HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LIMITED PIMPRI, PUNE-411 018 (A Govt. of India Undertaking) OPEN TENDER ENQUIRY FOR SUPPLY FOR FORM-FILL-SEAL MACHINES Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd (HAL), a pioneer in the field of antibiotics in India, is interested to procure Form-fill – Seal machine with the specification enclosed as Annexure –I. Following are broad requirements: a. Quantity required : b. Service : c. d. e. f. g. Capacity Pouch size Filling weight Filling accuracy Product properties : : : : : h. i. Bulk density Packing style : : j. k. Laminate Lamination details : : l. Sealing method : One complete assembly consisting of Form-FillSeal Pouch Packing Machine, Control panel, batch code device, photo mark registration, Suitable for forming pouch & filling antibiotic Powder for agriculture use Minimum 110 pouch / minute 80 mm (width) X 110 mm (length) 6 gms + / - 2% Hygroscopic antibiotic fine powder for agriculture use 0.4 – 0.5 gms / cc 3 sides sealed with folding on one side, sealing at 2 sides on 110 mm side, one sealing at 80 mm side from where powder is filled and fold on 80mm side. There should not be any change in the style on pouch including sealing and fold side. Existing pouch sample can be given if required. Paper poly Aluminum poly 4 poly laminated foil 40 gsm OP Glassine, 75 gauge Poly / 12 micron Al / 150 gauge poly Constant heating system – laminate Bidder to forward offer in two parts i.e. “Technical Bid” & “ Commercial Bid” separately. Technical bid shall conform to the requirements / specifications as per Annexure –I.& bidder shall confirm specification clause by clause as per requirement Bidder shall furnish the following information in addition to the technical specification:1) Detailed list of the users with models and contact details including telephone nos., address & contact person etc. 2) Detailed technical information of machines offered including catalogues, dimensional drawing, mechanism details etc. 3) Information of the company including work experience in the field. Bidder shall fulfill the following conditions:1) Shall be in the business of manufacturing the above machineries for at least 5 years. 2) Shall have installed at least 5 machines of above required capacities. HAL may visit to the works of bidder or where bidder have installed these machines for validation purpose. Bid Submission Interested Bidders fulfilling above conditions are required to submit their offer in two parts i) Technical Bid ii) Commercial Bid. Bidders shall forward technical bid as per the requirements given in Annexure-I and shall forward commercial bid as per the requirement given in Annexure –II in separately sealed envelops clearly superscribing on envelop as “Form-fill-seal machine - Technical Bid” & “Form-fill-seal machine - Commercial Bid”. The technical bid shall not bear any reference to the price. Technical Bid also shall include unprices commercial bid ( without disclosing price only indicating milestone of payments & terms) The bid documents shall be signed by the authorized person and the copy of the authorization letter be annexed with the same. HAL reserves rights to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason thereof. The process of this tender is subject to Indian Laws & jurisdiction shall be Pune court Technical bids will be opened after 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement. HAL may call for further technical details, if necessary, which may be furnished within 10 to 15 days. Financial bids of those parties who are technically suitable / qualified will be opened thereafter. Technical & Commercial Bid as above shall be forwarded in separately sealed covers superscribing “Form-fill-seal machine - Technical Bid” & “Form-fill-seal machine Commercial Bid” to the Office of Dy. Gen.Manager (M&P), Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, Pune 411 018, Tel. No. (020) 27303364, (020) 27425668, Fax no. (020) 27425327 within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement E- mail: mat.hapune@gmail.com, dlacharekar@gmail.com Web site: www.hindantibiotics.gov.in For any technical clarification please contact Dy. Gen.Manager (MTS), Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, Pune 411 018, Tel. No. (020) 27303591, (020) 27425668 E- mail: mts_ hapune@vsnl.net