Earth system, oceans and marine ecosystems under global change Potential members • Colleen Moloney (MA-RE) – Convener • Juliet Hermes (SAEON) – Co-convener • Bjorn Backeberg (NTC) – Writer • Tarron Lamont (DEA) • Grant Pitcher (DAFF) • Ursula Scharler (UKZN) • Pedro Monteiro (CSIR) • Roy van Ballegooyen (CSIR) • Francis Marsac (ICEMASA) • John Field (UCT) • Mike Lucas (UCT) • Tommy Bornman (SAEON) • Francois Engelbrecht (CSIR, Pretoria) • Lorenzo P… (NNMU) • Thando Ndarana (SAWS) Objective: Advance the understanding of the links between fine scale and the large scale for the region Link the local, regional and global scales within and across ecosystems Guiding principles Important principles • What is the geographic advantage that makes us prominent? • What is the scale sensitivity? • How sensitive are the models to scale? • How sensitive are models to the processes included? • How are the systems coupled? Two dimensions: (1) Across physical scales, (2) Across the ecosystem, (3) ocean-land-atmospheric coupling. • End-to-end modeling: Make the link between the earth system and the ecosystem. • Integrate modeling and observations: guiding observations by model based hypotheses. • Need a number of long-term observations platforms across all scales, and need for experiments that cut across all three themes. • Deliver services on a national and local level – operational services • • • Existing infrastructure Fragmented: ships, observational facilities, DST task team to ensure that the infrastructure is made available Global Change Grand Challenge 1. Understanding the ocean as part of a coupled regional system 2. Sustainable coastal development: vulnerability and risks 3. Response of marine ecosystems and ecosystem services to global change 4. Operational capabilities: Marine Science for Society