BIRCHWOOD SURGERY PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 25th November 2013 Present: Giovanna Silverio (Chair), Brian Marshall (Secretary) Keith Adams, Jackie Sayers, Peter Wenman, Barbara Brogan, John Brogan, Katrina Skarsten, Rina Hensman, Dr Rob Graham, Dr Frank Raymond Apologies: Brenda Woodward, Sergio Silverio, Emma Fernandes, Katherine West. Resignation: Judy Hersey. 1. Minutes of the 21st October 2013 meeting. Dr Ana was present and not Dr Ali. 2. Matters arising/Outstanding actions. a) Current membership. Judy Hersey has resigned. Suggested PPG should have a (relatively) small membership drawn from as wide a range of people as possible. In addition the group could co-opt for the short term to assist with particular topics. Katrina agreed to phone or check e.mail addresses of possible new members. Action: Katrina b) Automatic front doors. The powers-that-be had been approached twice for funding to carry out this improvement but without success. The practice is compliant with disabled access requirements but recognised that they could do better. Automatic sliding doors were considered to be the safest option. The issue would be kept in review in case funding becomes available. The topic will be put in the Patient Survey and the PPG would try to identify possible sources of funding outside the NHS. c) Refurbishment. The Doctors’ rooms have been refurbished plus most of the nurses’ rooms and some flooring. The aim is completion by Christmas. Katrina and Donna were thanked for the work they had put into the project which was well above the call of duty. d) Time Bank. This is essentially a skills exchange organisation for people in the community. Katrina agreed to invite the CVS to a meeting with the Practice. Action: Katrina BSPPG minutes 25 November 2013 1 e) Website. A new Website has recently been delivered which both looked good and was simple to use. The Practice can change the content. After some corrections it was expected the new Website would be operational in the New Year. f) Reception areas. One TV screen was on the blink and needed repairing. If the PPG wanted additional or updated items to be displayed, they should send these as Powerpoint presentations to Katrina e.g. campaigns, Time Bank. g) Newsletter. This is being held until the new Website is up and running, but the PPG liked the first draft. Agreed it should be issued quarterly and in electronic form – a paper issue would be too expensive. Agreed that the Newsletter could be screened in the reception area for patients to read while waiting for their appointment. John agreed to liaise with Katrina on this subject. Action: John/Katrina h) Practice Booklet. Barbara commented that in general the necessary information is in the booklet. Suggested that photographs of the Doctors/Nurses and their sex would be helpful. Some uncertainty as to whether patients, other than new patients, read the booklet and this would be in the Patient Survey. Agreed to keep the booklet as it is at least until after the survey. i) Patient e.mail addresses. Katrina is continuing to try to get patients to register their e.mail addresses when they join the practice and will also encourage existing patients to do this via a notice in Reception. Action: Katrina j) PPG Information Box. It was agreed that a better, more robust box is needed and thought given to the best location for it. Action: Katrina/Giovanna k) Terms of Reference. These were circulated to members present for review at the next meeting. The Confidentiality Agreement should be signed and returned to Katrina. Action: All l) Business/Support Plan for the PPG. This is with the Practice for consideration. m) Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection. No further information was available. The Lister had received a ‘by and large’ good report from a recent CQC inspection. 3. Current Campaigns. Leaflets regarding Alcohol Awareness, Keep Warm Stay Well and Getting Home Safely were passed to the Practice. BSPPG minutes 25 November 2013 2 The Doctors had told the CCG that they had no spare capacity to cope with the possible extra housing to be built in Letchworth Garden City The capacity data in the Report was out of date . The PPG could add their concerns if they wished. Giovanna would raise this with the Local Authority Action: Giovanna 4. Patient Survey – January 2014. Katrina asked for input from the PPG. Jackie and Keith agreed to help Katrina with this project. 5. Complaints. There was nothing to report. It would be helpful to get across to patients that their behaviour has to be acceptable to maintain relationships at the highest order. Receptionists should be encouraged to say Good Morning/Afternoon, and smile, which would help to reduce any potential aggression. 6. Open Days. The concept was recognised as helpful but practicality was something else. The Flu’ Jab days were recognised as being helpful as an “Open Day”. 7. Staff Training. In response to earlier suggestions from the PPG, the practice will close from 12.30 to 13.30 each Tuesday for Staff Training. The aim will be to improve the performance of the Surgery. 8. Any Other Business. a) Christmas closures. The surgery will be closed on Christmas, Boxing and New Year’s Day and this information , plus which Pharmacies will be open, will be displayed shortly. b) Childrens’ books. Sally Orr will continue to keep the Childrens’ books up to date. c) Individual skills/experience. Members are asked to give a brief resume of these at the next meeting. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: MONDAY 13TH JANUARY 2014At 7.00 PM THE MEETING WILL CONCENTRATE ON THE PATIENT SURVEY. BSPPG minutes 25 November 2013 3