Health and Rejuvenation Research Center

Epsom Bath Salts.
An effective way to deliver herbs is through the skin. One of the most famous Herbalists of Europe gave
delivered his remarkable Herbal formula through footbaths and an incredibly large number of his patients
were cured. New Zealand Herbals has evolved a unique way of delivering herbal essences through the
medium of magnesium salts in hot foot or body baths. The results can be outstanding and when used along
with the internal remedies profound results can be expected shortening the time needed for recovery and
minimising the amount or volume of herbal dosage over time. These salts are wonderful just for pleasure or
to help you achieve a host of health related issues. Enjoy the wonderful effects of New Zealand Herbals
Crystal salts and have fun!
Magnesium sulfate crystals as MgSO4.7H2O are known as Epsom Salt. When it occurs as a mineral the
deposit is known as epsomite. Epsom salt baths are highly effective in aiding and supporting the body in
detoxing. Epsom salts aid the elimination of waste material from the skin as well as reduce muscular
aches and pains by aiding the elimination of uric acid build-up. Epsom salts support and enhance the
bodies’ immune response by stimulating lymph and blood circulation. We recommend that you use the
bath salts we provide containing medicinal grade Epsom salts and essential oils. Swish about a handful of
the crystals around the bath to help them dissolve. New Zealand Herbals Crystals salts have an
exothermic property (heat producing), which enhances the therapeutic power of the crystals.
Magnesium is essential for the body to be able to use calcium and vitamin C. It helps convert blood sugar in
to useable energy and women who take the birth control pill and anyone drinks alcohol should increase their
magnesium. Magnesium relives indigestion, aids in resisting depression, helps prevent calcium deposits,
kidney stones and gallstones, assists the absorption of calcium but its most noticeable effect is the relief of
muscle spasm and pain.
Epsom salts baths have traditionally been used for persons suffering from muscular and joint conditions such
as rheumatism and arthritis. With Michael J McCammon’s innovative approach very high grade essential
oils are added to high grade Pharmaceutical quality crystals for additional therapeutic effect. Only natural
food dyes are added for colour. Although the therapeutic suggestions sometimes varied for individuals
depending upon the severity of the condition, here are some general guidelines for using these crystal baths.
For pleasure and to enhance healthy skin and bodily health the crystals can be added a handful at a time
to each bath (recommended) even normal bathing in water can deplete your body of the well-known benefits
of magnesium.
In many cases (especially arthritis), Epsom salts baths can be taken alongside a herbal program. (For
example in cases of arthritis using the Mineral Max formula, Muscle and Joint and Thyrogene internally.
For general use :
 Use at least one good handful of the crystals to your bath.
 For more chronic conditions such as arthritis use at least 500 – 780 grams ( the whole jar)
 Be sure to stir the salts thoroughly so they do not remain in a lump at the bottom.
 Start with six to eight inches of water in the tub at about 38.4 – 38.9 degrees Celsius. Be sure to use
your thermometer. Gradually work up to 106 degrees. Gradually add hot water as you immerse
yourself so that you keep the temperature even, and progressively raise the temperature to 41.1 or
42.2 degrees by adding fresh, hot water until the bath is deep enough to cover your back; then soak.
If you are trying to relieve chronic pain, eventually, as you take the baths over a period of time, you
may be able to get the water temperature up to 43.4 –44.5 degrees.
 To relieve pain, you should remain in the tub ten or twelve minutes to start, and gradually increase to
twenty minutes.
 Massage body (especially affected parts) with Epsom Salts solution while body is in bath.
 An ice bag or cold washcloth or sponge to the forehead or back of neck will help you bear the heat.
 DON'T OVERDO - EASY DOES IT. This is a particularly good therapy for stiff joints, muscular pain,
arthritis, and rheumatism; for increasing the metabolism and the work of the heart; and for raising
body temperature and relieving pain.
CAUTION: Epsom-salt baths are contraindicated in cardiovascular or high-blood-pressure
conditions. Ask your doctor, in such a case, whether you may take the bath.
CAUTION: When taking hot baths of all kinds, be sure to have someone nearby in case you are
overcome by dizziness or faintness. It is also best to set a timer for accuracy, for your sense of time
may not be accurate.
Here is a simple procedure for taking Epsom salts hand and foot baths for symptomatic relief of arthritic pain:
 Make a hot Epsom-salt solution, adding about one pound of salts to a basin or bowl, which should be
half full of hot water.
 Soak the hand for five minutes and then massage the fingers and the hand with the other hand
under water and work the fingers and hand, rotating the joints.
 Then soak again for another five or ten minutes.
 After about twenty minutes of soaking take the hands out and massage peanut oil into one,
continuing up the arm.
 Then reverse the hands and repeat.
 This same procedure can be used for the feet.
Types of New Zealand Herbal Crystal salts
1. Relaxation: contains the pure essence of chamomile beneficial for the skin and renowned for its relaxing
2. Cold and Flu: Containing anti- biotic and anti-septic herbs with anti- catarrhal properties. Ideal for winter
colds and flu.
Skin care: Containing pure herbal essences chamomile, lavender and palmerosa for most types of skin
disorders; eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal infections, rashes, itches and scratches or just for toning
normal skin.
Muscle and Joint: Containing the pure essences of herbs renowned for their effects in relieving the pain
and inflammation of muscular aches and pains.
Revitalising: Containing the pure essences of herbs traditionally used for revitalizing a tired and
stressed nervous system. For more energy.
6. Sulfur dip: Skin blemishes, dry lifeless hair, painful muscles
Containing organic sulfur. Many famous hot springs contain sulfur and millions of people all over the
world regularly used the healing sulfur springs for a variety of ailments or just for general well being. All
living matter contains some sulphur; this element is therefore essential for life. The greater part of the
sulphur in the human body is present in the two sulphur-containing amino acids, methionine and
cysteine, or in the double form of the latter cystine. The main purpose of sulphur is to dissolve waste
materials. It helps to eject some of the waste and poisons from the system. It helps keep the skin clear of
blemishes and makes hair glossy. It is also valuable in rheumatic conditions. Deficiency of sulphur may
cause eczema and imperfect development of hair and nails. Sulphur creams and ointments have been
remarkably successful in treating a variety of skin problems.
Jivana Yoga Health Retreat PO Box 143 Greymouth NZ
Ph / Fax 03 768 6102 E - mail copyright M McCammon