Federal, Pronatura A. C., Redes por la Diversidad, Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad, A.C, Segob, Semarnat, The Nature Conservancy, UABC, UABCS, UAEH, UAM, UANL, UASLP, UDF, UDG, UMSNH, UNAM, Universidad de Colima, Universidad de Sonora, UV, from Mexico. Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud, from Argentina. Corporación para la Investigación Científica, from Colombia. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, University of Kansas, from USA. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, from Spain. School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, from New Zealand. 3. Mexico is considered as mega diverse country, in particular Mexican marine ecosystem is classified in agreement to life zones as pelagic (associated to the water column) and benthonic (associated to marine bottom), relating with biotypes (bottoms and sandy littorals, rocky, etc.) and with biocoenosis characteristics (coral reef ecosystems, mangrove, etc.). In turn, every zone differentiates in coastal (neritic) and marine or oceanic, in respect to continental shelf. The reviewing of ecosystem propose an oceanic research plan that maximize opportunities to collect, administrate and analyze oceanic data, and contemplate ways to share resources and provide the information required for make decisions, using data bases for the use and protection of Mexican seas. 4. Describe the marine ecosystems as well as the main coastal, insulate and aquatic epicontinental ecosystems of Mexico, which are highlighted by its high sociocultural and environmental diversities. 5. The book is a base line of the biodiversity knowledge of marine ecosystem that includes information about their impact and vulnerability, priorities, legislation, and future challenges on decision making. 6. Mexico 7. National knowledge 8. Published on 2008 9. Rare. 10. Mexican national territory: coastal, neritic and pelagic zones. 11. Legal situation for species sampling, impact and vulnerability of marine ecosystems, gaps of biodiversity knowledge. 12. Bibliographic. 13. Impact and vulnerability, priorities, and future challenges on decision making are based on historical data. 14. Yes, summarized on tables and electronic complementary information. 15. More than 50 specialist researchers from different institutions compiled and valued the information. 16. No. But predictions were suggested. 17. Not specified. 18. Published data. 19. Group of specialist research reviewers. 20. Yes, designed by the advisory committee work. 21. Exact and Social Sciences, management based on ecological data. 22. Not specified 23. 24. No. 25. Yes, by CONABIO. 26. This is a national initiative. 27. There is a special section of research priorities and conservation proposals. 28. Book. 29. Spanish. 30. Summarized on Tables and diagrams. 31. Yes, based on historical information. 32. Yes, settle the basis and future challenges for planning and decision making. 33. Yes, and are proposed as future challenges for planning and decision making. 34. Yes. 35. Yes, the reviewing of ecosystem propose an oceanic research plan that maximize opportunities to collect, administrate and analyze oceanic data, and contemplate ways to share resources and provide the information required for decisions making, using data bases for the use and protection of Mexican seas. 36. Yes, information is summarized with diagrams, tables and pictures are included for an easy knowledge of Mexican ecosystems includes marine, coastal, insular and epicontinetal ecosystems. 37. This is a national assessment. 38. Yes, as general overview. 39. There are strengths in the assessment. 40. -