Assessment Tasks

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Moderation Portfolio Assessment Tasks
Come and See Spring 2014
The following assessment tasks have been compiled for the Spring term for inclusion in school
portfolios. These will enable
 Schools to produce a moderation portfolio of assessed work using common tasks for Years
One to Six. (An activity is available for Early Years, but this need not be included in the school
 Consistency of levelling locally, at diocesan level, and nationally, across topics and strands
 The collation of exemplars showing secure levels within each strand
It is important to remember that this task only serves as part of the evidence used to support the
‘best fit’ level of attainment achieved by the pupil in this term. The task should be given a straight
level and not sub-levelled. Teachers should award a sub-level to each child at the end of each term
taking into account all their work across that term.
The timetable for assessment work for school portfolios is as follows. Over the next three years, all
strands will be covered.
Christian Living Theme
Church Theme
Sacramental Theme
̴ Loving
Domestic Church
̴ Family
̴ Belonging
Church Theme
Sacramental Theme
Christian Living Theme
Local Church
̴ Community
̴ Relating
̴ Giving
Sacramental Theme
Christian Living Theme
Church Theme
̴ Reconciliation
̴ Serving
Universal Church
̴ World
The tasks this term are based on activities within the Reveal section of Come and See for the
Eucharist topic and have been adapted to meet the focus of AT1ii. While each task is based on one
level, they can be differentiated either by adjustment or by outcome. This is clearly shown for each
task. Driver words are in bold to assist you with the planning and assessment of the task. In the grid
the teacher should highlight the level achieved and add reasons for awarding the level in the
commentary box.
The sheet serves as a cover sheet to the given task. It should be attached to and annotated for each
piece of work in the portfolio. This sheet will be used at diocesan moderation meetings so please
add your school name, badge or crest and the town to the top of each sheet.
Please note that evidence of a pupil’s response can be scribed by an adult if the pupil is unable to
record his/her response independently in written form. Please try to record the pupil’s own words.
Additional note – some of the tasks require further research, particularly
within the higher levels. With this in mind, a set of Background Notes have
been produced to guide teachers and supplement their knowledge.
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Early Years - Gathering - Spring 2014
Working towards Level 1 AT1 ii (with the option of working within Level 1)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Gathering’, pupils learn about – The joy of gathering
together to celebrate at Mass.
Within Focus Week 1 the pupils learn about the Parish family gathering for Mass (p.113/14).
Reception Focus 1/2 based on whole class core input.
Adapt Adult Directed Group Activity 3 from Focus Week 2 (p.115)
Provide pupils with a role play area with suitable props to re-enact procession and welcome.
Take photographs and/or film to provide evidence of the formal assessment.
 The pupils with adult directed support will begin to recognise some elements of how
Christians gather together for Mass (Towards Level 1)
 The pupils will recognise some elements of how Christians celebrate parts of the
Mass (within Level 1)
Learning Objectives
To begin to recognise some religious signs and symbols and/or words and phrases
(towards Level 1)
To recognise some religious signs and symbols and/or words and phrases (within
Level 1)
Level Achieved
Pupils are able to recognise some religious signs
and symbols and/or words and phrases
Within Level 1 AT 1ii
Pupils are beginning to recognise some religious
signs and symbols and/or words and phrases
Towards Level 1 AT 1ii
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Year 1 – Meals – Spring 2014
Level 1 AT1 ii (with the option of Level 2)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Meals’, pupils learn about – Mass as Jesus’ special
Within Learning Focus 2 pupils will learn about – Preparing for the special meal for the
parish family.
