Quick Facts [] - Sage Holistic Pet Foods

Sage Holistic Pet Foods
Nutritional Wisdom for Optimal Health
www.sagepetfoods.com Qualicum Beach B.C 250 954-5744
Poor liver function can cause chronic constipation.
Not all diuretics for cleansing replace potassium and lost minerals.
As well as Omega 3’s Flaxseed provides useful lubrication, protecting and reducing
inflammation of mucous membranes throughout the urinary and digestive tract.
Sage, Rosemary, Turmeric all help prevent food spoilage and have anti cancer anti tumor
properties. Support blood sugar processes, helps with Yeast/ fungal infections, anti
inflammatory properties, aid digestion.
Sea vegetables, a rich source of essential minerals and trace minerals, Chlorophyll, iodine,
essential fatty acids and Vitamins. Convert heavy metals in the body to harmless salts
excreted in urine, Japanese scientists found effective in treatment of Tumors. Provide
optimum nutrition for the thyroid.
Fermentation not only preserves nutrients, it breaks them down into more easily digestible
forms. Breaks down complex proteins into readily digestible amino acids, improves bio
availability of minerals present in foods. Fermentation also creates new nutrients. Generates
copious amounts of ingredients like superoxide -dismutase, GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor)
chromium, detoxifying compounds like glutathione, phospholipids, digestive enzymes and
beta1-3 compounds. Removes toxins from foods. Natural sugars, Nitrites, prussic acid,
oxalic, Phytic acid, nitrosamines and glucosides are some other potentially toxic chemicals
found in foods that ca be reduced or eliminated by fermentation.
Eating fermented foods alive is an incredible healthy practice, directly supplying the
digestive tract with living cultures essential to breaking down foods and assimilating
nutrients. Micro-biota (formerly known as micro-flora ) prevent disease because they
compete with potential pathogens for receptor sites at the mucosal cell surfaces of the
intestines and proposes a treatment strategy of eco-immuno-nutrition. It recognized that an
organisms immune function occurs in the context of an ecology, an ecosystem of different
microbial cultures, and that it is possible to build and develop that cultural ecology in the
intestine through diet. Quite an awesome array of medical studies have identified specific
anti cancer and other diseases preventing properties in fermented food. The literature all
reaffirms the idea that organisms of fermentation play a role in protecting the body, as
organisms among organisms from disease. Micro organisms also teach the immune system
how to function. The immune system organizes itself through experience just like the brain.
Health and Homeostasis require the coexistence with micro organisms.
[Quick Facts]
Glutothione in animals is absorbed into the blood from the small intestine. It has it’s own
anti oxidant properties and destroys free radicals independently of the Peroxidase
connection. It attaches to toxins rendering them water soluble and excretable. Given all this
it stands to reason that higher levels of glutathione in the blood should correlate with good
health. U. of Michigan also found higher glutathione levels were associated with fewer
illnesses such as Arthritis, Diabetes and Heart Disease. Animal studies also revealed some
interesting data about the chemo protective properties of glutothione. Since glutothione
can be prepared in large amounts by fermentation methods, such supplements are readily
available. Given the raw material the bodies cells is capable of producing glutathione why
not just increase our dietary intake. Studies indicate increased endurance in athlete’s by
reducing free radical damage to muscles.
Super cellular health, #1 influence is EFA’s (essential fatty acids) Omega 3s, in proper ratio
with omega 6 is as important if not more then the amount consumed. If you have more 6
then three you have inflammatory responses happening in the body. Important to consume
an animal and plant based source of Omega’s. Superior Cell health’s top 3 influences, (1)
effective levels of EFA’s, (2) Strong antioxidant support, (3) the right antioxidants.
The 80 / 20 rule of cellular health is 80 percent of a cells health is determine by the health of
the membranes of the cell. This is nutrient (diet/ environment) dependant, not genetics as
was recently believed. Nutritional and mental influences (anti stress and even mindedness)
create the cell environment. In animals this is far less complex an equation, good nutrition
and plenty of exercise, social activity, and love in that order.
Cancers, Brain Tumors, and other inoperable Tumors have support and effective treatment
in the Chinese medicine model. Trained Holistic Veterinarians use Chinese herbal formulas,
energy supporting acupuncture, with a long effective history of treatment. Viewing tumor
tissues and nodules as blood stasis and stagnation. Key treatment is to remove blood stasis.
More complex, but there is hope, and if the animal is not too weakened, can maintain hope
of returning to balance and homeostasis.
Flavonoids act as antioxidant, enhance the immune system, and inhibit enzymes responsible
for metastasis, (the spread of cancer cells through out the body). They prevent cancer
promoting hormones from attaching to normal cells and guard against blood clots. They
help to lower risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as breast cancer by blocking the
enzymes that make estrogen. They also help protect against heart disease and stroke,
regulate the enzymes that control cell division, modify allergic reactions, reduce capillary
fragility and enhance the function of vitamin C in the body. Flavonoids are found in many
foods including apples, blueberries, cranberries and flaxseeds.