Adapt Learning Focus 2, page 118
Provide artefacts in the home corner and use Church’s Story 2 (p.14) to prompt discussion
and ideas, invite the pupils to;
Role-play the Preparation of the altar and the gifts using related words and phrases
(Level 1)
Pupils write (or TA to scribe sentences) (refer to Key Words, p.116) to describe what
is happening (Level 2)
Learning Objectives
To recognise some religious actions and to use some religious words and phrases
related to the Preparation of the Gifts of Bread and Wine (Level 1)
To use some religious words and phrases to describe actions related to the
Preparation of the altar and the gifts (Level 2)
Level Achieved
Pupil has recognised some key words, phrase and
actions (Bread, host, wine, gift, meal, family,
Communion) Level 1 AT1ii
Pupil has used religious words and phrases to
describe what is happening – reference to what
the priest and people are saying and doing, e.g.
blessing of the bread and wine Level 2 AT1 ii
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Year 2 - Thanksgiving - Spring 2014
Level 2 AT1ii(with options of Levels 1 and 3)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Thanksgiving’, pupils learn about – The Eucharist: the
parish family thanks God for Jesus.
Within Learning Focus 2-6 the pupils learn about the parts of the Mass. See Background
Notes on when this task should be carried out - cumulatively over the different Learning Foci
2-6 or at the end of Reveal.
Adapt Learning Focus 2, page 118, Activity 1.
Using Church’s Story 2 or Welcome to the Mass(Pauline Books) pupils sequence the parts of
the Mass. Write a sentence under each picture to describe how the parish family are
celebrating the Eucharist (Level 2).
Pupils sequence in pictures the parts of the Mass recognising some religious actions and
using some religious words and phrases (Level 1).
Using Church’s Story 2 or Welcome to the Mass pupils sequence the parts of the Mass,
describe how the parish family celebrate the Eucharist and give reasons for their actions
(Level 3).
Learning Objectives
• To recognise some religious actions and use some religious words and phrases
related to the celebration of the Eucharist (Level 1)
• To use some religious words and phrases to describe some of the actions and
symbols related to the celebration of the Eucharist (Level 2)
• Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for the religious actions and
symbols used within the celebration of the Eucharist (Level 3)
Level Achieved
(highlight one)
Pupil has sequenced in pictures the parts of
the Mass and recognised and used some of the
words and phrases related to the celebration
of the Eucharist Level 1 AT1ii
Pupil has sequenced the parts of the Mass and
described how the parish family celebrate the
Eucharist Level 2 AT1ii
Pupil has described how the parish family
celebrate the Eucharist and given reasons for
their actions Level 3 AT1ii (See Background
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Year 3 - Listening and Sharing - Spring 2014
Level 2 AT1ii (with the option of Level 3)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Listening and Sharing’, pupils learn about - Listening
to the Word of God and sharing in Holy Communion.
Within Learning Focus 5 the pupils learn about –
Adapt Learning Focus 5, page 127, Activity 2.
Using Church’s Story 3 (pp.60-61), the Background Notes, as well as other resources and
prior learning, pupils write the commentary (or record a voice over) to accompany the
website video clip of the Eucharistic Prayer, using religious words and phrases to describe
the actions and symbols within the Eucharistic Prayer (Level 2)
Using Church’s Story 3 (pp.60-61), the Background Notes , as well as other resources and
prior learning, pupils write the commentary (or record a voice over) to accompany the
website video clip of the Eucharistic Prayer, giving reasons for the actions and symbols
involved (Level 3).
Learning Objectives
 To use religious words and phrases to describe some of the actions and symbols
used within the Eucharistic Prayer (Level 2)
 To use religious words and phrases to give reasons for the actions and symbols
related to and used within the Eucharistic Prayer (Level 3)
Level Achieved
(highlight one)
Pupil has used religious words and phrases to
describe some of the actions and symbols
within the Eucharistic Prayer Level 2 AT1ii
Pupil has given reasons for the actions and
symbols involved within the Eucharistic Prayer
Level 3 AT1ii
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Year 4 - Giving and Receiving - Spring 2014
Level 3 AT1ii (with the option of Level 2)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Giving and Receiving’ the pupils learn about –The
Eucharist challenges and enables living and growing in communion.
Within Learning Focus 4 and 5 the pupils learn about – the Communion Rite - as this is only
part of the liturgy it is not possible to fully access Level 4 (an understanding of the whole
Mass is required).
Using Learning Focus 4 and 5, pp129-31 and the Background Notes
Read God’s Story 3 page 143 and watch the video clip on-line.
Pupils prepare a script/commentary to accompany the video clip.
Pupils use religious words and phrases to describe the actions and symbols used during the
Communion Rite, giving reasons for these (Level 3)
Pupils use religious words and phrases to describe the actions and symbols used during the
Communion Rite (Level 2)
Learning Objectives
To use religious words and phrases to describe religious actions and symbols related to the
Communion Rite (Level 2).
To use religious words and phrases to give reasons for some actions and symbols related to
the Communion Rite (Level 3)
Level Achieved
(highlight one)
Pupil has described religious actions and
symbols related to the Communion Rite using
religious words and phrases Level 2 AT1ii
Pupils has used a developing religious
vocabulary to describe the actions and symbols
used during the Communion Rite, giving
reasons for these Level 3 AT1ii
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Year 5 - Memorial Sacrifice - Spring 2014
Level 4 AT1ii (with the options of Levels 2 and 3 )
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Memorial Sacrifice’, pupils learn that the Eucharist keeps the
memory of Jesus’ sacrifice alive and present in a special way.
Within Learning Focus 1 pupils remember the Passover.
Adapt Learning Focus 1, page 121, Activity 1 and using the Background Notes
 Pupils write a script to prepare for a local TV interview about Passover describing some
religious actions and symbols that take place during the celebration.
(Level 2)
 Pupils write a script to prepare for a local TV interview about Passover giving reasons for the
actions and symbols used during the celebration. (Level 3)
 Pupils write a script to prepare for a local TV interview about Passover: what happens
during the Passover meal and why, the significance of the signs and symbols used and the
importance of Passover for Jewish people. (Level 4)
Learning Objectives
 To describe some religious actions and symbols that take place during the Passover
celebration. (L2)
 To give reasons for the actions and symbols used during the celebration of Passover (L3)
 To use religious terms to show an understanding of the Passover (L4)
Level Achieved
(highlight one)
Pupil has described some religious actions and
symbols that take place during the Passover
celebration Level 2 AT1ii.
Pupil can give reasons for the actions and symbols
used during the celebration of Passover Level 3
Pupil can use religious terms to show an
understanding of the Passover. Level 4 AT1ii
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Year 6 - Unity - Spring 2014
Level 4 AT1ii (with the option of Levels 2 and 3)
Name of pupil:
During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Unity’ pupils learn about how - The Eucharist challenges and
enables the Christian family to live and grow in communion every day.
As this is only part of the liturgy it is not possible to fully access Level 4 (an understanding of the
whole Mass is required) but rather to show evidence of working within Level 4.
Within Learning Focus 6, the pupils’ learn about – Holy Communion
Adapt Learning Focus 6, Activity 2 (page 145) and use Background Notes.
Pupils create a section for a Holy Communion preparation programme:Design and prepare the section which describes and outlines what happens during Holy Communion
and why, the significance of the signs and symbols used and the importance of Holy Communion to
Catholics. (Within Level 4)
Within the section give reasons for the words and actions used (Level 3).
Using words and pictures in the section describe what happens in Holy Communion
(Level 2)
[In order to progress to Level 5 a pupil would need to describe and explain the meaning and purpose
of the Eucharist, which requires a much more detailed knowledge and depth of understanding.]
Learning Objectives
 To use religious words and phrases to describe what happens in Holy Communion (Level 2)
 To use religious words and phrases to give reasons for the religious actions and symbols
used in Holy Communion (Level 3)
 To show an understanding Holy Communion, giving reasons for the actions and symbols
used and making links to scripture, what Catholics believe and how they should act (Within
Level 4).
Level Achieved
(highlight one)
Pupil can use religious words and phrases to
describe what happens in Holy Communion Level 2
Pupil can use religious words and phrases to give
reasons for the religious actions and symbols used
in Holy Communion Level 3 AT1ii
Pupil can use religious terms to display a deeper
understanding of the various elements, symbols,
actions and words involved within Holy
Communion, making links to scripture, what
Catholics believe and how they should act Within
Level 4 AT1ii